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Congrats to you in Washington State


Organic Dank Land
My first post here, but FINALLY common sense has won!

hehe, well welcome to the site man, glad your state can think with their heads on right.

its about time to see this happen, hope to see everybody folow suit, or the fed make it legal for all


I see total decrim in 4 years, after the next election, and total legalization with regulation soon after that

OR will be drooling over them lost tax dollars

for once OR residents will be flooding WA, you tax evaders, heh


To Have More ... Desire Less
Initiative 502: Marijuana legalization

Yes 1,056,355


No 848,919


the ACTUAL ... POLL ~ Counts.....passed by 10+%.....
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Congrats Washington, but its not time to start dancing in the streets... its going to be a long ugly fight to keep the rights you voted for last night

Stay strong, keep fighting, you and CO are on course to change American History.


Active member
being from the Seattle area I think this is great. Sadly I am no longer there. There is one thing that worries me about the WA law and the feds. Setting up state run cannabis shops puts the WA government in the position of saying a major "fuck you" to the feds. One can say states rights all they want but there really aren't any states rights. My basis for this statement is that the feds hold the purse strings and dont give a shit about popular opinion. I'm no Einstein but when the feds say "do what ya want, but no more federal money" we will see what happens. I think CO approved a more practical law that basically if i understand it correctly says what you do at home is none of our business. If you wanna grow a plant and smoke it go ahead.
Hopefully the WA law will endure in some form. I wouldn't be surprised it WA evolved to something more like CO.
As far as OR is concerned im guessing it was a badly written law. It was soundly rejected and Oregonians are pot smokers.
i think it's a shit law too, but oh well, it passed. 5 nanograms for a DUI says it all for me. i dont really buy the youtube vid saying i would be below 5nano's in a couple days. but that's neither here nor there anymore. we have a medical card or two, so i can legally grow now. but i would have to charge 25% tax if i sell it now to a dispensary, and worse KEEP FRIKKEN RECORDS OF IT and pay the state every three months! so, i dont sell to dispensaries now, so why bother. and i'm over my 30 plant limit too, so hey, it's legal but i'm still illegal. yippie!

how much pot ya gots ta grow to make back that $1250 license fee? on TOP of equipment and power bills. i am trying to see about growing industrial hemp here now, i live in farm country, but there are NO PLACES TO TAKE IT WHEN YOU HARVEST IT!!!! other than canada. this sucks, feds suck! legalizing makes it tougher to grow and with all the 25% taxes involved, it is going to drive the price of pot waaaay up, not down. with growers making Less, not More.

BUT.... what i would like to do is get my farming buddies to switch from hay to hemp, but if they are willing to, where do i buy enough seeds for 40 acres, and where do i take it? will i get across the canadian border? i should be, it's legal there. i have alot more time ahead of me on google, trying to find out how i am going to get hemp seeds into the u.s. if only there were a tunnel somewhere... or a lake from canada to the u.s. still illegal, where is the good from being legal at? i guess if you are just a smoker and a midnite toker, you can't get popped. that's a good thing. plus it sends a messege to washington d.c. still, this legalization is taking way too fucking long. it's gotta be National.

i AM very glad to see they are dropping all possession charges for under a zip tho! that's fucking awesome!!! maybe this law aint gonna be so bad after all!

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