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Congo started in April

four seasons

I started this congo in april and was put out May 1st.
It is already seven feet and growing.
The hole is one of many dug for my summer Sativa collection.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice hole, no wonder she's 7 ft! :D
In the 3rd shot, looks like she's been recently topped, then the next shots look to be taken later as she's branched out big time! Am I right? :chin:

I certainly hope she's a she! Nice work~ :respect:

four seasons

The picture with it topped was taken late may. The last two pictures were taken a couple of weeks back. I like to get an early start on a few sativas to see there full potential.
These two THSeeds DaPurps were started the same week as the congo.
Very sativa Dom plants. Strange because they are advertised as Indica Dom.
Well see what progresses.


dammmmmm that congo looks like its loving it there! that hole would have taken a bit of effort huh, but all worth it in the end dont ya think? keep it up dude cant wait to see what its like full of BUDS.

peace keke


Well I'll be god damned that's the way to go, that or rather those plants are gonna bomb.I'd be sharpening my scissors already.That Congo is going to be 13 feet tall maybe more....Just guessing, like the wieght of a baby.Nice work and then some, you make me feel kinda small...but hey that's alright, I'll live vicariuosly through that Congo.Please update that thing by Aug 1st? YEAH, BOY!!! Chaco...:joint::joint::joint:

four seasons

thank you.
Its not really getting much taller. The last pictures I posted were taken three weeks ago.
Its already starting to pre-flower. Ill get some recent pictures up soon.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome back four seasons :smile:

it's great to see the development of such beautiful outdoor garden, looks like the congos and others are nicely stablished in the soil, hopefuly we can see some monsters at harvest time. Is the Congo a female? Her outdoor pics show strong congo #3 influence.