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Confronting the Drug Czar


Active member
^taxpayers a break LOL that is not happening at all. california is getting MORE taxes everyday..the marijuana taxes 19 grosses will barely dent the general funds deficit.


Fuck the taxes... this is about our liberty, happiness and the freedom to pursue it. Any grower that votes no on Prop 19 is a fucking traitor and no better than the corporate, fascist pigs that perpetuate prohibition. California needs to make a statement for not only California, but the nation!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Fuck it drives me nuts to watch these drug warriors use statistics that are unquestionably right, however when we use their statistics, all of a sudden these numbers are outdated or incorrect....



I am beginning to think the best political system is that if you are a politician and you get caught lying,spreading mis-truths, or doing anything unethical, you should just be banished to....PRISON.

How about any public official, elected or appointed? Yeah!

Rabbi Reefer

I urge everyone to vote on Tuesday...make this old man PROUD!