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Concern about "sexing" plants...



So my partner says since the seedlings range from 4-6" and have over 4 nodes each, I should switch to 12/12 to confrim my females.... Now I know its better to let them naturally sex, but has the forcing method proven itself?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
it has proven itself to cause hermis

You will stress your plants. You want to get a clone from each plant and then put those under 12/12..

If they are not big enough to get some side growth, try topping them, I rarely let a plant grow out "au natural" so I am going to top them anyways


Yeah that makes sense and thanks for the info, I think I'm going to kick them into flower (12/12) from here on out and have some fun. See how many dicks show up to the party....I'll have to tell them its an all female bottomless party and I'm the only dude allowed, lol


I must ask Dr Dog were you sayin not to switch them to 12/12 and then back to 18/6??? You must of been......

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
He is saying DON'T put them in 12/12, instead to take clones and when they're rooted, to flower (12/12) them, not your seed plant's, it is going to take a week or two to root a clone and flower, by then your plant's will have shown sex naturally, be better prepared to flower as they are that much older and will produce more flower, I would keep them growing and let things happen in their own time :2cents:


High hazy lady I only wish I could but but when restricted on vertical space I've bee overgrown a couple times the au natural way, heh I just got back to the puter after adjusting the timer, so game on! My buddy gets clips on these soon to be ladies, all we need is 1 female of each hybrid. After that cloning is on like the kong!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi DT' Well it makes sense if you are restricted heightwise, you're right 1 girl and you're off!, I hope it goes well for you.


I sex my plants as soon as I think they are ready. I have rarely had plants hermaph on me doing that, and if you get a good eye for it you will be able to sex your ladies very early on, I have done it in as quick as a week. If your vertically challenged you wanna be running sea of green anyway, so I would recommend using clones for that kind of harvest because you don't need to waste time sexing them and then revegging them, and you will have healthier plants b/c of it.