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Concern about first LSD grow


Any input would be appreciated.
I have been an indoor grower for some time. I have a closet with a 600w HPS and an aeroponic system in it. It works an absolute treat. I get huge buds and yields typically are around 10 ozs each time. I only do one feminised plant at a time, and that I will let veg for 1 month until it gets to 20". At the end of flowering the plant will be over 6' tall.
I have recently put in a Barney's Farm LSD and either it's the slowest growing plant of all time, or I must be doing something vitally wrong. But I am doing no different to scores of grows before! After an entire month of veg it was only 9" tall, admittedly the most compact plant I've ever seen, but still...9" after 4 weeks!?
Well, it's in week 2 of flower and while it's up to 25" tall now, I think I'm going to be severely disappointed with the yield. I really can't see it producing much more than 6 ozs on the outside, and while it may be 24% THC I don't know whether it's worth the trouble. I have bought some other Barney's seeds and I'm seriously worried now that they will all turn out to be the same or similar type growers ie slow and small.
I will hold my final reservation for when the buds are finished, but does anyone out there have the same or similar experience with Barney's LSD, and can they tell me what to expect, more or less? Barney's say 600gms m2, but I really don't know. I will keep this thread updated in the next 4 weeks.
Thanks for any help.


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Now in technicolor
nice plant, you running a DIY aeroponic system or commercial?

My friend has 2 LSD plants running and says one of them is the slowest in his garden, while the other isn't spectacular by any means but is on par with the other beans he popped.

Do you select a particular pheno before growing only 1 plant or did you just sprout this 1 seed? Might just be a slow pheno.


If its 24% thc I'll eat your hat! Always take those figures with a pinch of salt..... its still an unregulated industry and you can make whatever claims you like when its illegal to germinate them anywhere!! I did their phat fruity and was very dissapointed, it was like greenhouse AMS, weak and with a horrid taste. I hope the LSD comes good for you, I've not tried it yet, so I've got no idea about that. Have a crack at nirvana's pure power plant, its clearly a skunk 1 cross, but its a good yielder and the quality is a1. And their cheap too..... I reckon you could grow a cola twice the width of your head with that!!!


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
a friend of mine had bad experiances with barneys seeds i never saw the plants but all he can say was they were the smallest pathetic plants in the garden and he will never run them again and scraped them so i cant tell u the turn out as for ur lsd that shit looks fat and nice man it is a plant that does not grow tall at all i think 2.5ft max but big heavy budz i have a 5pk of the lsd seeds sittin in my draw waitin for ppl like u to post info and reports before i poppem if i poppem best of luck how much longer does the plant have to go it may put on all the weight at the end in a final burst of flower power
peace stone
please keep us posted on this many ppl are iinterested on how this turns out over here
ive read a few threads of people not being happy with barnys seeds but i personally have only had great outcomes from his seeds maybe just lucky with his gear.my fav of his genetics is his cherry bomb i grabbed afew years back quick in veg easy to flower super stinky and pretty potent stuff.


Hi guys, thanks for all the input. My LSD is going into its third week of flower, but still doesn't look too impressive. It may well bud up and surprise the crap out of me, I don't know, I certainly hope so, but I'm not holding out too much hope on that one.
It's disappointing to hear so many poor reports on Barney's Farm. They feature very strongly in the Cannabis Cup, and I honestly would have expected to get amazing plants from their seeds. Now, I really don't know. But I will keep this updated with maybe a pic at the end of flowering when they are at full size.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
wish you nothin but the best hope ur harvest makes me popp my beans but im gonna wait till ur done if its no good i guess im gonna just givem 2 a friend or just keep em in my collection
good luck stone
ps i also saw ppl have very good results with barneys lsd that is what made me buy them 2 begin with dont be dissappointed some strains kick it up a notch at the end of flower my buddy still has some its verygood smoke ima contact him 2 find out more about his grow details and get back 2 you his batch was ordered in oct 09 mine in dec09 when did u get urs? also where did u order from i got both myne and his from attitude
i would love to know where they get 24% from how they test that cause i smoked it and i have buds that say"16%"that blow it away if anybody got info on how they come up with a thc% im dying to know


Thanks for following the thread. To answer a question from earlier on, I'm using an aeroponic system I built myself.
Well, the plant is at the end of it's fourth week in flower and the buds look like they're just starting. I have never had a plant bud up so slow, and unless it does something drastic soon it is no going to be a very impressive plant at all. I have only used Sensi seeds to date and never had a problem, but I thought I'd try Barney's for a change - I hope I don't end up regretting choosing Barney's. In the past I have found, though, the seed companies that make the biggest noise about the yield and potency of their seed varieties are the least reliable.
Barney's reckons 50 - 60 cm tall x 1 sq m= 600 gms. Mine is 90 cms tall x 1.5 sq mts so I'll find out in 4 weeks how much truth there is to Barney's claim about plant yields.
Pics yet to come.


I think they test for thc using gas chromatography. The problem with that is that if you test, say, 0.1g of plant material, its going to make a big difference which part of the plant that 0.1g came from! 0.1g from the centre of a bud and full of trichomes is going to yield higher percentages than 0.1g from the outside of the bud, maybe with some leaf in it. I hope the LSD comes good Ozkid, I've only grown that 1 plant of phat fruity (which was shite!), and never bothered ordering anything else from them. Last time I was in their coffeeshop I got a mouldy bud in my amnesia haze, so I think their just in it for the (US!) money these days. Your right about the big companies being the worst too.... GHS and barneys make alot of noise, but half the strains they sell are just shit. Honestly, go and order some PPP (pure power plant) from nirvana...... no hermies, very good quality and VERY CHEAP!!!!! Post some pics if things start looking good dude, good luck!
I've got some growing right now, and they're downright... vigourous. I got about 90% germination and they just seem like normal pot. A fast growing weed.
I spoke to quite a few folk from here by PM before I decided on them as well, and heard really good things about them regarding quality.


Active member
i loved BOGs LSD, i grew a bunch of tree style fatties and loved the taste etc. not sure if this is diffrent?


well, it's good to hear someone is having good results with Barney's farm LSD. I'm about to go into my my sixth week starting in 2 days, and the buds look to be forming very, vey slowly. Maybe it's a predominantly Sativa variety that is late anyway, so I STILL have my fingers crossed. And it's kinda strange, as it seems as if the buds in the lower half of the plant are developing first. The tops are staying small.
I will say, though, "vigorous" is not the word i would use to describe mine. Not in the vegetating stage anyway. It seems to have picked up a bit in flowering conditions, and has the greatest number of branches of any plant I have ever seen - and I've grown a few - indoors and out.
I'm almost embarrassed to take pics of the plant in this condition, but I will soon, even if it hurts.


hey kid,
let us know??just threw some down...bout a week into veg?they seem right?thanks man,,,,,
will fire some pics if any thing happens??????ltr
well, it's good to hear someone is having good results with Barney's farm LSD. I'm about to go into my my sixth week starting in 2 days, and the buds look to be forming very, vey slowly. Maybe it's a predominantly Sativa variety that is late anyway, so I STILL have my fingers crossed. And it's kinda strange, as it seems as if the buds in the lower half of the plant are developing first. The tops are staying small.
I will say, though, "vigorous" is not the word i would use to describe mine. Not in the vegetating stage anyway. It seems to have picked up a bit in flowering conditions, and has the greatest number of branches of any plant I have ever seen - and I've grown a few - indoors and out.
I'm almost embarrassed to take pics of the plant in this condition, but I will soon, even if it hurts.



Active member
could just be the runt of the litter,I got a dina fem deisal doing the same thing


Just an update on my situation.
I made a mistake in my last post:it was the start of fifth week not the sixth as I stated there. Now, of course, it is the start of the sixth week and the plant is still strange. Buds in the lower portion of the plant are kicking on quite well, but the tops still haven't shown that bulkiness normally seen with indica, early finishers, and are quite scrawny. That is why I figure it has to be predominantly a sativa variety, Mind you, it does look like the plant is getting ready to explode with buds, but I will hold my celebrations until after the fact. The next two or three weeks will be the test.
It is now 48 cms tall.
There is one thing I thought I would put out there to see if anyone has had the same experience: I bought four varieties of Barney's Farm seeds. Three of them came in printed packs - quite professional looking, actually - the fourth, which was the LSD, whilst it also came in a printed pack, had a sticker saying "LSD" over the name of the seed variety. Under the sticker was the name "Top Dawg". Obviously the pack was meant to contain Top Dawg seeds when it was first printed, so I can't categorically state I have LSD seeds in the pack, although they were sold to me as "LSD".
Thanks for all contributions. Pics to arrive soon.


Some pics as promised. They're not that good but I'm hoping they will be good enough to see what's going on with my LSD.


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Well it's the start of the seventh week. There's no doubt in my mind any longer that the plant is gonna have quite a lot of bud on it, but it won't complete itself until maybe the ninth week of flowering.

She is STILL growing about 1" per day and has reached a height of 58". It's quite amazing really. As can be seen in my pics, the tops of the plant remain thin and keep growing, putting out new bud sites along the way, while the mid section of the plant and moving towards the tops is thickening up quite well.

There's no doubt in my mind that the plant is going to finish very well, it just so happens it will take longer than some. I have a funny feeling I am going to be very pleasantly surprised by it's yield an quality, but I will keep this post informed for all interested parties.

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