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Concept's Coco Cabana!


Cozy Amnesia

ConceptOfSleep said:
Hey Cozy... I use General Hydroponics CocoTek Bricks. Each brick breaks out to about 2.5 gallons of medium. I use Fine bricks for seedlings, and every transplant after that I use Mixed bricks. The Mixed bricks have large chunks of coconut husk, which I think makes a better medium once the plants establish a nice rootball in the Fine Coco. I mix up the Coco with about 25-30% Perlite. Nothing else. Just remember to flush the coco well with plain water Ph'ed to 5.8-6.0 The growth in coco is explosive, but its pretty sensitive to Ph problems. Once you figure that out, its smooth sailing.

Thanks for the advice!

Do you water with tap water or RO? use calmag? What do you use to lower the pH?


Active member
Hey thanks a lot Prof!!

Cozy...I use tap water which, after being in a bucket with a fishtank airstone for at least 24 hrs, has a PPM of @ 150.... No Cal Mag yet...This is my first Coco experience, so I want to see if Rez's "RECIPE" using no CalMag works...I have a feeling it will since the GH nutes have pretty good Cal/Mag levels... The tap water having the PPM of 150ish prob will be why I need no CalMag. To lower PH I use GH PH up and PH down...both are available in liquid and powder (which is what I use). Good luck man.

Well, I would be updating my grow log here if I was actually able to upload new pics...

I have lots of pics sitting on the harddrive waiting to get loaded...

Everything is looking fantastic right now.... All are very green and healthy and on 4-5 nodes, so I am thinking about topping/FIMing soon.... At this point the Blubonics and 1 of the OGK x DPD are looking absolutely fantastic... The other 2 OGKDPDs are about 5 days behind the other and got a lil bit burned on the leaves from the Organicide I sprayed on them...perhaps I should dilute it next time...

The Godberrys and Shivas are looking great but also had a lil bit of burning from Organicide.... All are doing well now and completely recovered...

My cab is beginning to take shape....All I have to do is instal the passive intake and Mylar that biatch up!! Also got my CMH conversion bulb and liquid Kool-Bloom today, so Its just a matter of switching some bulbs, tacking up some mylar, and installing the fan & scrubber... Then its all minor things I can work on finishing before I flower them, which gives a few weeks!

As soon as the damn upload starts working again there will be an update...possibly two since almost 5 days have gone by since I took the last shots...

Be well and Be safe everyone

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Registered Pothead
Those foxtails are out of this world. I am gonna follow this one if you dont mind. I also have some experience with godberry if you want any info on it i am sure i can dig it up.


Active member
Hey Chubbynugs:wave:

Great to have you by! Youre welcome here anytime.

Id love to hear/see any info you have on Godberry...It certainly seems like an under-reported strain...especially considering the results I have seen

Thanks again for stoppin by!



Registered Pothead
Here are some godberry pics i dug out of the gallery.

My phenos started turning purple the last few weeks of flower. I cut mine at 56 days but honestly it should go longer about a nine week strain i would say. She was a decent eater of nutes.

D Rock

Thats some crazyfoxtailing my man. Beautiful looking bud though. Check you out later.


Active member
Hey everyone!

Chubbynugs!:wave: Thanks so much for the info and pics on the Godberry! I seriously can't thank you enough, because there is such a lack of info on it....Such a great pairing of genetics, and all MODs gear is so cheap that its unbeleivable...Jst about anytime I pick up packs on the weekend specials I pick up something from MOD I dont have yet, only becase at $25 a pack you cannot beat the price...except maybe AnnaC....:D

Hey D Rock! Great to have ya swinging by! That lady actally turned out that way with a whole heap of abuse. Im hoping to run her again once I get the coco thing dialed-in. Stop back in soon, hopefully there will actually be some pics to update with...

Able Mind, thanks for the compliments:wave: The Buds are definitely exotic... I wish I could find more info on the genetics used, but that ship has loooong since sailed, so to speak... Im smoking some of the Purple Fox right now:joint: It is pretty damn potent...Ive had more potent for sure, but the flavor is very unique...Kind of hashy, but also distinctly tasting like the smell of Nag-Champa incense...if that makes sense what-so-ever...

Ill have a very large update whenever the pic upload starts working again...the babies are getting too large for their solo cup homes and need to get a good transplant...Not sure if I will replant to the 3 Gallon grow bags I have or into 6inch plastic pots for now... I think the 3 Gal bags might be a bit too big for them right now....

Oh well enough typing for now...Im off to take some bong rips and then eat some BBQ!! :woohoo:

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Active member
what's up CoS, I'm gonna chime in with some dittos for those crazy good purple fox buds, and no they would not be bagseed if someone who grew crossed them. I mean they may have come out of the buds in a bag of it, but that makes the parents known, at least by the grower.
I'll be back to see pics if they ever get it fixed.


Active member
Ok folks....Just a quick update for now... These are some old pics that have been sitting around since I couldnt post them... All of the pics were taken on 7/14 and all are looking much lusher and greener than here. For now they are still under flouros, but still getting big....Soon they get the CMH:headbange

Without further ado....Here they are...

Blubonic A

Blubonic B

Blubonic C

Blubonic D

SweetTooth #3

Godberry A

Godberry B

Godberry C


Shiva A

Shiva B

Hazy! Thanks for stopping in man...Your thread is amazing...Loving the selection you have! Now that the pic upload is working again, there should be ample updates here! Stop back anytime:wave:

Im going to take some more pictures later this evening, and Ill have another update for you then!

Stay Safe and Be Well


Active member
Well here is another update since Im in such a pic sharing mood today with the uploads working!!:jump:

Anyway...all of these pictures were taking about 8 hrs ago.... Everything is looking real good... I didnt grab pics of OGKxDPD B or C becuase they are still trying to catch up, and are doing good at it...Pics of them next update...


Blubonic A

Blubonic B

Blubonic C

Blubonic D

Sweet Tooth #3

Godberry A

Godberry B

Godberry C

Godberry D

OG Kush x Double Purple Doja A

Shiva A

Shiva B

Shiva C

Well other than the pics there isn't much to say...things are progressing nicely...Stems are getting thick, and the foliage is nice and lush...Hoping things stay this good for my first coco experiment!!!:headbange

Well, the children will most likely be going under the 400W CMH in the next day or so, and they should definitely chunk up a bit then before flower!

Ill keep you all posted of course!

Stay Safe and Be Well


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
bluebonic b and D and that sweet tooth really caught my eye. be lurking . hope you dont mind


Active member
Hey Digital Hippy, D-Rock, and SirSmokalot!

Damn glad to have all of ya stoppin by the Cabana! Things really are starting to pick up now!!

Some of them have finally begun to show preflowers....Here is what Im looking at so far: (sorry no pics for now....more to come tomorrow though)
2 Godberry Females (A & D)
2 Godberry Males (B & C)
1 Blubonic Female (A)
3 Blubonic Males (B, C, & D)
1 SweetTooth#3 Male (I was actually hoping for this... time to make some crosses:D)
2 Shiva Females (A & B)
1 Unsexed shiva
3 Unsexed OGK x DPD

So I have at least 5 confirmed ladies that are gonna end up in the flower cab...I was originally hoping for around 6-7 so if I can get at least 1 female OGKxDPD (which I think I will considering they are taking the longest to show preflowers) Ill have a cab filled with a nice lil variety!

I was hoping to get more than 1 Blubonic female, but all the ones that looked so healthy and vigorous were males... Im most likely going to use Blubonic D as my stud as well as the SweetTooth #3 male... Since my Blubonic fem is A, the one I think is the more sativa of the plants, I am thinking that it is the Blue Sattelite pheno, and D is the Kooteny Blueberry pheno... So some Blubonic F2s should ensure I still find some killer females (that and the 17 beans I got left)

Im also planning on some other crosses that are for my stash and to send in as freebies:
Godberry x Blubonic
Godberry x SweetTooth #3
Blubonic x SweetTooth #3 (think Ill call it BluTooth :D)
Shiva x Godberry

On a completely unrelated note (other than my pure excitement) is that my Casey Jones and Strawberry Diesel x NYCD got here today....with PINE TAR KUSH Freebies!!!:woohoo: Looks like my Sour Kush got some friends to grow alongside of!!:headbange

Well enough stoned typing for the moment..

Thanks again to everyone for stoppin by...there will be some more pics and such tomorrow!

Be Well and Stay Safe
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Active member
plants are lookin real good Concept! they are gonna love that bigger light. very jealous on your new seeds, what a trio!


Active member
hey hey CoS. Looking good. I love to look at wide indica leaves like those Blubonics. Of course I'd say the same thing about a nice thin sativa leaf too.

When I first saw that you had a male SwT, I'm like, "oh that sucks." But...making seeds is good.
I had a SwT male and may still have a little pollen stored.
Sweet Tooth is an amazing hybrid. So tasty, you just can't stand it. And the smell...omg.
Everything that your male touches will benefit.
I have about a 1000 Sweet Warp (SwT x Texeda Timewarp) f2s I made. Just smoked some today and was sitting there thinking, "Damn, this is good weed."
Friggen stony.
I just ran out of a cross of Golden Skush x SwT. Again, stony good. better than the Skush mom.
Got a couple NYCD x SwT in 12/12 now.
I have a few more SwT f2s.
I grew a cross of SwT and gypsies Big bang, very nice stuff, and backcrossed it to some stored SwT pollen and have a bunch of those seedling going now.
Anyway, it's just one of those solid plants that gives good results at least in my limited experience.
Cross it with everything and save the pollen for future use including backcrossing.
How you gonna collect the pollen?
I've tried JLP's isolation chamber and bagging, and bagging is much easier imo.

btw, I think those Godberries need a little more nutes, maybe some micros. A little ?cal/mag/zinc or whatever. Some strains need more than others i think.
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Active member
Hey TNGreen!:wave: Thanks for stopping over man! Iwas super stoked on that order when it got here...A killer trio indeed :D Stop back by soon man! Im watching your Godberry's intently!

Whew, Hazy...thats one serious list of crosses!:muahaha:...Very interested in how the NYCD x SWT turns out...Thats a cross I had in my mind using AnnaCs NYCD F2s...Hopefully some super grapefruit phenos in that cross as I think Buck was selecting for GF phenos:headbange I love the look of those fat leaved Blubonics too...I was hopin one with the REAL fat indica leaves would turn out female, but the only fem I got is a sativa leaning gal... No worries on that as I have 17 more seeds to search through:D This SWT#3 Male is just an unbeleivable specimen though...The vigor it is showing, along with some pretty tight internode spacing and a smell I have never smelled on a vegging plant before, has me very excited about this studs potential...May keep a clone to compare with whatever males I find from my 2 packs (This guy was grown from an 11th bean in a 10 pack so the fact its such a nice male has me pumped:jump:)

To collect the pollen I will be bagging....I dont really have the room for the isolation chamber as I am going to be collecting pollen from a few males. I may actually use my old, empy veg cab with 2 4ft flouros to flower the males and bag em up. I can't wait to make some beans!!!

And as for the Godberrys you could not be more correct....C & D are showing a major Mg def and a minor Cal def.... Haven't been using Cal/Mag, so I just ordered a bottle...Until then I will be adding a bit of Epsom salts and upping the Micro for the next few waterings to make sure none of the others are affected. Thanks much for the heads up though, I'm learning the Coco thing as I go along and I LOVE it so far!

Well just a quick little update before I toss up some more pics of the ladies tomorrow!
Have some more ladies popping pre-flowers and getting me all excited!!

Godberry C, which I thought was male, is infact, a GIRL!! That makes 3/4 females on the Godberry
Shiva C finally showed sex and ANOTHER girl!! thats 3/3!

And the thing I am most excited about, and I just noticed it 5 min ago.....

OGK x DPD A is a girl!!!!!! :woohoo: Ill be taking special care of this lady!!! Now that I know I have a female I have my fingers crossed for a male to make some F2s to search through and perhaps make a few other crosses...

Well before I leave, here are a few quick pics:
Here's a group shot of all of em under the 400CMH... Still working on the cab, so this still isnt their permanent home...

And here are the other 2 OGK x DPD that have been absent in the pics lately...they were just a lil small and I wanted to give em time to catch up

SFV OG Kush x Double Purple Doja B

SFV OG Kush x Double Purple Doja C

Ill be back tmr with more pics!!! Im uploading them now, then off to sleep! Then Ill wake up to the Specials!! :woohoo:

Be Well and Stay Safe
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