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Con-Census 2006 - You can refuse to take part in the upcoming Census


New member
Con-Census 2006
You can refuse to take part in the upcoming Census.

The Australian Democrats and other sources have confirmed that the information to be gained in this year's Census may be utilised as a privacy-intrusive measure to build up information profiles about average Australians, like you and me.
Combine this with proposals of a National ID card, and the Howard Government's history of misuse of information (Children Overboard, Iraq invasion justification, AWB scandal etc. etc.) and you have good reason to refuse to hand over your personal information.

More importantly than the Census itself, many feel uneasy, frustrated, and even helpless with our involvement in the illegal war in Iraq, our treatment of Asylum Seekers, the recent introduction of the new Anti-Terrorism and Sedition laws, and other post-9/11 related events at home and abroad… This brings us to this point in 2006, where we now believe that an act of Civil Disobedience is required to send a message to our Government.

Con-Census 2006 enables you and others to take positive non-violent action.

Go HERE to find out more.


Bakin in da Sun
lol, yes you can also opt out of the US census, there doin an 06' census in my area. If they knock on your door, just politely refuse, and tell them to tell their supervisor to not send another enumerator.

take care,


Active member
good work man...i never comply with census...last time they hounded me real bad, then they sent some lady around about a year later saying that i had been selected for a random govt survey...yeah right..random cos they got no census filled from that address...bunch of assholes they are..