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company buys grow op in montana


Lets Hear it, pros ,cons

Health Sciences Group in Negotiations to Joint Venture and Acquire Two Montana Marijuana Growers and Caregivers Companies
11:33a ET December 4, 2009 (Market Wire)
Health Sciences Group, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: HESG) would like to announce that it is in strong negotiations to acquire a minority stake in two separate Montana-based marijuana growing, distribution and care giving operations.

"This is part of our strategy, acquiring existing operations as well as starting new operations. We feel that the profits in Medical Marijuana are in growing and transportation of marijuana," states Thomas Gaffney, CEO of Health Sciences Group.

Gaffney continues, "We are still working with Medical Marijuana, Inc. on doing business in California and we are also exploring operation businesses in Colorado."

The deals would more or less be partnerships. HESG would fund the operations for expansion and growth of the existing business. The negotiations are moving quickly and we expect them to close no later than the end of December 2009 or the first of the year.

"With these acquisitions, HESG would be the first public company with actual operation of a Medical Marijuana business," states Gaffney. "Once the preliminary documents are decided and signed we will announce the names; until then we are keeping the names of the Companies under wraps. The public can expect the names of the companies to be exposed by the middle of next week."

In the State of Montana you must be licensed as an actual caregiver to grow marijuana. Combined, each of these operations have approximately 100 patients combined.

Below is a portion of the Montana medical Marijuana Act.


hmmmm. these guys are going to run into a lot of hurdles. I hope they can over come them and be successful. Just please grow that medicine organically!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I hope not one dispensary sells out to these people. Its inevitable that big business will try to buy out the small guys, its up to the small guys to stand up and not be sell outs.

Monopolies and duopolies are bad news for the customers and forces people to either choose the lesser of two evils or have no choice at all.

Once these big corporations get involved they will, they will lobby against their competition and effectively outlaw them, the homegrowers. The health sciences group is not very big now, but their buying out businesses left and right.


i see it as a good thing the bigger corporations have more power than the little guys to make thsi stuff legal. once legal we can all grow our own smoke just like with tobacco you can grow your own as long as its under a certain amount.




With New truths about cannabis being proven...

All the pharmas companies will covertly grab as much and as many of whatever is anywere.

The big three....Bayer...GW pharma...and a little known toyko based form.

Hortipharm? whats up?

Oh..monsanto is tagging genetic stock. corn? and??

what would happen if the pollen from 10 million fully grown male cannabis tagged dna was spread from high level aircraft??



Good luck soon the dream of Mr. warmke's experiments will be reality..but will only pay for those with the secret of DNA TAGGING!:angrymod:


Active member
once legal... ya right.. it's not legal and i dont see it becoming legal soon. If that were the case, these big corporations wouldn't be giving a damn as much. More money when it's illegal.

The government knows the demand for marijuana to consumers now.. no way they will legalize it and allow every person to grow. They will continue to play it off saying they don't plan to legalize it. They will decriminalize personal use and have certain corporations growing it; while keeping cultivation illegal still.
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Amstel Light

almost no business, if any started BIG...they were all small at one time and they grew big...



I actually hope they bought out the "green cross" in billings. that place needs all the help it can get.


Active member
how do we know they are sellouts? maybe they grow the dank. there is nothing wrong with the 'industrialization' of mmj in my opinion if done right. and you know this progression is going to happen. i see nothing wrong with a corporation or large private company cranking out weight to provide patients with a more affordable alternative to $60/eighth.

i know many people have a general distrust for all things corporate but if this company and others like it are able to produce meds more efficiently than home growers it will only benefit our community.


Corporations = BAD NEWS. Marijuana does not need big business involved, they will just f- it all up. Our elected officials are already doing a fine job of that. My idea for mj is that you grow it yourself, anthats it. No sales to anyone physically able to grow their own, and practically given away to those who are ill. That way the only people involved will be those with a passion for the plant, not some fat corporate f-cks out to make a buck. Mark my words, if big business gets involved, the plant will suffer. Never has a big business ever improved on anything, ever. They steal ideas from others, and call them their own, Especially something that is an agricultural product. Monsanto will come in with its patented gmo's and next thing you know the "terminator" gene will run rampant, spoiling heirloom varieties. Doubt me? Look at the soybean situation in Paraguay. Not only that, but growers have been taking the big risks for the longest time. It would be a crime to kick them out just so a corporation could profit from their long, hard and legally dangerous work. Corporations have already ruined alot of things I enjoy, I hope they won't let them ruin mj too. FUCK CORPORATE AMERICA AND ITS LUST FOR PROFITS AT ANY COSTS. Thats my .02 cents.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
did you guys know that tdameritrade and scotttrade wont let anyone buy shares of this company?????????????????


Can someone pull themselves up economically with a medical cannabis business? I think we have to allow for that. Then it moves to an ocean of businesses in a free market system. Then naturally alliance and mergers mean better survival. We all would choose to support friends in the Industry ( whatever industry ) when it benefits our survival. These things are part of the American Capitalism I know.

The only balance against the market is to be able to produce something for yourself and as much as you need. Then the market is in check and only then. Once that is true It will be a personal choice to buy Marlboro Skunk or Kool Kush. It will also be a personal choice to buy from the local Fine Cannabis Shop or grow your own. That is possible if there is a free market system for cannabis.
If we keep a black market system, as we have now, we may well end up with corporate cartel style cannabis industry.


"This is part of our strategy, acquiring existing operations as well as starting new operations. We feel that the profits in Medical Marijuana are in growing and transportation of marijuana," states Thomas Gaffney, CEO of Health Sciences Group.

This says it all right there, bastards are in this for money only...F#*K the corporate bastards!!!


"This is part of our strategy, acquiring existing operations as well as starting new operations. We feel that the profits in Medical Marijuana are in growing and transportation of marijuana," states Thomas Gaffney, CEO of Health Sciences Group.

This says it all right there, bastards are in this for money only...F#*K the corporate bastards!!!

If you don't mind bantering a bit with me; how can we stop American Capitalism? After all the black market is actually a free market system with a questionable method of governmental regulation.

Blue Dot

"This is part of our strategy, acquiring existing operations as well as starting new operations. We feel that the profits in Medical Marijuana are in growing and transportation of marijuana," states Thomas Gaffney, CEO of Health Sciences Group.

So do drug dealers. :rolleyes:

Gaffney continues, "We are still working with Medical Marijuana, Inc. on doing business in California and we are also exploring operation businesses in Colorado."

How do these idiots think they are gonna be able to operate in Cali when cali specifically forbids profit?

This company smells.


So do drug dealers. :rolleyes:

How do these idiots think they are gonna be able to operate in Cali when cali specifically forbids profit?

This company smells.

Did I miss something where does it forbid profits? Can't a medical make profits but balance to Not for profit with refunds at the end of the year?

Am I wrong or is that Disinformation BD?

Blue Dot

Did I miss something where does it forbid profits? Can't a medical make profits but balance to Not for profit with refunds at the end of the year?

Am I wrong or is that Disinformation BD?

11362.765. (a) Subject to the requirements of this article, the individuals specified in subdivision (b) shall not be subject, on that sole basis, to criminal liability under Section 11357, 11358, 11359, 11360, 11366, 11366.5, or 11570. However, nothing in this section shall authorize the individual to smoke or otherwise consume marijuana unless otherwise authorized by this article, nor shall anything in this section authorize any individual or group to cultivate or distribute marijuana for profit.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i see it as a good thing the bigger corporations have more power than the little guys to make thsi stuff legal. once legal we can all grow our own smoke just like with tobacco you can grow your own as long as its under a certain amount.

^^^^there ya go. good to see there is still a few common sensers left.

....but i guess the nay-sayers are right, what with the alcohol lobbyists banning home brewing and the liquor companies making no money.... i mean shit ... alcohol is legal, cant be any money in that. might as well pitch the baby with the bath water....

i hope companies buy up grows left and right. let the growers cash out and leave these shit heads to handle the tides themselfss.

hell ill take ANY micro brew over a budweiser any day of tha week.


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