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Compact SOG with CFL's


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i too wondered about the worms in the soil... i found a few earth worms last summer and put them in some of my pots... i didnt see much of a diffrence.. i think they died.

GDS StonerBoy

250wscrogger said:
If I had a 1000w hps and a 5x5 flowering room I would just fit as many 1 gallon pots as possible and sog it. Are you planning on staggering the harvest or just doing all clones at the same time? Either way you do it, you should be able to get a couple p's off that setup no problems :rasta: once you get it dialed in :canabis: Just make sure the clones are well rooted when they go into flower and dont keep the light too close when they're still small.

Yeah i want to do it exactly like the Doc has! I'm thinking even maybe the 1/2 gallon grow bags. If Doc can finish em up in 16oz bottles, a 1/2 gallon grow bag should be fine, right?!

If not i already have some 1 gallon bags but i want to be more efficient like the Doc. Smaller bags = less soil and more space to fit more bags. I'm kinda trying to fit as many in this grow area as possible so maybe i can pull 2 or 3lbs every 8-9 weeks. This should definitely be possible if the doc does so with 27 plants under cfls. I should definitely be able to fit over 100 plants in this area and after i get it dialed in, i should be able to get a pound a month.

So what do you think Dr. G?!


Well-known member
First let me remind everyone that a SOG grow on ANYTHING more than a PERSONAL level.....will cause "Them" to come after you FEDERALLY...
on a 4'x4' table under a 400 6 plants for a first offender is MAX 6 months and 5,000 dollar fine

the same table with 144 clones ala' SOG .....gets ya' 10 years and 50,000 dollars fine
******Security is a MUST********


Active member
Yeah the plant count needed to do a 1000w sog would be pretty sketchy...you could always put 4-6 plants, veg for a month and scrog them for a high yield with less plants. The only downside to scrog is the long gap between harvests unless you have separate veg and flowering rooms.

GDS StonerBoy

DrBudGreengenes said:
First let me remind everyone that a SOG grow on ANYTHING more than a PERSONAL level.....will cause "Them" to come after you FEDERALLY...
on a 4'x4' table under a 400 6 plants for a first offender is MAX 6 months and 5,000 dollar fine

the same table with 144 clones ala' SOG .....gets ya' 10 years and 50,000 dollars fine
******Security is a MUST********

Security is good and i'm only growing 4 months out of the year. If i can get enough out of 2 harvest i'll have some smoke for the rest of the year and some smoke that can get a good cure. As of right now i'm not utilizing this 1khps at all. I can already tell the yield is gonna be poo, so i was looking for a better way.

So can i have your opinion on how you would go if you had 1k?


Well-known member
GDS StonerBoy said:
Security is good and i'm only growing 4 months out of the year. If i can get enough out of 2 harvest i'll have some smoke for the rest of the year and some smoke that can get a good cure. As of right now i'm not utilizing this 1khps at all. I can already tell the yield is gonna be poo, so i was looking for a better way.

So can i have your opinion on how you would go if you had 1k?

Of course I will be glad to advise on any size Grow.........
Under a 1000 watt light I would do 1 gallon containers with 4 cuts per container...(with a stake in the middle)
Arrange them so that the oldest tallest plants are to the outside
so that would be 400 flowering at a time in a 5'x5' area.
8 week strain will have you harvesting 12 a week with a bonus 13 every other week even if they each only do 7 grams per cut thats......

336 grams per week....
thats 12 oz's no matter how you look at it
so in 8 weeks........

Thats 2688 grams.........6Lbs from a 1000 watt light per 8 week cycle
Thats 2.688 grams per watt..... :rasta:

Ooops.....forgot about our bonus (container) every other week that another 1/4 lb for our total
Soooooooo now it's 2.784 grams per watt :rasta:

Now these are just begining #'s when you get dialed in they will get MUCH higher...... :headbange Happy Growing :headbange

GDS StonerBoy

DrBudGreengenes said:
Of course I will be glad to advise on any size Grow.........
Under a 1000 watt light I would do 1 gallon containers with 4 cuts per container...(with a stake in the middle)
Arrange them so that the oldest tallest plants are to the outside
so that would be 400 flowering at a time in a 5'x5' area.
8 week strain will have you harvesting 12 a week with a bonus 13 every other week even if they each only do 7 grams per cut thats......

336 grams per week....
thats 12 oz's no matter how you look at it
so in 8 weeks........

Thats 2688 grams.........6Lbs from a 1000 watt light per 8 week cycle
Thats 2.688 grams per watt..... :rasta:

Ooops.....forgot about our bonus (container) every other week that another 1/4 lb for our total
Soooooooo now it's 2.784 grams per watt :rasta:

Now these are just begining #'s when you get dialed in they will get MUCH higher...... :headbange Happy Growing :headbange

WTF?!?! Thats way more than i was expecting! I'll try 3 per container because i'm sure the skunk #1's will yield atleast 10 grams each. The c99's wont yield nearly as much as the sk1's. I could do just one 8-9 week harvest and have enough for a year so i may just do 2 a year, Once right now and once around Aug.

Do you think i'll face any probs with 3 or 4 per container? Cant wait to give this a try. I'll be doing something way smaller until i can get enough mothers to supply myself with that many clones. As of right now i can only get about 50 clones from 2 mothers.

Thanks Doc, you fuggin RAWK! And i saw another post you made about having a colby bred bulldog. I have a few maverick bred one's that are great for hunting.


Active member
You probably couldn't plant 4 per 1 gal container with all strains. If they have very large leaves and/or a lot of stretch then you might find it hard to keep even 1 in such a small space. I think you do need some stretch though to really reap the benefits of a 1000W, else too much light may be wasted because it penetrates down to soil level.
Skunk #1 has a good stretch but really likes putting out long sideshoots - you might have to do some trimming to make it focus on top colas.

Also I think you should be prepared for daily waterings - 4 plants in a 1 gallon container will suck it dry in no time. Automatic irrigation might be an option, but I would go for 3 reservoirs then - 1 for the stretching plants, 1 for budbuilding and 1 for flushing. Running the lines correctly to each pot would also require some work;p
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Hi Dr!

I've really enjoyed this thread. Truly inspirational!

I'm going to try a SOG grow when I get the chance. I have a 250W HPS and a 4 squarefoot cabinet. I'm thinking of dividing it to a veg/flower cab since it's very tall and I don't need all that space just for one of those. How would you go with a 250W HPS in a space such as mine?

EDIT: I must add a question. I've been thinking about SOG style grown and regular "bush" style grown bud quality differences. Since SOG has a shorter veg period, does it affect the THC/CDB amounts or the taste/smell of the final product compairing to other grow styles?
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Active member
You could fit 16 pots with 4 plants each for a total of 64 plants. To reach 1g/W you would need to harvest 4g/plant - probably doable with a nice tennis-ball sized bud at the top of each plant.


Thanks blackone! That was fast!

64 plants! That's a lot. Makes me think about that talk about security. Well, it's a good thing I don't live in America but it would still suck. Maybe I should try something with CFLs. They're much easier, cooler, smaller and ecologic. Maybe I should just sell that HPS :)


At the moment I have 5 x 24W CFLs (Warm White). What kind of a grow would those make or do I need more light to flower? Maybe with those lights I would get a much smaller grow box. What would you suggest?


Active member
Binnacas said:
Thanks blackone! That was fast!

64 plants! That's a lot. Makes me think about that talk about security. Well, it's a good thing I don't live in America but it would still suck. Maybe I should try something with CFLs. They're much easier, cooler, smaller and ecologic. Maybe I should just sell that HPS :)

Yeah check your local legislation. In Denmark you're not sentenced by plant count, but by yield - in some cases "translated" to the comparable yield of sucky hash, so that 100g of 15% weed is counted as the equivalent of 300g 5% hash.

GDS StonerBoy

blackone said:
You probably couldn't plant 4 per 1 gal container with all strains. If they have very large leaves and/or a lot of stretch then you might find it hard to keep even 1 in such a small space. I think you do need some stretch though to really reap the benefits of a 1000W, else too much light may be wasted because it penetrates down to soil level.
Skunk #1 has a good stretch but really likes putting out long sideshoots - you might have to do some trimming to make it focus on top colas.

Also I think you should be prepared for daily waterings - 4 plants in a 1 gallon container will suck it dry in no time. Automatic irrigation might be an option, but I would go for 3 reservoirs then - 1 for the stretching plants, 1 for budbuilding and 1 for flushing. Running the lines correctly to each pot would also require some work;p

Yes the Sk1's definitely stretch alot, thats why i was kinda saying maybe 2 or 3 of those per pot but as for the pheno of c99 i have she stays super short and bushes out. I took one straight from clone and put into flower just to see how she'd react and she's looking good. She has 1 main cola with 2 side shoots. I could trim the shoots but there getting good light and i'll just see if there worth keeping, if not i'll trim in the future.

About those different rez's if i put three in the room that would kinda take away alot of that 5x5 spacing. Maybe i could do one and once all the nutes has been dripped out then i could put plain ph water in it to do a flushing, would this work? I've never ran any irrigation before is this a tough task? Also are these pumps from the rez's have to be on 24/7 with like a drip thing going on?

When i do this setup i may just post the grow on the board to get some help from some of you vets. I'm still fairly new to growing although i have done alot of research and i know how to keep some healthy plants. But i am not ready to do anywhere near the size grow the Doc just mentioned. I dont have the mothers for that size right now thats why it wont be until later in the year when i try to pull this off. I might do something micro until then and just let the 1k rest because as for right now with 7 plants i have in flowering i'm not getting the yields i'd expect do to some user error and small things of that sort.

Anyways more Thanks to the DOC, i can tell you have pulled off some awesome grows in your time. Cant wait until i'm as knowledgeable of a grower as you.


Active member
I was just thinking out loud with the irrigation thing - dunno if it's a good idea in soil. People are having good results with drip irrigation using coco or a hydroponic medium like hydroton or rockwool. I would place the pots on a table with the reservoirs below it or else the room would get flooded by the siphon effect. You don't water continually - but look around in the coco and hydro forums for specifics from the experts in that sort of thing - haven't tried it myself.


Active member
Truly astounding work! I was originally introduced to this concept by Di Wee Dalat on Cannabis World. He was marketing a grow system for big bucks, that turned out to be a standard staple of the arboreal industry, deepots.

Check it out, http://www.stuewe.com/products/deepots.html.

Di Wee used the D60 cells with the D20T tray. The cells hold about 1L with a diameter of only 3", giving you 16.2 plants per square foot!!! They have special ribs to prevent root "spin-out", forcing them down and out of the drainage holes, where they are "air-pruned". This "air-pruning" encourages the development of feeder roots, and forces the plant to make full use of the container volume.

in regards to the comments on leaf size, a technique called progressive pruning was employed. As flowering progressed, individual fan leaves were trimmed back, not removed entirely, to allow the developing buds more and more light each week until finally, at the end of the cycle, you are harvesting almost fully trimmed plants. 7-14g dry per plant was his mark, for a total of 2.09gpw.

This method of growing needs to be done by more people, as it can very well revolutionize the world of the personal grower, and the commercial as well. The deepot trays in an ebb and flow tray would be a sight to see! Time to go bush my moms the fuck out!

GDS StonerBoy

So as long as the plants are properly fed and have developed a nice enough root mass, they can survive in just about any size container?


GDS StonerBoy said:
So as long as the plants are properly fed and have developed a nice enough root mass, they can survive in just about any size container?

you got it :p root are where its at :p Large root system USUALLY = LARGE BUDS

Iv never had any bad luck once i notice my roots are huge, just gota make sure you feed them good :p