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Comments from cops!


Active member
our senior class prom camping trip also made the local news!! hundreds of tickets and fines distributed. gallons and gallons of alcohol confiscated (much of which we stole back from the cop cars while they were issuing tickets or bitching at kids). there was a reported 350 drunk high school kids at the camp grounds by saturday night. by sunday morning the cops were getting annoying so we all drove home drunk, now DWI's and no car accidents.

great times!! i remember being pissed cause a ranger asked my friend who drove me there if he could search his car, and my stupid friends said "sure!" and they confiscated about $100 worth of alcohol we brought in his trunk. i remember the rangers catching me and my friends smoking a huge glass on glass bong in a buddies car, they took the bong back to their car and a small bag of weed and i heard one whisper "well were partyin hard tonite boys!!".

racing the hottest girls in school back to town an hour away and chillin with them later that nite, got them drunk, and naked.. i loved high school!
no offense but I don't like cops and never did since they began harassing me as soon as I could drive, so I could care less what cops say. Why would you?

PS/edit: I guess some of this is funny to some people, sorry I don't want to dampen your fun just state my opinion.
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you want to go to jail?

a few weeks i got pulled over and had like an eighth of weed and the cop asked the other cop....should we weigh it does it look close to an ounce? the other cop stops searching and looks at him and says are you out of your mind thats only a few grams


Cop - While sitting down writing a bullshit ticket (outdoors), he hikes up one leg for a couple seconds, and lets out a strained fart. Then smiles and says something stupid like "dinner last night."

Me - No response.


that makes absolute sense, i will get started on that right away

That's where I hid my cigarettes when I was in basic training, i had to cut about 1/4" off of the filter so they'd fit, then I wrapped them in plastic so they wouldn't get all deodoranty. I put them in one of those little pocket sewing kits when we went out to play.

I like 'Do you know how fast you were going?'.