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Colorado using marijuana taxes to fund the crack down on illegal growing.


Well-known member
Yes, yes I do. Please explain how it is not a good thing. Every single person can grow 6 plants, and flower 3 at a time. If they don't want to grow, they can allow someone else to grow their plants for them (co-ops). So there should be no problem with cheap and legal access to it. It also means that you don't have to worry about having your door kicked down for a personal grow. It also means that you don't have to worry about loosing your car or freedom if you want to carry some around with you.

Sorry If I sound harsh, I put a lot of time and money into the legalization efforts in CO, but unfortunately left the state before we won the war.


There is just one case, where the flood of black market growers are f'n it up for everyone else in the state that just want to grow, posses, and smoke their own. So no, I don't have any compassion for the greedy fucks taking advantage of what a lot of people worked very hard to accomplish for the people of Colorado.

The problem is that isn't legalization, it's decriminalization/regulation at best. If you can still get felony charges for growing 20 flowering plants in those states.... that is not acceptable. Same with 200 flowering plants.

This plant doesn't need to be treated that way.... it's a plant!


Kiss My Ring
taxation is theft.

where is the funding for research into medicinal use?

they might just find out there is no need for illegality.


Well-known member
The problem is that isn't legalization, it's decriminalization/regulation at best. If you can still get felony charges for growing 20 flowering plants in those states.... that is not acceptable. Same with 200 flowering plants.

This plant doesn't need to be treated that way.... it's a plant!

yes, it IS legalization. 6 plants legal does not equal 20, or 200 plants legal. you are referring to legalization as if that means "no regulation". driving 55 in a 55 mph speed zone is legal; driving 75 will get you arrested. that does not mean that driving is illegal, it means driving too damn fast is illegal. almost everything on the planet is regulated in some manner. life goes much easier once you get used to that notion. is it perfect? no, nothing is. but it beats hell out of most alternatives...:tiphat:


Active member
True but speeding in car endangers other people - no one is going to be killed by your garden! The government does not belong in peoples' gardens for any reason.

Alcohol is far more dangerous than cannabis - it's lethal. But most states do not regulate home production of it, unless you sell. There is a federal limit on home-brewing of 200 gallons, that's huge, and I assume it's never enforced. I think they do still chase some bootleg distillers down south who are evading higher liquor taxes.


Active member
but it beats hell out of most alternatives...:tiphat:

ok, I admit legalization is better than a sharp stick in the eye!

The type of legalization I seek is a level playing field for all.
No capital croneyism ect.

Thing could be so so much better if some effort was put forth.


Well-known member
just who thinks that large for profit grows are ever going to be ignored?
i suppose you can make up convoluted arguments that it's 'wrong'
there's a lot 'wrong' with the world, and that does suck
but what's the proposed solution, no regulation cannabis?
i'm good with that, but really? just what is the color of the sky in that world?


Active member
Here is a good start to finding that world.
Stop jailing people for all victim-less crimes.
Stop trying to protect people from themselves by means of incarceration.

A man sitting in his home smoking a joint in a legalized state, a cop is called for a neighborhood disturbance.
The cop accidentally goes to the wrong address.
The man hears a knock at the door, puts out the J and answers the door.
Cop sees a weed plant and enters the house and arrests the man sitting on his couch with all the windows closed smoking a J because he had one plant growing in his house.
There are huge 1000 plant grow operations are all over the state at the time but his city has banned home growing.

Now the man is in jail instead of sitting peacefully on his couch.
What was his crime? Who was the victim if there really is a crime being committed.


Power Armor rules
The cartel will only allow those to be in the club if they play by the cartel rules and give them their pound of flesh.



Well-known member
Goodness gracious i mean How kind it is that I'm given permission. I can grow 6 plants at a time instead of 12 or 12 plants instead of 50.. by humanities standards i am definitely greedy, At least i can grow more plants than others at an legal rate! So lucky.

I can grow without fear for subjugation, exactly 6 plants! What if i want to make concentrates for a tolerance I've developed. Do i need more than 3 plants, Am i limited to a specific variety given weight production? Maybe i can ensure i have for all the varieties and volume as much as i feel necessary for the maintenance of a yearly supply, for me, my friends and my family. For health sake how lucky i am able to use more than half my salary at the local monopoly dispenser for a cultivized drug that may cause real detrimental harm, for money.

There is so much greed that they may in fact feel justified in taking my car or my home and maybe even other assets after they are done with the harassment and incarceration for some people cannot make an income they're not capable of producing themselves.

The idea is that the drug war is failed, supply will not be stopped and there is no harm in that, it should be obvious today now that the only real harm is the bottleneck of the classification that surrounds it.

Quality control and affordability are chief concerns governing the success of keeping away from complications arising at the wrong hands.

I would like to sell at an licensed farmers market myself and yes i would like to ensure my flowers have not been growing in somebody's moldy basement without harmful additives and Perhaps I would like to see more volume in my crop or more terpenoids of a special kind, necessitating crop volumes in the magnitude of 50 or more plants, perhaps i would like to have my very own hash field someday for simple craft.. is this greed?

I think that these things are only reasonable, Are you stupid? the climate has changed much in the last 3 years, my hope is that these things may take precedence, now. The market must be open, Competition must be present on every level so that the market actually balances itself.. already anyone may participate lawful or not.
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Well-known member
Here is a good start to finding that world.
Stop jailing people for all victim-less crimes.
Stop trying to protect people from themselves by means of incarceration.

i'm going to say something here that will startle you, shag. EVERYBODY here agrees with you on this, yes, EVERYONE! BUT...(always one isn't there?) you are not going to get the whole fucking pie all at once. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. yeah, the Berlin wall was torn down literally overnight. but we both know (or at least I do) that it was fucking decades of effort went into that. it did not happen because a B grade actor said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" the Civil Rights act was signed by Johnson, but they fought tooth and nail for it, step by step, for over a hundred years. freedom aint free, and never comes as fast as some people think they deserve, sorry...:tiphat:


Well-known member
think they deserve, sorry...
I must say i do not think enthusiasm has any bearing for volume, I should clarify that i am trying to demonstrate that there are many suitable reasons to grow plants proportionate to yourself, seriously you cannot dictate my diet or pursuit of happiness for that matter. But to think they cant be sold on an open market? Pish Posh :) that's the real alternative. I'm in romance with plant breeds, I Don't see any validation for this arrest when it should be to pawn at a public collective or something, licensed may that be.

Maybe others believe cannabis may grow the same for everyone but Not everyone lives within the high density, yeah perhaps some cultivators do not wish to be restricted to a 3rd party for their growing, i mean does that cause rebellion?
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ok, I admit legalization is better than a sharp stick in the eye!

The type of legalization I seek is a level playing field for all.
No capital croneyism ect.

Thing could be so so much better if some effort was put forth.

Do you seriously NOT believe that there is a lot of effort being put forth?? A small number of people are doing most of the heavy lifting. I really wish all the armchair quarterbacks would get into the game! I don't claim to have done a fraction of what a lot of people have done, but I spent a LOT of nights and weekends in Colorado knocking on doors, putting out door hangers, getting signatures on petitions, helping people to get registered to vote, and just plain talking to people. I watched our efforts get blown out of the water numerous times, so I will take any win we can get. Any time a person can home grow without having to register, allow inspections, pay fees (taxes), or fear going to jail; I consider that a WIN. Are we where I would like to see us at, no, but public opinion is changing.


Well-known member
What about the crew performing the extraction, do you not think they felt intact at that place from the photo picture?

I think its pretty clear that the climate is changing, enthusiastically many surround it continuing the supposition of a culture that persists for the right to consume. That's basic extinction level evolutionary but what of individual concern?

I don't see how you could realistically mount resistance against something thats now accessibly identifiable.
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St. Phatty

Active member
The idea is that the drug war is failed, supply will not be stopped and there is no harm in that, it should be obvious today now that the only real harm is the bottleneck of the classification that surrounds it.

The Drug War has not failed.

It has done what it was supposed to do - give TPTB levers of power, and the tools to destroy millions of lives, WHILE giving them influence in countries like Colombia & Mexico.

All this Make Work could be ended with the stroke of a pen, simply rolling drug laws - on specific drugs & practices - back to pre-Prohibition.

Wouldn't be too hard to sell politically. The US seemed to do a lot better the first 160 years of its existence than it does today.

Of course, they would need Ear Plugs to pull it off.

Because protected industries like Big Pharma, Biotech, and American "Medicine" would whine SO LOUD you would need ear-plugs.

Oh, and some cops might complain about losing their jobs.

And some prison guards' unions might complain.

It would be a glorious (good) mess if the US got serious about ending its Civil-war-in-the-form-of-drug-war.


Plants counts are bullshit and ambiguous.

Think if you are small home breeder who wants to run 50-75 for line breeding in a single session. Plants that can average less volume than 4 plants grown to maximum potential....it seems to be the chokehold on any type of seed production and by default a lot of genetic diversity as well....in them pollen chuckers yards across this big blue......If you have ever agreed with any type of Libertarian argument before in your life, this would be the one to say, fuck that.
Does aspirin have as many constraints....fuck no......It was never approved by the FDA and actually accounts for fatalities. Straw man or a logical example?


Well-known member
Plants counts are bullshit and ambiguous.

Think if you are small home breeder who wants to run 50-75 for line breeding in a single session. Plants that can average less volume than 4 plants grown to maximum potential....it seems to be the chokehold on any type of seed production and by default a lot of genetic diversity as well....in them pollen chuckers yards across this big blue......If you have ever agreed with any type of Libertarian argument before in your life, this would be the one to say, fuck that.
Does aspirin have as many constraints....fuck no......It was never approved by the FDA and actually accounts for fatalities. Straw man or a logical example?

That arrest is direct evidence that Present day legality should not be refuted miracle consumption, in fact consumption has been pretty regularly growing as consistent produce, think historically founding fathers mandated the growth land marking the descent of this plant at a time where instability of growth had prominence. Yes cops think this is very old. maybe we can place evidence with direct links to the spread of civilization how we know involving nations even before this forming. The understanding is of today and the produce from plants found in nature have been key in evolution for growth from the diet which generally refers to nutrition from nature. Cannabis may contain plant compounds very quite practically common with all plants cultivated throughout history and should it be treated in kind? I think its only natural you have some produce similar terpenenoid, a distilled mix of all other plant kingdoms one could theoretically grow en mass for extraction and distillation but here have you the supplement marketed for nutrition, disease's enumerable. Can you honestly cast judgement on that as a whole so as to predicate growth of the craft?

This person was criminalized for have you a natural growth, it is the wrong hands?
That would be ridiculous, consumption permitted. The production of hash right? some complaint has been had of potency being far greater in 'modern' strains, densities reaching over the 30% region of a single gram when as compared to extract of flower material, it can be direct resin but We can complain about quantity consumption as a personal choice? we can say this has tradition :|.

I think humans can be related to the animal kingdom learned to have depend and survive upon just the same..in nutrition, Its natural. You hinder progress, You have present problem of culture I'm afraid.
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