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Colorado recreational pot tax


Well-known member
The CO house just passed proposed legislation to tax recreational pot at a rate of 25% (15% excise and 10% sales). The bill now goes to the senate for a series of votes and then to the people for a vote. What an opportunity for the cartels. The legislative session ends May 8th so maybe they won't get the tax done in time. Everyone I know grows MMJ so it shouldn't affect us. Leave it to the politicians to screw up a good thing. Who said politians were greedy bastards?



If my state were even having these dicusions most peeps wouldnt complain if taxed has high as 50% for rec use. The other alternative as it stands is 3-6 months county for 2nd offense on a forgotten roach in an ashtray. Unless you spend good $ on a decent lawyer and get just probation with a millionish hours of community service.
There always will be a small group of peeps that would still bitch and complain while continuing there stealth grows if it was only 1% tax saying "weed should be free... blah, blah, blah."
30% tax is still a wet dream, just to be worry free while no longer looking over your shoulder or in the rear view mirror for Leo. Wondering if the next UPS guy, the meter reader or a friend may rat you out, is my phone and text tapped or even if this puter is hacked b.s.! I can go on & on & on...
Freedom will always have a price. From the day of your first breath till your last exhale and the Government bury's you head first into the dirt with just your feet sticking out, and far inbetween you'll have spent a good chunk of change on being taxed even in some cases being taxed multiple times. If this is what it takes to set our plants free & come out into the daylight (pun intended) then tax away cause there isn't a price you can put on freedom to be able to strap on a fanny pack & carry around some really good herb in public while living your life to the fullest being little less stress free.

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