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Colorado MMJ License ?'s


just read all the responses to my rant last nite.. all i gotta say is.. OK.! my lawyer and many others are telling me differant and the hammer will get dropped soon enough..was also told that state and fed are looiking into the probs of clinics/dispensaries and illegal ops .. being the DOPH cant really do much cause they are overloaded. eather way you guys can have your dispensaries..im stay far and clear from these glorified dealers and crooks..i guess my lawyer and many others are wrong....lol i rest my case.im done here.. take care!

oh and i was rite about the secondary caregiver comment.. it does not exist!


According to law enforcement and court records, people connected to CannaMed stole personal identifications from patients seeking medical marijuana in the business. Those identities were then used to obtain credit cards and buy expensive luxury cars from auto dealerships, including Maaliki Motors in Aurora.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
According to law enforcement and court records, people connected to CannaMed stole personal identifications from patients seeking medical marijuana in the business. Those identities were then used to obtain credit cards and buy expensive luxury cars from auto dealerships, including Maaliki Motors in Aurora.

May the hammer of justice fall swift and true.


According to law enforcement and court records, people connected to CannaMed stole personal identifications from patients seeking medical marijuana in the business. Those identities were then used to obtain credit cards and buy expensive luxury cars from auto dealerships, including Maaliki Motors in Aurora.

I dont get it.. if you are running a dispensary seeing 100 ppl a day...
how can that not be enough money to where you have to take a larger risk and try and do some ID theft that will come back to bite you in the ass...

No one ever said criminals were smart and to take advantage of the sick..

i hope they spend a lot of time in jail.

Plus my notion was right they were growing a little less than 100 plants there. So it was a huge profit

The two owners of AMSD tell 9NEWS the plants were worth tens of thousands of dollars and were used to treat more than 100 clients.

The seizure effectively shuts the business down.

"It is going to be very difficult for them to stay in business here today. They have hundreds of patients that they assist. You guys have seen them pulling into the parking lot one after another, after another this morning and those people are no longer going to be able to get medical marijuana here," Warren Cedson, an attorney for AMSD, said.


mtnkush your attitude sucks, in every CO med thread......

you keep saying you're "done here", why don't you leave already?


From the same link- http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=121343&catid=339

The alleged scheme exposed on Friday used "straw buyers," who, in this case, were originally from the former Soviet Union republics. Often they were young people on visas, recruited by the alleged criminal group to participate.

According to court records, the investigation identified 700 straw buyers who have made more than $80 million in purchases which are now losses for the financial institutions that issued the credit cards.


They are saying AMSDCO is legal and none of them were arrested Thats a huge plus.... and only share office space with CannaMed


mtnkush your attitude sucks, in every CO med thread......

you keep saying you're "done here", why don't you leave already?
and how is this.?.. dontn start shit here..1 person was already banned and few more warned.. this is an open forum and im doing nothing more or less then anybody else here!!!! because i wanted to start a dispensary and wanted to know more info on what the fine line was here on being a caregiver and wanting to know facts.? be for real


OK so i have to ask who else in the Denver area have Meds for no more than 60 an eight and dont force you to sign them over as primary caregiver?

Dispensary that is not some guy in a parking lot...


OK so i have to ask who else in the Denver area have Meds for no more than 60 an eight and dont force you to sign them over as primary caregiver?

Dispensary that is not some guy in a parking lot...
greenmtn can prob help you out..hes not to far from us :joint:


i know better than to provoke your type, only mentioned it because im not the only one thinking that

...oh and thanks for the rep, it's actually spelled "douche" :moon:


people are free to think what they want and will think what they want no matter what..i cant help that nore do i care.. back to the meds