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Calling Seaf0ur...

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I have been trying to figgure out what these are for YEARS! They would seriously infest my parents yard accross town but this year they found mine, although no where near as bad of an infestation. The closest thing to them i have found is a type of lightening bug but they are not that. They are usually jet black with a red, orange, or pinkish line along the medial line where the wings sit. They are almost a 1/4 inch long or just over. They will clump-up into a ball of about 30-40 on the ground sometimes...i am guessing mating???
I thought i had imune grasshoppers in there till i finally saw a couple of these. They eat away the leaf almost exactly like a hopper. I don't sweat the occational hopper...find a munched leaf, look around it close and there they usually are, so trashed they can barely move. But not these little bastards...they are are QUICK and the only thing that seems to kill them is a solid smashing...they survive light ones.

On a side question; Do you think that rows of hemp or good stuff could act as a way to slow or stop locusts? They are the only insect i have run accross that seems to get stoned after munching on my leaves...Maybe a swarm might get too smashed to continue after hitting a row of pot?

Might be these guys-


Immature individuals can appear to be black. They rarely do much damage.

Stoned locusts? Probably just slow 'em down for awhile.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Calling Seaf0ur...

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=55112&pictureid=1298687&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]
I have been trying to figgure out what these are for YEARS! They would seriously infest my parents yard accross town but this year they found mine, although no where near as bad of an infestation. The closest thing to them i have found is a type of lightening bug but they are not that. They are usually jet black with a red, orange, or pinkish line along the medial line where the wings sit. They are almost a 1/4 inch long or just over. They will clump-up into a ball of about 30-40 on the ground sometimes...i am guessing mating???
I thought i had imune grasshoppers in there till i finally saw a couple of these. They eat away the leaf almost exactly like a hopper. I don't sweat the occational hopper...find a munched leaf, look around it close and there they usually are, so trashed they can barely move. But not these little bastards...they are are QUICK and the only thing that seems to kill them is a solid smashing...they survive light ones.

On a side question; Do you think that rows of hemp or good stuff could act as a way to slow or stop locusts? They are the only insect i have run accross that seems to get stoned after munching on my leaves...Maybe a swarm might get too smashed to continue after hitting a row of pot?

These guys?


Check posts #50 and #53 on my journal, page 4.


*Edit* - Jhhnn beat me to it. Box Elder was my guess as well.
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Sorry guys. I guess i got a little confusing in my narative.
Grasshopper get STONED...To the point of not being able to move. If you don't beleive me find a very active one and catch it then place him on a pot leaf. It will eat away the majority of one or two leaflettes but not the entire leaf. then find him again...they seldom get more than a few inches from that leaf... and pick him up. I have seen them literally jump about a 1/2 inch land upside down and just lay there on my hand because they get so blasted.
These rains remind me of stories my Grandmother use to tell about locusts swarming the year after rains like we have had lately...i AM a little worried about those stories. Wondering if strips of pot/hemp might break the swarms.
Wouldn't that be a geat revelation for the state agriculture department?

The bug in my pic, in question, has NO coloration on it's wing case. Just the reddish stipe along the medial line of the abdomen up high and mostly hidden by the wings. The wings are totally black (or VERY dark grey sometimes). I have seen these decimate an entire apple tree in under 2 days. They eat leaves like crazy. I was scared when i found they ete pot also. They are narrower than a box elder beatle and the butt comes to a much sharper point. These are somthing different. But they do have a lot of similarities in their over-all shape. Biggest differance...No red bug eyes...These guys have VERY small black eyes that you can barely see and a longer narrower head. And add a slightly longer thorax as well.
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Pagan Extremist
The small milkweed bug (Lygaeus kalmii) is actually brighter and more red than the Box Elder....

Darker... with more subtle red, you may be looking at the goldenrain bug (Jadera haematoloma)
Stoned locusts? Probably just slow 'em down for awhile.

In everything i remember reading the only difference between a Grasshopper and a Lucust was attitude. If i remember right they stated that extreem conditions cause the hoppers to congragate then they get aggitated into a swarm of ravinous maniacs...think your average zombie movie. The trick is to calm them out of that aggitation and go back to lazy hoppers.
I have been SERIOUSLY wondering if people have missed a natural way to calm them. It will hurt seeing the pot plants getting eaten but it might just save BILLIONS of dollars worth of food crops if i am right. I want to know how we can test my theory on this. I wonder if hemp is strong eneogh to have the same effect??? If so it could add to farmers income by giving a collective enough hemp to process while gaining a protective layer for the food needed for over-populated society needs???
The small milkweed bug (Lygaeus kalmii) is actually brighter and more red than the Box Elder....

Darker... with more subtle red, you may be looking at the goldenrain bug (Jadera haematoloma)
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Seaf0ur, Thank-you VERY much for the redirrection. Your pic is closer but still not quite right. The ones i see have no coloration in the thorax. The red is only sharp durring early summer and runs only on the abdomen right above the medial line along the entire length from the throrax to the butt...not in the wing it-self. These guys scare me after seeing them destroy my Mom's entire half acre garden a couple of times. The wont eat pines or some suculents but every thing else seems to be on their menue. Does anyone here with a better camera live in Pueblo?


Well-known member
Excellent time for picking mullein flowers to make a simple cough syrup for the winter.


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Hey growers wanted to inform you all of a meetup at Avogadros number here in the Fort. @3:00pm. There should be a few of us there, from a few different forums. Hoping to see some new faces. I will be bringing a few packs of seeds if anyone is interested in giving a try, from our extensive hybrid list at 14er Holistics.

if there is more info you need drop me a pm.



the box elder bugs/stink bugs whatever the hell the are where rampant in the spring, they did'nt cause much of a problem. I notice them and wolf spiders the most on my plants. The wolf spiders are aggressive little fuckers and dont like to be disturbed, i let them chill on one plant if there gonna eat other bugs there cool with me.


The box elder bugs do nothing to cannabis. they are f'ing everywhere.

Bump on the Meet up tomorrow. Avagadros Number at 3pm on Mason in Fort Collins



I'm back in Cali. Feels good to be home. Was great spending a few months in SoCO. At the least will be getting a sampler pack from gardens I helped out with.


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This last grow, I learned something about modern cannabis that kinda defies what I thought I knew about the subject.

It's one of the 2 blueberry headband freebies I grew out. Its sister is pretty typically an indica hybrid in all respects- overall aspect, resinous, lots of trichomes, pungent aroma, solid high.

This one was different, more open, more sativa-ish in growth, resinous, trichomes, huge yielder with buds flopping all over, but no aroma whatsoever when harvested. Maybe just a little bit of green plant smell. I dried it & jarred it up, left it to cure a couple of months using boveda packs. didn't pay much attention to it until now. Figured I'd be disappointed, that I'd be giving it away as a least favorite sort of thing. I've done that with others in the past.

So now it just has a faint perfumey smell, even when crushed. It doesn't have much flavor, either, just a faint burnt rubber aftertaste. Utterly blah. The smoke, however, is extremely smooth, non-irritating, not expansive in the slightest. The effect is def a cut above its sister & the royal flush it was grown alongside.

She kicks like a mule. I hadn't expected that at all.


Malcon this weekend at the Ramada off i25 and 120th, hope to see some of you there nerding it up :) i'll be doing tarot readings.


Active member
have seen the same thing man.. have popped seeds.. and have seen some look and smell way better.. but the high on the one that didn't look like a keeper was WAY BETTER.. weird right?

that's why breeding for BAG APPEAL is USELESS.. lol we all saw this with TGA Subcool LOL.. bred for smell or taste and bag appeal .. not for Potency, Bag Appeal, Smell, Taste.

and not many people actually breed with TEST RESULTS.. just by what they think. or there smoke report.. or whatever..

if more people bred with plants that they chose from bag appeal .. smell and taste.. and then used labs.. to figure out which to use to breed with.. we would see better consistency in seeds.. potency wise atleast..

ive noticed a lot of breeders care more about bag appeal.. then anything else.. gotta weed out the crap breeders and grow the good beans and share with friends.. overgrow the government.. WITH GOOD WEED.. not SWAG.


Active member
Potency does not necessarily merit good weed.

I'll agree with that, to a point. Once weed arrives at having solid potency, then the qualities of the high matter enormously. That's really a matter of personal preference, maybe of personal chemistry as well.

I like a day brightener, emotional helium, energetic, social lubricant kind of high, even if it's a little edgy. If it smells great, tastes good, smokes smooth, & has a gentle finish hours later, that makes it even better.

Keep the couchlock. At 65, I don't need chemistry to get that.
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