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Colorado Growers Thread

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Jeebus...what's with all the drama? Perhaps some folks should medicate and relax :)
Here is a big bud of Rez's Strawberry Diesel (kushman's strawberry cough x ecsd ibl) - that I just pulled it down...the table was heavy and big :) (not the greatest pics, i'll grab some macros later):





As to the recent rantings...I run both soilless organics, hydro (generally canna or advanced), aero, etc...experimenting is part of the fun for me.


I grow organic, because we ALL know that fruits/veggies/herb all taste Superior when grown organically.

I can agree to that to some degree. Non-organic fruits and veggies are grown outdoors with far worse and far cheaper nutes then GH. Radioactive pesticides are used that are far worse than anything your local grow store sells. Since most produce is sold by weight, most of the food crops have been genetically modified at the molecular level to uptake more water and produce larger fruits, therefore diluting the taste. They are mass produced in corporate owned fields by inattentive workers, there is no love whatsoever. Then there is that whole methane gas thing...Almost all produce is picked before it is ripe, then transported, and then gassed with methane to artificially ripen it. This is not the case with cannabis, we don't GMO, we don't use killer pesticides, and we don't gas-ripen. There is also no "flush" with most of these food crops, and as some of you know, tomatoes are treated with IMID systemically until 1 week before harvest. Its not just the nutes, there is a whole mass production farming industry going on, and this is just not the case with the hydro growers I know... unfortunately that argument holds no merit, sorry!

My shit burns white, sorry you want to believe I don't flush or most organic growers, what a lame argument. You "guarantee" that all organics don't burn right.. WOW! that's pathetic, ever study logic? guess not!
Smoking bowls is for rookies? You must grow some crappy ass weed. Roll up those beater bombers!!!! hahaha
I don't give a fuck about rez, why should I again? Do crosses in a closet of other people's hard work and take credit for it? Funny. You like to over pay for genetics.
Cob answered that one paragraph for me...you must be young and dumb. Thanks Cob.
I'm not sharing my recipe with you, do some work for yourself kid.
My bud quality is a priority over me buying a camera...priorities. You might learn that one day and grow some decent herb....nah probably not.

Some of you bitching about me not posting pix, Where the fuck are your pix at cannagirl and others?
I might have some up soon so you will have something else to focus on.. but don't focus on the real subject at hand. Distract.

All the other fine people out there doing good. I applaud you all. Keep up the good work.
All the haters...start smoking and growing better weed..So I don't have to come on here and bring up this discussion.

I won't even give you a response on most of that, other than some of my "chemed out" bud pics:










Do you wad or fold your toilet paper? B/c if you wad, then you are WRONG! :)

I take exactly 4 squares, not 3, not 5, and only fold along the perforated edges. I only buy recycled vegan fair trade bio-degradable sea turtle safe organic toilet paper hand packed by virgins in a eco-friendly carbon neutral sterile facility.

i just like soil now because im too lazy to run some crazy hydro setup again, it was a pain in the ass, soil is way easier and i like the quality so far.

My point exactly! Didn't I just say that. Most soil growers=lazy. I give props to organic growers that NEVER spend any money on nutes and never go to grow stores, they are self sufficient, and I respect them for that. But those guys don't buy promix, they process that shit themselves. I got friends that used to run their own organic soil processing facility because store bought organic soil mix wasn't good enough and wasn't cheap enough. And even I'M too lazy for that, LOL!
Hmm... well ridiculous argument aside, I grow both organic (and non organic soil) as well as chem hydro. Definitely pros and cons to either way, and if you can't admit or see that then I dont know what to tell ya. Also props to that beautiful huge bud villain and I like your 'chem crap' buds too greenmopho :) Flush is key either way I grow though, anyone that doesnt flush is a silly sally. Peace fellow CO growers


Greenmopho, Looks like you got PM on that 1st pic, sure you got more. Looks like shit anyway, I wouldn't smoke it nor would Jesus.

I don't have PM anywhere in my garden, nor do any of my plants have PM systemically. Those pics are plants grown from seed, never had a chance to get infected. If they had PM, why would I take pics of them? Here is a pic of my room's conditions:


Lets not get this thread closed down or bogged up with stupidness, anyone else want to talk SERIOUS growing in here?


Greenmopho- I'm afraid I have to completely disagree with you about fully flushing your chems out. . This is from Icmag's own MicrobeMan's website..

"Some people grow herbs and edible produce in containers organically. Because this has been practiced extensively utilizing chemical fertilizers, there is a period where growers have flushed the soil with copious amounts of water, the thought being that they are removing the harsh or harmful chemicals from the plant tissues. Too late! Those chemicals are already integrated into what you plan to put on your dinner plate or in your medicinal tea or pipe. At least that’s my opinion. If you have grown your produce naturally allowing the plant to be in control, this flushing routine is not only unnecessary but sort of stupid. Since plants are not able to uptake organic nutrients, what exactly would you be flushing away? You might instead be water logging your soil and roots."

The second part doesn't apply to your DWC method, but just because you can't tastem..doesn't mean they're not there..some strains have overwhelming taste like ISS, and mask chems anyway. Only in organics will the full flavor come through.


Greenmopho- I'm afraid I have to completely disagree with you about fully flushing your chems out. . This is from Icmag's own MicrobeMan's website..

"Some people grow herbs and edible produce in containers organically. Because this has been practiced extensively utilizing chemical fertilizers, there is a period where growers have flushed the soil with copious amounts of water, the thought being that they are removing the harsh or harmful chemicals from the plant tissues. Too late! Those chemicals are already integrated into what you plan to put on your dinner plate or in your medicinal tea or pipe. At least that’s my opinion. If you have grown your produce naturally allowing the plant to be in control, this flushing routine is not only unnecessary but sort of stupid. Since plants are not able to uptake organic nutrients, what exactly would you be flushing away? You might instead be water logging your soil and roots."

The second part doesn't apply to your DWC method, but just because you can't tastem..doesn't mean they're not there..some strains have overwhelming taste like ISS, and mask chems anyway. Only in organics will the full flavor come through.

Over and over, I have smoked unflushed organics and they burn black, high residual phosphate. What you posted applies differently to soil media and to sterile media. You, like a lot of people, are confusing the idea of flushing a plant versus flushing the medium. We are not referring to the process of flushing out your medium of built up salts, which yes, is hard to do in soil. This quote is wrong, plants do take up "organic" nutrients as long as the microbes are producing them and as long as the plant is living. The microbials are living cultures, and washing them away with clean water in soil will barely weaken them, this is true. But a plant uptakes the same exact molecular nutrients it would biologically as it would chemically, the difference is how those compounds are made available. Flushing the plant, not the medium, involves the reduction or complete ceasing of nutrients being available to the root system with the goal of the plant using up it's left over stored internal nutrients such as N, (i.e. leaves turning yellow), and P (too much left over and it won't burn grey/white). You want the plant to use up the last of its stored nutrients to produce carbohydrates. During the vegetative cycle, a plant spends most of its life storing nutrients for the bloom period. This is why you can cut out N almost completely in bloom, the plant has plenty stored for most of the rest of its life.

When plants in an organic grow are in full bloom, the microbes are churning out a lot of nutrients that the enzymatic reactions in the feeder roots are stimulating. The nutrients being put out by the microbial herd in the late stages of bloom are pumping out what the plant needs for flower production, a good bit of Phosphorus and Potassium, not much Nitrate at all. When you harvest at peak THC potency (50% amber/milky trichomes or so), the plant naturally still has weeks to fully die, if not revegetate, so the microherd is still pumping P and K at full force the day of harvest. The plant doesn't know that its being harvested at its peak THC level, it has its own longer natural cycle it abides, so it doesn't know to slow or stop nutrient uptake. This is why unflushed organic buds don't burn correctly and often times require a much longer cure to help break down some of those phosphate and potassium compounds a bit. And because soil is not a sterile media, it also contains and stores microbial nutrients, it makes it even harder to flush.

It is a known fact that roots can dump nutrients back into the soil when the plants have too much of something. This is why soybean and peanuts have been grown as secondary crops to wheat and other grains, because they dump a differing set of nutrients back into the soil. You can clearly measure run off or check ppm levels daily and see that plants are constantly dumping nutrients they don't need. The trick with hydro is finding the balance that the plant requires, and watching your ppms and your plants to see what and how much they need and are dumping. When flushing in a sterile media without salt build up present, you can actually witness a rise in TDS in the clean water. I can start with water out of my filter at 80 ppm, and after a week of flushing its up to 200-300 ppm again.

In soil, you actually are supposed to flush EVEN LONGER to wash away the accumulated salts that the microbes have made AND to dilute the actual microbes themselves. You clearly don't want to overwater during this period, blindly thinking it will help you flush better, you just have to put more time into it. There are guys that run 120 day Haze strains in organic soil, and they are known to flush the last 40 days!

Just droppin some science on ya...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Settle down now you guys/gals...

we don't need to discuss subjects outside of growing good cannabis ......dick size is not the issue here...

....or I will have to start having to bring some wrath down here.....lol..

Grow On....

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Whats up bobby, hope the sun is shining where you are.

It's not, but I'm all good. Take care buddy.

: Well since you have a esteemed resume of working in Grocery stores, and eating free veggies, then I guess I should STFU.


I've never eaten a vegetable, so I am just talking out of my ass anyhow. I abide by a strict diet of raw fish. :wave:

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Jeebus...what's with all the drama? Perhaps some folks should medicate and relax :)
Here is a big bud of Rez's Strawberry Diesel (kushman's strawberry cough x ecsd ibl) - that I just pulled it down...the table was heavy and big :) (not the greatest pics, i'll grab some macros later):


As to the recent rantings...I run both soilless organics, hydro (generally canna or advanced), aero, etc...experimenting is part of the fun for me.

HOLY SHIT MAN......wolverine is hiding behind your bud.
Since plants are not able to uptake organic nutrients, what exactly would you be flushing away?

Well isn't that funny? That's exactly what I was saying! Plants can NOT consume organic molecules, and thus they must be converted to the exact same ionic molecules (these so called "synths") in order to be utilized. Ipso Facto, if grown correctly your plants will be extremely similar in all aspect except for yield.

Now granted, the USDA organic approval includes all sorts of things from pesticides and herbicide use so granted organic food in considerably different, but we're explicitly discussing fertilizers here, and I maintain that the difference between the two is negligible

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
reply to bobby's weak attack: where's the other youtube videos to back up your claim, more penn and teller I hope!
Lurkmode is good for you, since you can't prove shit, thanks for stopping in and showing us how smart you are. Penn and Teller...LMFAO!

Back to growing people!!!!

I used to grow organinc, then I started using the Head Method. Easier for people who have a life, to go along with their growing. I imagine working in a grocery store isn't too demanding, so I am sure you have all the time in the world to research things I have already read.

The difference in organic meds and properly flushed chem meds, is subjective at best. When I was growing organic, bubblin teas, mixing media, thinking I was the shit. Yeah I thought the same way you did. Now that I know better.... Well. Good luck with all that. Ill keep pulling 6-8 ounces off my coco plants. Sucks being so ignorant.

Where are your pics? (Blue Sonja, in CoCo at week 5 I think don't really keep up anymore, under 1800 watts of CMH and HPS. Just to toot my own horn a bit, this pic was a potm nom. Placed 2nd.)


I used to grow organinc, then I started using the Head Method. Easier for people who have a life, to go along with their growing. I imagine working in a grocery store isn't too demanding, so I am sure you have all the time in the world to research things I have already read.

Where are your pics?

Bobby im sorry to tell you you got PM all over your buds.....shit is covered in PM....can someone else please tell him he has PM all over his buds, he needs to know ASAP....trics dont grow like that...all splochy on your leaves....I can even see the spores in the air.....your fucked man. :laughing:

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
LMAO at MrWeekend. Took you all serious and shit at first. Sorry brother. Too much coffee I suppose.

But this brings me to a point about PM, if you never have had it, then you never know how to combat it WHEN you get it. Like riding a motorcycle... You will crash.

Especially with all these new clone sources.

I have limited my growing stock to PM free strains like BS. Deep Congo is another one.
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This is why I stopped posting here. This thread is so full of bullshit, you need a snorkel.

Fannybud: It's just weed. Not really a big deal. Who cares how the other person does it?

Everybody else: Trolls usually leave, when not fed.

Like I said, there are many ways to get the job done. People tend to be set in their ways...and I find this even more so for fellow growers. If you and your patients are happy with the product then that's what's important.

And again, I meet a lot of growers who will begin and end their description of how the grow with, "This is the ONLY way to do it.".



And again, I meet a lot of growers who will begin and end their description of how the grow with, "This is the ONLY way to do it.".


You gotta switch styles every so often and get out of your comfort zone to learn something new. I actually have a few organic soil plants going in a little tent in my house. We'll do a side by side comparison when I harvest those versus the hydro. Same strains, too! I am also doing an ECSD as an experiment for my buddy in a single bucket DWC with only organic EMs. It didn't stretch like all my other ECSDs, but the bud formation is definitely pretty good, although the yield on it won't be much.

If you grow and really care about your plants, you are always working on improving and reinventing your techniques. I don't know anyone who runs 1 kind of system for more than a year or so and doesn't get bored and doesn't get curious to build or grow using another method....


well all my stuff is vegan organics, beat that!!;)

My stuff is not only vegan organic...but instead of CO2...I have vegans come to my space and fart on my plants. Then upon harvest, a vegan Buddhist monk comes and blesses the whole lot while caressing the buds with the feathers of a bald eagle.


Top that.
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