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Colorado-5 Patient Limit Question


I am here retract my previous statement, my town is now leaving up to the voters. And it does appear that the 16 patient thing was removed at the last second which means if they get banned folks will do without. way to colorado.

Thank God they're leaving it up to us. So many other places wouldn't even go that far....


New member
As far as other people naming someone as their Caregiver w/ out consent from Caregiver, sure if they want to waste their time and money only to get their rec rejected I guess they could do that, but why?

For example, If im a caregiver that only wants to have patients with the edible 24 recc, then I might at one point in time, decide to drop some of my current 6 plant patients. When I tell that patient that I want to drop them, It is up to them to actually fill out the paperwork and do it, before I get the new guy on board. Now I have all the motivation in the world to hurry the process along so I can get my increased plant count. The patient im dropping though....theres no motivation to do anything quickly. Maybe they have enough meds for a month, 2 months, 3 months, and dont plan on doing any kind of paperwork to help out the caregiver that just dropped them...

For example, If I have such a demand for my product that I have a line of patients that is more than 5...So I make a waiting list. Maybe someone on the waiting list finds out (or wrongly suspects) that one of the current people im caregiving for, is about to change caregivers, or for whatever reason, a new spot is about to (but hasnt yet) opened up. So the person on the waiting list, because they want their meds ASAP the first day possible...goes ahead and puts me down as their caregiver and sends it in...now what if more than one person on the waiting list does this?

For example, I have 5 patients. 5 more on the waiting list. My current 5 patients are all going to be dropped. Either they found someone else or I had a problem with them or I found other patients with higher plant count....but anyways, Im going to drop them all. Now the waiting list people want in. The timing of when the current list changes CG, and when the waiting list patients send in for me to be their caregiver, will probably not line up correctly. Unless everyone sends everything in, and correctly, the same exact day...the stuff wont be received/processed at the same time. So there will be a lapse in the database...possibly with me going over the 5 patient limit temporarily....

Thats just 3 examples from me thinking for literally less than 5 minutes about it...

Edit: problem solved. (the unrelated finding 24 plant recc for legit patient problem)


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
What stops any random patient from naming you as their caregiver? The problem with using this to investigate, is that as a caregiver you really have no control over who names you as such, or if they remove you when you ask them to, or if the DoR processes these requests accurately and quickly enough for the database record to be current.

How can you be held responsible for what other people write down about you?
They would have to have a copy of your drivers license.


New member
They would have to have a copy of your drivers license.

An actual colored photocopy? Or just the info thats on it? Couldnt one patient tell another your info? Or even worse, make another copy of the photocopy you gave them? Once your info, or a copy of your license is out there...it could be copied over and over again. Not that this would happen, but it could, especially if you have a lot of people that really want your meds. (or 5 "patients" that dont want you growing anymore = legal sabotage by patient count)

That also doesnt address patients you want to drop, not doing the paperwork when you ask them to. It also doesnt address the lag in the MMJ database described in my previous post.

Theres too many holes in that plan to effectively investigate people. They probably will, maybe even arrest some people. But its too easy to be totally legit/compliant, and then get tripped up on this patient count by no fault of your own bc of lazy/pissed patients or a bogged down database.

What about the patient that gets mad (when you want to drop them for another with a higher plant count, or whatever random reason), then refuses to do a change of caregiver, just to fuck up your patient/plant count?

ps. .maybe its obvious im from a prohibition state, I know i probably sound paranoid, just trying to understand all angles...


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
An actual colored photocopy? Or just the info thats on it? Couldnt one patient tell another your info? Or even worse, make another copy of the photocopy you gave them? Once your info, or a copy of your license is out there...it could be copied over and over again. Not that this would happen, but it could, especially if you have a lot of people that really want your meds. (or 5 "patients" that dont want you growing anymore = legal sabotage by patient count)

That also doesnt address patients you want to drop, not doing the paperwork when you ask them to. It also doesnt address the lag in the MMJ database described in my previous post.

Theres too many holes in that plan to effectively investigate people. They probably will, maybe even arrest some people. But its too easy to be totally legit/compliant, and then get tripped up on this patient count by no fault of your own bc of lazy/pissed patients or a bogged down database.

What about the patient that gets mad (when you want to drop them for another with a higher plant count, or whatever random reason), then refuses to do a change of caregiver, just to fuck up your patient/plant count?

ps. .maybe its obvious im from a prohibition state, I know i probably sound paranoid, just trying to understand all angles...
You have to send in a photocopy of your DL with the CG forms... As far as people copying that... I guess it's possible.


An actual colored photocopy? Or just the info thats on it? Couldnt one patient tell another your info? Or even worse, make another copy of the photocopy you gave them? Once your info, or a copy of your license is out there...it could be copied over and over again. Not that this would happen, but it could, especially if you have a lot of people that really want your meds. (or 5 "patients" that dont want you growing anymore = legal sabotage by patient count)

That also doesnt address patients you want to drop, not doing the paperwork when you ask them to. It also doesnt address the lag in the MMJ database described in my previous post.

Theres too many holes in that plan to effectively investigate people. They probably will, maybe even arrest some people. But its too easy to be totally legit/compliant, and then get tripped up on this patient count by no fault of your own bc of lazy/pissed patients or a bogged down database.

What about the patient that gets mad (when you want to drop them for another with a higher plant count, or whatever random reason), then refuses to do a change of caregiver, just to fuck up your patient/plant count?

ps. .maybe its obvious im from a prohibition state, I know i probably sound paranoid, just trying to understand all angles...

Dude, I totally understand how you feel. It's going to trip up a ton of folks. I had a ton of patients and dropped what I needed too. But, all I actually did was tell them and ask them to go fill out the appropriate paperwork. It does worry me what happens if they don't....


New member
Dude, I totally understand how you feel. It's going to trip up a ton of folks. I had a ton of patients and dropped what I needed too. But, all I actually did was tell them and ask them to go fill out the appropriate paperwork. It does worry me what happens if they don't....

Another thing, and correct me if im wrong, but is the change of caregiver form the only "cancel caregiver" type of form there is? What if they havent found another caregiver by the time you have found additional patients and just need to be canceled off your patient list? or what if they decide to grow their own? What form is there for that? I know they can update info when they renew their mmj card, but that could be a year...


Another thing, and correct me if im wrong, but is the change of caregiver form the only "cancel caregiver" type of form there is? What if they havent found another caregiver by the time you have found additional patients and just need to be canceled off your patient list? or what if they decide to grow their own? What form is there for that? I know they can update info when they renew their mmj card, but that could be a year...

They can just elect to keep their own rights on the form I imagine..
You have to send in a photocopy of your DL with the CG forms... As far as people copying that... I guess it's possible.

Beat me to it. I wouldn't worry about people forging your drivers license and submitting that info to a state agency. If anyone was dumb enough to do it, you'd still be within your correct plant count and wouldn't be subject to any penalty. It wouldn't take much to catch them, either.
Perhaps notarized letter stating the following patients are no longer under your caregiver care, and you are asking to be removed as their caregiver in the registry....sent certified mail, maybe drafted by an attorney...any thoughts on this?

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