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Colombian Gold from 1972-78...? How was it "made"?


Well-known member
Wow Ammonia..Doesn't that mean mold??

Rolling the buds by hand then setting them in a pile to dry in the sun for fermentation. After Fermentation the best buds are selected rolled again then allowed to sun dry more.

It amazes me how things where really done back then... If we did that today we would be vilified..

When was the last time anyone had real CG for sale. I have never seen it withing the last 20 years... The CG I got was lose buds not compressed. Basically it was a very well grown sativa that was gold It was extremely expando. The old timers of my generation are probably dead. Why are we not seeing CG like I used to back in the 70-80's. Nobody is growing it anymore takes to long. The curing/drying process they used back then isn't done anymore IMO..

I Cant vote anymore today LOL

I apprecaite your post loose buds damn i want pics :)

Why dont we see any more imports LUMBO/THAI / MEX .The reason It all stopped the spread of hard drugs . All Sweet spots of the Globe were affected for many reasons such as Hard drugs / Cartels /Governments /Wars

YOu would know better than me caz you lived threw it ,but all the regions around the globe were affected an started to grow what they got payed more for. All we see now is mex dirt which i believe is caz of the close proximity to the US



Thanks for the info bigherb.

There was a guy that had what he called Cultivators Choice that was SMG he got from the farmer. Called it that because the farmer had given him the best he had. Is that stuff still around?

I gotta find that thread by Mr. Alkaline now. Got a link?

I gotta turn off this computer or I'll never eat. haha. Later.


Well-known member
Here is a plant that has been girdled. This also supposedly makes the buds gold. Basically the plant is dying very slow wit this method. Someone do this and report ;)

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Pindulika has tried this with the BSC Colombian gold an there was no Gold

Is that your plant or just apic you found ?

It be interesting too see results But ihave made my conclusion



Wow this thread really exploded.. My a.d.d. won't let me address each and every post. I might be able to be convinced that the girdling was being done to slow dry it but I might think it would be easier to just bend them over and partially break the stalks...

I don't remember who was asking about how it made it to the US but I can address that at least as to our experience. I bought from the guy who said he took it off the boat. I trusted him as he always had a bail. I would go in and dig right to the middle of the thing for the more orange colored pot which was in some of the fresher bails. The outsides of the bails were more yellow. They weren't packed as tightly as the brick weed from the previous decade, and you could tell it was carefully tended, dried, cured, and packaged in a manner as to preserve the quality. The buds however, were very dense and solid... Unlike the brick weed, the Golds and similar came out of the bail and actually looked pretty good in the bag with nice solid golden yellow buds.

The seeds in the Colombians were ridiculous, I know it's been mentioned but literally by weight, a bag was 50% seed. With the tightly packed buds, a nice ounce (28.2g) might be 2 1/2 fingers with a full 3/4 of a finger at the bottom of the bag when you bought it and you didn't complain, I mean, this was Colombian Gold.. and we had it...:)

... and then came the scales. Man, in those days we didn't have head shops or any place really to get scales so we bought and sold, lids... I am sure you are all familiar with the term. I remember distinctly the very first time some kid came up to me to buy a lid and pulled out a hand scale in the HS parking lot. We laughed so hard we cried. The best way for us to split weed back then was have one guy split the bag, and to keep it honest, the other guy gets to pick his:)

Mr. Grimbo
Thanks for the info bigherb.

There was a guy that had what he called Cultivators Choice that was SMG he got from the farmer. Called it that because the farmer had given him the best he had. Is that stuff still around?

I gotta find that thread by Mr. Alkaline now. Got a link?

I gotta turn off this computer or I'll never eat. haha. Later.

Go to the DJ Short forum which will be found under the breeders section. It will be on page 11 of the thread entitled "The FLORAL Creation and Character of DJ Short". The thread also adresses how gold colored Colombian was found among the outer layer of bales while the inner layers would almost be black.


From what I remember, I can't say 'all' but the vast majority of it came through ports in BC and the west coast states and spread eastward throughout Canada and the US.

Yup, the seediest pot I've ever encountered, but the tokers back then didn't give a shit. It was just far superior to the 'usual stuff' on the street. Lots of people didn't even remove the seeds, twist 'er up and fire 'er up. Fucking joints would be going off like popcorn poppers. :biggrin:

I would hazard to guess one of the best commercial products probably of all time. Man that stuff was akin to McDonald's shit...billions and billions sold... Everyone loved it, I mean that stuff 'moved' faster than Usain Bolt on 'roids' man! Ching Ching!! :)

Yeah Grimbo that was the usual procedure, 'you split it, I'll choose it'. I think I had the first set of Pesola spring scales in my neck of the woods (~1973). Ground breaking...I mean you just couldn't be walking around with a set of triple beams or pan balance in tow.

Great times
Keep 'er rollin' guys

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Fine Colombian

Fine Colombian

Hello all, I have to say about the “Rainbow” weed that I came across in the 70s it was from Colombia but after reading about the Hawaiian I seem to recall my friends scoring some Rainbow Hawaiian that was stellar, but I never had any. I always thought the name “Rainbow” referred to mixed Colombian buds (Gold, redbud, Punto Rojo, purple & black) all sold in one lid. It’s really hard to say because in the 70s I was young and chasing everything but not really paying attention to the things that are important to us now. I remember the weed the names the friends I shared it with but the real details are fuzzy. In the recent past here in Colombia I obtained many samples of great bud from all over the country. It was over whelming in the beginning because every sample was like a lb. and I was getting one or two a week. I was getting all the Colombian classics and not by name but by memory of the look taste, smell (OMG the smells, I love it!) and of course the beautiful Colombian highs. From 2002 to 2007 I was in bud paradise, I had nothing to do except burn and grow in Colombia. I took the samples I liked the best and grew out some of the seeds and crossed them with themselves and with imports creating the most righteous personal cannabis. However things change and my once sexy wild Colombian wife is now the hard working mother of two and I have to keep my edge and work a full time job as a result my cannabis affair has been put on minimal till I can grow again. The big thing that changed my wife’s attitude about my lovely plant was living four years in the USA; before she lived up there she thought very little of it and never had a problem. We have been back in Colombia over a year now and she’s starting to come around on the growing again (thank God). I still have my dream and as time passes and I become more integrated here I plan on growing the weed I love the most (and a few others). Ok here are a few pics, first this is about an hour south of where I live now and it’s where I would like to retire to or keep as a 2nd home someday soon. I think it would be a very good climate to grow in due to the high altitude and intense tropical sunshine, the weather is fine year round with little or no seasonal changes. It’s perfect there, eternal spring and I love the gentle chilled out country people that live there. The next pics are some Santa Marta Gold buds on the left, golden chunks of fine sweat/sun cured Colombian and on the right is the sinsemilla I grew from it in Bogota 04 (uncured). And the other pic is a bud from the same plant, as you can see its green before a long cure. Sorry about the drift but I can go on and on about the fine Colombians.
Peace from Colombia
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Well-known member
Looks very hazy that ganja red rider - TH or Nevil's.


Rolling the buds by hand then setting them in a pile to dry in the sun for fermentation. After Fermentation the best buds are selected rolled again then allowed to sun dry more.

It amazes me how things where really done back then... If we did that today we would be vilified..

Not back then...this article describes how grass is cured in India...today.

The man to talk to about Colombian ganja on Icmag is Charlie Garcia - Cannabiogen in the seed vendor section. Charlie is currently working with a number of Colombians and he's very generous with his knowledge. CG = Charlie Garcia. You know it makes sense.


Professor Organic Psychology
I touched on this before, but I will go into more detail.

Initially, most of the marijuana in the USA come from Mexico. The Mexicans used to just take the entire plant and force it into forms with a hydraulic jack (like what you use to change the tire on your car). They often did this before it was dry, much less a decent cure. It was done better in some places than others, of course, but most had no concern for quality. They would just force everything into those wooden forms to make the compressed brick. People have found dead birds, mud, molds and you name it in those Mexican bricks.

Once the Americans and Mexicans worked on a joint eradication method using the herbicide Paraquat. Most of the weed from Mexico was tainted or didn't even make it. At that time the Colombians were able to get a lions share of the marijuana game. Most of the Colombian Marijuana was produced initially in the Guajira Peninsula, Northeast corner of Colombia. It was within almost in eye shot of South Florida. They were able to take very large ships, freighters, from Colombia and anchor them in International waters off of coast of Southern Florida. Fisherman would pretend to be fishing or take their fishing boats and unload those giant Colombian freighters at night. Florida had so much wild coastline that it was fairly easy to import large shipments via fishing boat. There was a pretty bad recession in the USA at the time and people that would ordinarily not smuggle did. It was much easier to smuggle from Colombia than it was from Mexico at that time, and they didn't have to compress it as much. By the time the Colombians got into the Marijuana game (mid 70s) the Americans were getting more picky about their Marijuana. You had High Times magazine showing pictures and everyone was learning how to make and handle it for the best results. The Colombians, a proud people, responded. They dried and cured it before stuffing it into burlap bags. The also trimmed it better, just giving up the buds. The buds were squished from putting into the burlap bag, but not compressed with a hydraulic jack like the Mexicans. The better handled buds got a better price.

In the mountainous regions of Colombia (8000 feet above sea level in Bogata) in the dry season you have a high desert. Anyone that knows anything about a high desert is that it dehydrates everything, even people. If you stop watering a plant it turns brown or gold, and the sun bleaches it. If this process does anything at all, it reduces quality, not improves it. People were still bragging about Acapulco gold at that time, and the Colombians were copying that for the higher price. Personally, I would pick buds to smoke that were green with lots of red in them. That was my favorite. I had truckloads to pick from. The weed where I lived was green anyway, as it was grown at a lower altitude. Keep in mind that when I started smoking the Colombians were more interested in Cocaine export than Marijuana. However, I will say that my family had supplied Pablo Escobar weed. He didn't care for cocaine and smoked marijuana constantly (I am told by family).

Colombia is a big country with lots of climates and lots of different people doing things that are not organized. Yes, they appear organized by getting drugs into the USA, but that is where it stopped. The only organization they had was in getting the drugs into the USA. Most of the people involved were illiterate, toothless peasants. The famous criminals were famous because they were heartless animals that would torture and kill anyone that got in their way. It is a very brutal life in Colombia and only the toughest survive.

As for quality, it is like asking if Muhamid Ali would Beat Mike Tyson. You just don't know. I have smoked weed all over the world and every place has it's good stuff and it's shit. There was some great Colombian weed because the Mexicans blazed the trail for the Colombians. The Colombians learned what worked and didn't work and were able to profit from the evolution of knowledge. Marijuana in California is consistently better than any county that exports it. Climate is important to good marijuana and so is genetics. Handling ranks very high though.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Very good!

Very good!

I touched on this before, but I will go into more detail.

Initially, most of the marijuana in the USA come from Mexico. The Mexicans used to just take the entire plant and force it into forms with a hydraulic jack (like what you use to change the tire on your car). They often did this before it was dry, much less a decent cure. It was done better in some places than others, of course, but most had no concern for quality. They would just force everything into those wooden forms to make the compressed brick. People have found dead birds, mud, molds and you name it in those Mexican bricks.

Once the Americans and Mexicans worked on a joint eradication method using the herbicide Paraquat. Most of the weed from Mexico was tainted or didn't even make it. At that time the Colombians were able to get a lions share of the marijuana game. Most of the Colombian Marijuana was produced initially in the Guajira Peninsula, Northeast corner of Colombia. It was within almost in eye shot of South Florida. They were able to take very large ships, freighters, from Colombia and anchor them in International waters off of coast of Southern Florida. Fisherman would pretend to be fishing or take their fishing boats and unload those giant Colombian freighters at night. Florida had so much wild coastline that it was fairly easy to import large shipments via fishing boat. There was a pretty bad recession in the USA at the time and people that would ordinarily not smuggle did. It was much easier to smuggle from Colombia than it was from Mexico at that time, and they didn't have to compress it as much. By the time the Colombians got into the Marijuana game (mid 70s) the Americans were getting more picky about their Marijuana. You had High Times magazine showing pictures and everyone was learning how to make and handle it for the best results. The Colombians, a proud people, responded. They dried and cured it before stuffing it into burlap bags. The also trimmed it better, just giving up the buds. The buds were squished from putting into the burlap bag, but not compressed with a hydraulic jack like the Mexicans. The better handled buds got a better price.

In the mountainous regions of Colombia (8000 feet above sea level in Bogata) in the dry season you have a high desert. Anyone that knows anything about a high desert is that it dehydrates everything, even people. If you stop watering a plant it turns brown or gold, and the sun bleaches it. If this process does anything at all, it reduces quality, not improves it. People were still bragging about Acapulco gold at that time, and the Colombians were copying that for the higher price. Personally, I would pick buds to smoke that were green with lots of red in them. That was my favorite. I had truckloads to pick from. The weed where I lived was green anyway, as it was grown at a lower altitude. Keep in mind that when I started smoking the Colombians were more interested in Cocaine export than Marijuana. However, I will say that my family had supplied Pablo Escobar weed. He didn't care for cocaine and smoked marijuana constantly (I am told by family).

Colombia is a big country with lots of climates and lots of different people doing things that are not organized. Yes, they appear organized by getting drugs into the USA, but that is where it stopped. The only organization they had was in getting the drugs into the USA. Most of the people involved were illiterate, toothless peasants. The famous criminals were famous because they were heartless animals that would torture and kill anyone that got in their way. It is a very brutal life in Colombia and only the toughest survive.

As for quality, it is like asking if Muhamid Ali would Beat Mike Tyson. You just don't know. I have smoked weed all over the world and every place has it's good stuff and it's shit. There was some great Colombian weed because the Mexicans blazed the trail for the Colombians. The Colombians learned what worked and didn't work and were able to profit from the evolution of knowledge. Marijuana in California is consistently better than any county that exports it. Climate is important to good marijuana and so is genetics. Handling ranks very high though.
Thats exactly how it happend and how it is.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Present day South Indian ganja... pic by af :thank you:



Ah Raco, now you're just rubbin' it in... This is very similar to what a friend brought home from NY State, said it was Black African.. Either way, that looks beautiful. Stay safe.

Mr. Grimbo
Great "Memories" Thread indeed. Here's a bit of how I remember all this. I had been in Vietnam 69-70 so was quite familiar with the good stuff. Got back and all there was that I could get was pretty decent Mex. and Oaxacan foxtails, then pretty fair Tahi stick -(none even the best Thai Stick, was even in the ballpark of what you could find in Bangkok. It quickly turned to shit. Then came the Gold. What I got was all non-bricked and referred to as the "Santa Marta Gold" . Excellent, and that sandalwood taste will never be forgotten. At about the same time we started getting Colo Red, equally good as I recall, but it did not last long :( After a year or so where I lived, the Gold became that brown weed which I really didn't care for. Really bummed to have lost the Gold, but it Hawaiian to the rescue! And So on...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Looks very hazy that ganja red rider - TH or Nevil's.

Not back then...this article describes how grass is cured in India...today.

The man to talk to about Colombian ganja on Icmag is Charlie Garcia - Cannabiogen in the seed vendor section. Charlie is currently working with a number of Colombians and he's very generous with his knowledge. CG = Charlie Garcia. You know it makes sense.

I have spoken to Kaiki numerous times. So has Raco. He is a great friend and has shared his knowledge with me more then once.I got my breeding stock of Peyote Purple from. I have spoken to him numerous times. I have some of his Sativas yet to try.


Professor Organic Psychology
There is a breeder named Zamalito that has always kept some pretty good landrace sativa(s). There was a Colombian Black that is a hybrid of various sativas that I would like to check into someway.

Landrace sativas, they are out there. The problem is finding the right one. Everyone says they want a landrace until they find that a landrace sativa is definitely not a cash crop. You grow his crazy plant indoor and let it flower for several months, get these wispy little buds that are all airy, no skunk smell... They are not for everyone. And if you find a hybrid you are looking at a plant that s more profitable, but lacking the introspective high. You have to grow a pure sat for your own head or you will lose your butt. I never sell anything so that is not a problem for me, except having to wait so long and having to spend so much time trimming. A bit of a marijuana paradox.