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College Dorm Grow!! Micro with 150w CFL. With pics of Harvest!



So this was a grow in my college dorm. I had to keep it discreet and this is my first grow, so i didnt have high expectations. I used a bagseed from some mids and did my homework on here and grasscity about what i needed to grow. I ended up having a few problems but ended up with great satisfaction. Let me know what you think. My girlfriend took pictures with her camera, and here are the best.

Let me know what you think!!!!

Thanks for checking this out.

Total Yield wet : 3.5g

I will give a smoke report on the hash tongiht, And a bud smoke report in about a week and a half.


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total yield wet = 3.5g? Ack, that's like a gram dry. I think you spent more on energy costs than if you had just bought yourself something to burn 3 months ago.
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Cool, although some folks might suggest that this is a bad idea only cuz getting caught might mean expulsion, depending on the school. I'm not gonna go there though; as long as you're not exposing anybody else to a threat (besides your folks' unrefunded tuition $), hey... you're a big boy.

That said:

More details please. Nute regimen used? And more importantly, did you flush? (Nah, not the toilet - the plant! :) ) Meaning, did you stop feeding her at least a week or two before harvest? Pics of grow area?

HP is right about yield too - 150w could've produced more with a decent commercial strain. However, if this is your first then hopefully you can dial it in more in the future. Perhaps distance from bulb to plant was too far...


Yah.. it was not that much... I went away from spring break for a week and a half and had to leave it unattended. It was bad, almost died. Plus I could only get it to fit in this tiny ass cabinet. Next year im gunna buy an HPS and have seeds from Greenhouse. I already have trainwreck seeds through the attitude seed bank. Just wanted my first run through to go this year. The worst thing that would have happened to me here would have been to be switched to another dorm. Which is nothing. Thankfully in my state, its decriminalized even for cultivation up to 100gs.

I used Miracle Grow Nutes. Just some bloom booster during flower.
Water was just tap water with the chlorine evaporated out of it.
Soil, Miracle Grow Organic Potting soil. Only stuff i could find, and It held water WAY to much.

My lights were all CFLs and i couldnt get them close cause it was so fucking hot inside the cabinet it was in.

Do the buds look good though? On the macro shots they seem really hairy and wet. Its not alot but it looks like a good smoke!

I know its not alot, but i just used things from around the dorm here, bought 30 dollars worth of bulbs, nutes and soil and thats it. So it was good for the experience. Plus i convinced alot of my friends to grow in their places too next year.
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Active member
total yield wet = 3.5g? Ack, that's like a gram dry. I think you spent more on energy costs than if you had just bought yourself something to burn 3 months ago.
Yes, but they wouldn't have learned all the valuable lessons along the way, now would they. :D


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'm with hydro on that.. you can't put a price on education eh... but also... be careful.. your other education is important too..

fair play though.. whatever else anyone says... you done grew some buds mate :D


yah i know it is. I made sure i know the laws in my state, and they are pretty lenient here. Its all over with now though so i dont have to worry.

I'm with hydro on that.. you can't put a price on education eh... but also... be careful.. your other education is important too..

fair play though.. whatever else anyone says... you done grew some buds mate :D
...wouldn't suggest you invest any more money. You have more than enough to work with to get some WAY better results. Focus on your homework. Graduate. Buy an HPS.


hmm, 150watt cfl, 3.5 grams wet, are you stating the equivilant wattage?


I no from the sights you have read here and else where told you about when to hardvest and all but due to such low wattage you should have let it flowered for another 3 weekes. Letting off a few 12 grams co2 cartridges a week prob. wouldnt have hurt either since your tight for cash.


Active member
due to such low wattage you should have let it flowered for another 3 weekes.
If the strain is mature, chop it.

Letting it go another 3 weeks isn't going to 'add weight' to your harvest it's going to degrade the quality of the cannabinoids and give you couchlock smoke.


Active member
why did you chop that so early? its what 2 weeks into flower? that bud looks hardly mature. look at all the leaf. i dont even see a calyx in sight.


stihgnobevoli thats exactly what i was thinking. that low quality of light what littile you can see on it clear not amber colored at all.


It was 7 and a half weeks since I had put it into flower. I smoked a little bit today and it was a head high. O well, just another thing i learned for my grow with actual seeds.

Another problem was that I didnt have enough light on them at first. At first I started with only 50watts and then i moved it up.

Can i use a 150w hps for vegative growth as well as flower?


It was 7 and a half weeks since I had put it into flower. I smoked a little bit today and it was a head high. O well, just another thing i learned for my grow with actual seeds.

Another problem was that I didnt have enough light on them at first. At first I started with only 50watts and then i moved it up.

Can i use a 150w hps for vegative growth as well as flower?

yes you can


Do you guys know why i didnt yield more? I watered with nutes about once a week, but I just dont why they never seem to grow.


what was the temp?
Use proper nutes, mg doesn't really cut it.