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cold proceessing aka gamma radiation(beta better?) effects on flower..


Active member
as many know in canada most LPs are forced to do zap buds to make them clean.

i have not researched this however i was told gamma can decrease THC up to 5%!! crazy and also observe notable decrease in terps but more data on thc % as was more important particualy here in medical system wanting dosage info.

anyway, interesting enough the food cold proccessing doesnt work well for cannabis and they have moved to higher energy radiation to help decrease time of exposure. beta radiaton i think? which apparently helps terp and THC be preserved.

thought it was fairly interesting, but still think our gov needs to give better guidlines for cannabis as allowing SOME microbes for recreational market. tottaly get stricter rules for AIDS and cancer patients who may prefer sterile product.

Lost in a SOG

The fuck!

I mean yeah its not the worst to UV products but on flowers to be smoked or vaped? Stupid world..

I dont know about the post harvest effects but its likely to isomerise and decarb the secondary metabolites slightly.