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Coffee vs. Espresso

Bumble Buddy

Active member
EatCannabisRaw said:
Does espresso have different effects than coffee??

Do you think its possible espresso - being made with heat and pressure, as opposed to coffee - being made with only really just heat, produces different effects related to the composition of the chemicals present in the resulting liquid?...

I think it is possible, I can see oils on the surface of the milk foam when there is a good extraction. I'll usually express the shot directly into a glass of steamed milk- less oils clinging to the sides of a shot glass that way. Perhaps there are some substances in an espresso shot that get squeezed and steamed out of the beans that are not present in a brewed cup. I prefer the taste of espresso over brewed, the same goes for the subjective feel of the effects of espresso over brewed coffee.. maybe less caffeine jitters but more soothing/thoughtful?



lives on planet 4:20
so one ounce of esspresso is 40 mg.....makes no difference really.....because most people when they drink esspresso....they don't drink more than 4 oz servings...usually only 2 oz (small ass cup...one sip you're done)


If you look down the list you can get 33mg from 1 stick of jolt chewing gum. I am cornholio. grarraahahaagaarah. are you threatening me. I need TP for my bunghole. I am bungholio!!!!!!


668, Neighbor of the Beast
flubnutz said:
depends how the machines work, does an expresso machine force steam thru the coffee? i know you get steam for the milk but i think it just runs hot water thru the coffee.

A good espresso machine forces hot water through the coffee with a high pressure pump. The wally world/black and decker type uses steam instead of a pump.

Generally on lower end machines the boiler serves water first then heats up to steam milk but on a higher end machine they have a heat exchange system which is 2 boilers, one for steam and one for water.
One of the keys to a great espresso is freshly roasted beans...I roast a small batch once a week so I'm always drinkin freshly roasted beans...saves alot of coin that way too. Green beans keep a long time so I can have a nice variety to choose from, usually have about a half dozen types on hand. A small roaster can be had for well under $200 and will pay itself off in no time...all the info you could ever need can be found at coffeegeek.com


Yeah I've had amazing coffee a friend roasted fresh. Peaberry kona bean, organic.

I made a little espresso today in the stovetop thing, and I asked my sister how it felt. And she said it felt like she just took a Vicadin.

Thats how it feels to me too... to me its very soothing. Coffee feels different to me for sure. My mom gets way high on tons of coffee every morning. pfff and she basically treats me like satan's friend when I start talking about weed.

That caffeine chart only says so much. If you have good beans and you grind them and make the espresso fresh, your getting a lot more than caffeine I'd say. Alot of those oils probably have psychoactive effects also. Kinda like how all the oils in marijuana do.


I try to only drink espresso now a days. I feel that "regular" coffee isn't good for me. Getting all sweatty and warm by drinking it and i don't see any of these effects while drinking espresso. And of course, a well made espresso tastes so amazingly good :D

My next investment will be a rancillo silvia and a rocky. Good times ;D


Not sure off topic this is, but if anyone is searching for an alternative to coffee, I suggest mate de coca. It's a tea made from exactly what you think it would be made from. A pinch of lyme or any other alkaloid will help strengthen the effect to that of a cup of good, strong coffee. I drink coffee just about every day, and every day around 8:30, I have to take a shit. I drank this tea the first day after I received it...and I felt perfectly fine. No sudden urge for the bathroom, nothing..other than a nice feeling of coffee-like stimulation without the jitters. It's also 100% legal, if that makes a difference. I also tried vin mariani(sort of...used hennessy) tonight, and am completely satisfied with the results. If this somehow violates the tou, go ahead and remove it. Not trying to take anything away from coffee, but I figured I'd throw it out there.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Man all these choices drive me crazy !! Could I just get a cup of black coffee please!


Active member
southflorida said:
i don't know this.....but I like drinking *real* espresso a lot more than regular coffee

my last few trips to Italy....I only drank espresso....and always double portions....since they make such small portions....I can't drink just one

im gonna have to cosign this.

i acctualy hated coffee untill i went to europe...

now i own an espresso maker, wake n' bake with a double shot of espresso is just toooooo good. :joint:


okay anyone know what I'm talking about here???

i think i'm right when i say espresso is supposed to just be sweet...supposed to be just a good press of the bean right?

because i have a stovetop espresso maker. i put it on the stove...and i hear the thing gurgle... and basically this nice oozing comes out. its almost an ounce.... its this dense really sweet extract...

but then when i let it boil more... its like 10 seconds later another push of water comes through and its not sweet.

so i'm guessing i'm extracting all the minerals (which i spose taste sweet) from that first 1 ounce press...

its amazing. but i feel that maybe some people just let all the water ooze through. but that first oozing is sweet and i feel that is how espresso needs to be. anyone know what i'm talking about??


Interesting article!
Definition of Espresso

Original Italian espresso is about one ounce of a dark, smooth, heavy-bodied, syrup-like, aromatic, bittersweet coffee drink topped with a thick, reddish-brown foam of tiny bubbles. It is not just six times stronger than a cup of coffee, as may be implied by the smaller volume; the foam, or crema, that captures the intense coffee flavors is as important as the liquid coffee underneath.

In more technical terms, espresso is a colloidal dispersion produced by emulsifying the insoluble oils in ground coffee. These oils don’t normally mix with water. But under intense pressure (9-10 bars) generated by commercial espresso machines, oils are extracted from ground coffee, formed into microscopic droplets, and suspended in liquid coffee concentrate. If strong coffee was all that was required, using less water in a drip brewer in place of costly espresso machines would do the trick.

It is this emulsification of oils that distinguishes the espresso from strong coffee. It markedly alters properties of the beverage in terms of its mouthfeel, density, viscosity, wetting power, and foam-forming ability. Volatile vapors produced during espresso extraction hold coffee’s aroma and are captured in tiny bubbles of the crema. These aroma molecules, later released in the mouth as espresso is consumed, find their way to the nose through the pharynx. These oil droplets also attach themselves to the taste buds and slowly release volatile compounds until after the espresso is long gone.

This is why the crema is so critical. If there is no crema, the oils in ground coffee have not been emulsified, and, hence, it is not an espresso, but merely a strong coffee. Crema, therefore, is the most critical indicator of a well-made espresso. And rightly so.

What is remarkable about a properly made espresso is that the maximum flavor is extracted from ground coffee while much of the caffeine and excess acids are left behind. The high pressure at which extraction is done and the small volume of water passing through ground coffee account for this feat.

so i guess i am making it right. its sweet. doesn't jolt me like drip coffee. instead makes me feel good.. yum

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I LOVE coffee
Drink many cups a day

Nothing I like more than plopping down in front of tv and smoking a joint with a nice cup of coffee

I do like espresso, but I find it does not hit the spot the way a cup of joe does


espresso or drip coffee...

espresso has very little CAFFEINE but is mighty tasty..

drip coffee is so potent it can keep entire nations on feet for ages hehe i think some countried up north of europe would not exists as they are without coffee..

beeing a scandinavian coffee addict since early childhood..

i like my coffee strong - so strong i go into a creative frenzy and keep working nonstop for hours without noticing time is passing..

but the most tasty is propably a cappuchino with no-lactose milk.. yum..

my favourite coffee (instant)

2 table spoons nescoffee (dont underestimate nescoffee.. )
1 table spoon alta rica columbian coffee (more intense flavour but less caffeine)
a bit of boiling water
lots of non-lactose milk and some sugar..
lots of ice
a huge glass - gotto hold 1/4 gallon!

sprinkle some cinnamon on top..

cold milk can get whipped into foam for the coffees.. cheapo capuchino..

a nice big iced coffee is the only thing that keeps me going in the spanish summer heat..

peace all!


stoned agin ...
i know its the "wrong" way to do it because supposedly the temps are too high, but i gotta say i love a good ol cup of percolator coffee, strong with cream and sugar. reminds me of the old days.

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