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Coco VS Hydroton in Flood & Drain

I use a top feed coco setup using canna coco mixed with perlite and a silica stone just switched to a fine stone oppose to the medium to large from before. Have yet to notice difference beside the fact that i can water more often because it drains better. I put a layer of hydroton on the bottom as many do and I use the bato buckets 7.5" x 7.5" and almost 10" tall. I seem to like my pots deeper. Thought about switching to the maxi's but thats alot of medium and I don't reuse, either compost or in the outdoor garden it goes after one use. I used to sift the bigger silica stones but more hassle than its worth. I have my pumps on a cycle to come on about 15-25 sec three times a light cycle depending on size. I try to maintain about 20 % run off.

I don't see coco working good in a recirc. setup, but couldn't say for sure cause never tried it. Seen it done by a friend who had good results though.

As far as hydroton if have run a flood and drain bucket system with clay pellets but had problems with the plant not developing or yielding anywhere near what I do in coco maybe just me though. I just don't like the constant fluctuation of a recirc setup. Also the plant doesn't support itself well, I read below someone saying use Higromite (silica stone) and I think that would be the best to recirc.

Anyways I feel like every grower finds what methods they like best and all I can say is experiment with multiple methods take a little from each and find what works best for you and your environment.
Good luck


many gardeners have attempted to replicate so quick's varied gardens for some time... obviously a master/mistress gardener. & handled hydroton well!:D... that strain (ak-47-c99? is the 1 they used to run/bred?) also was one of so quick's own creations. very important factor in that members success...

yes, hydroton will work... just not as forgiving as a hydroton/coco blend... g.green also mastered/mistressed the hydroton f&d tables... out there lurking somewhere...:wave: there was thread titled lui sog that was classic (c.w. r.i.p. :frown:)... all hydroton. it all works... just run a few different types of media, & select the 1/1's that suit your preferences...

ea will be slightly different in cost, physical properties, etc... wont know if suits until tried;)

enjoy your garden!


Well-known member
Not to keep beating the pine bark up. And i was gonna respond earlier but ive been busy. Pine bark has been used alot in the past. and im sure its fine for orchids. But you dont feed orcids like you do MJ.

orchidd dont grow as fast, u would never need the frequency of watering mj requires, orchids would never demand the amount of food mj requires, especially under HID. I jsut feel bark is bad for a hydro type system. maybe hand watering in the medium its fine. but hydro recirc..nahhh

And hydroton does not decay and become food. so it doesnt really decay like the other mediums will. fall apart.... yes.

when it is moved around the teracotta type layer on the outside of the ball chips of as the hydroton is 2 layers of different clay.

My point an last point is, bark is a decaying medium. anaerobic bacteria feeds on dead organic material. it is a breeding ground for a root rot problem. I would stay away from it.

Then if u added a zyme product that would further increase that breakdown.


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