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Coco run off help


breathe deep
evlme i know you know your shit. Not downplaying your knowledge at all.
I was just pointing out that you watering that beautiful tree multiple times a day with the lumens of the sun might not be a good comparison point.
And also that coco does hold onto nutrients. compared to clay or silica and the like, coco can have buildup within.

Though you are probably right that the plants are starving to death.

and have helped me more than once so i will humbly bow out. especially since my theory is garbage now that seedbuyer has again said he uses bcuzz PREcharged coco


My quick 2 cents after running coco/perlite 50/50, water more. More then pure coco. That's it. Only when I let a day or two go between waterings do I get the spots, high ec runoff etc.

Also, for that high EC runoff, try feed/water/feed/water rotating, etc etc. This will bring that back down quickly.


i luv hearing people back up the fact that coco needs to dry a little sometimes to grow your plants properly, im so sick of people thinking u need to water coco all dam day, once your roots are established u can water as much as u like, before that happens u need some drying or youll drown your roots , make your plants weep and stall growth. very simple stuff, nice to see some multiple year users of coco back me up on this, read the plant , not the medium..youll never go wrong.


New member
After reading this thread I decided to check my PH on my runoff. My plants look pretty darn good but some of the larger older leaves are a bit off(yellowing spots, brittle, etc.)

So I water with RO @ 5.8 PH (PBP, calmag, lk) and I check the readout of the runoff yesterday and it 4.0-4.6 on my meter and confirmed with PH drops. I have started flushing with 6.0 PH plain water. It's taking about 10 gallons to get the runoff to ~6.0 PH in 3 gal bags.

I think I've built up a ton of salts from previous feedings. I have recycled this coco a couple times, and stupidly not flushed it thoroughly before using again. They actually look pretty good considering how acidic things were. Some of them don't really have any noticeable damage, but I don't see how at that low of PH. Growth hasn't even been to slow.

So did I do the right thing by flushing out all the salt buildup? I just don't see what else I could do to change the situation.

Sorry if this would be considered a thread jack, but this is the thread that made me check my run-off PH. So I have Seed Buyer to thank for getting my head out of the sand, or should I say coco.:thanks:

Seed Buyer

a-dam....I never reuse coco for that reaason

Yesterday I hooked all the tables up to 70 gal reservoirs and started flooding 3 times per light cycle as opposed to my one a day drain to waste handwaterings. Also, I clean and calibrate my pH meters weekly but I brought in a 3rd pH meter and it reveled my main 2 pH meters were off by 3 tenths, so I guess I need new calibration solutions and maybe clean calibrate every couple days just to be safe. I hope the pH meters are the only parameter that was off and caused all my problems so I can get back on track and salvage this grow. Thanks one and all for your insight!


Active member
go to the basics and water twice a day at least and, yes, be consistent.

start small containers, size pots and transplant accordingly


water more...

water more...

water more often, with a lighter, well balanced feed, you ll have no issues. everything evlme said was spot on.

measuring run-off usually amounts to very little. too many factors to take into account, the run-off ph is not an accurate measure.

when you let coco dry out, ph issues. coco is not soil! its amazing how many people just gloss over all the stickies in GROWING in COCO thread! :D

go read h3ads thread, or even better, go read bonecarvers thread. anything you (all) want answered, will be in there. or, you could listen to the folks who water like they re in soil (which will work, just not nearly as well, and you run the risk of letting your medium dry out too much and then...well, you ll see)

do an experiment. take your worst clone, feed it more often than you would the others. not more, stronger nutes, just more often. light feed, my ppm are usually around 950, id use half strength if youre under t5s and then work up.

i mean, what have you got to lose? its not like the people posting pictures of beautiful, well grown plants know anything...best to believe the "others," huh? :D keep us updated, especially if you try the experiment.



Active member
Ive grown outdoors in boggy completely wet clay and still had 7' plants, and ive grown in peat mixes and never let it dry out but coco that shit holds nothing at all nothing so when people tell you it can't be over-watered they mean it.

Seed Buyer

I am flooding 3 times a day, the pots are always wet, but they rebounded nicely and dont seem to mind the always wet coco. Cheers!


After reading this thread I decided to check my PH on my runoff. My plants look pretty darn good but some of the larger older leaves are a bit off(yellowing spots, brittle, etc.)

So I water with RO @ 5.8 PH (PBP, calmag, lk) and I check the readout of the runoff yesterday and it 4.0-4.6 on my meter and confirmed with PH drops. I have started flushing with 6.0 PH plain water. It's taking about 10 gallons to get the runoff to ~6.0 PH in 3 gal bags.

I think I've built up a ton of salts from previous feedings. I have recycled this coco a couple times, and stupidly not flushed it thoroughly before using again. They actually look pretty good considering how acidic things were. Some of them don't really have any noticeable damage, but I don't see how at that low of PH. Growth hasn't even been to slow.

So did I do the right thing by flushing out all the salt buildup? I just don't see what else I could do to change the situation.

Sorry if this would be considered a thread jack, but this is the thread that made me check my run-off PH. So I have Seed Buyer to thank for getting my head out of the sand, or should I say coco.:thanks:

Did you get this sorted out?

Seed Buyer

Yeah...they are ragging. Basically my conclusion is this plant is a nute hog. They are 12" tall and already handling an 1.8ec of GH Nova Grow. No longer hand watering, rather they are getting flooded every 8 hrs. They look perfectly green except some of the lower fan leaves are twisting (not curling). If you hold your hand out in front of you w/ your palm down and raise your thumb up and lower your pinky finger down that is the "twisting" I am seeing but they are vibrant as hell and the twisting leaves have a perfect color but just twisting!