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Started these 12 fem seed sometime in October under a t5. Kept em small and topped em a couple a times before they were moved to where they are now. Once they got to their new home I re-potted em in 3 gallon bags, tied the branches down, and vegged for another week or so under 1k (first pic) before I put the screens over em, vegged for another week or so and now they've been on 12/12 for 7 days under 2k as of today.

Bent girls ready for their screen:

Not sure exactly but this is the first week the screen was put on:

Here is today day 7 of 12/12

The strains are 2 lemon skunk from GHS, 5 power skunk, along with 5 blueberry skunk from the Flying Dutchmen. The lemon skunk have shown the most sativa like qualities and are already overgrowing the corner closest to where the pictures have been taken. 5 of the six on the far table are blueberry skunk and the plants in between are the power skunk. The only thing I've read on the power skunk on any forums is that it was a weak producer but the stalks and stems on mine are pretty thick so I'm hoping that whoever posted what I'd read just didn't know what they were doing. Soon enough we'll see.

For nutes:

GH micro/bloom 6/9 (h3ads lucas variation)
I'm adding humic acid (Diamond Nectar) and am looking for folic acid which my local shop didn't have.

Feel free to comment. I'll try and update once a week from here out.

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Just Say Grow
12 plants 2k,6/9 Gh, sounds familiar mine were recieved clones with roots on oct 2nd so were about neck and neck although I'm a bit farther along in 12/12. You are going to have a jungle in there man, one thing I'd say be sure to clean up the bottoms because when the screen fills up there is no light penetration beyond the canopy. I like it bro keep on rockin it
Thanks guys!

Yea, the first of my beans were popping right around then.

Most of my undergrowth is removed but I've been debating removing some of the growth that's within an inch or so from the screen hoping I can somehow make room. You're probably right though.


Yeah SG that looks tight mate!! What strain is it?

I'm only at the start of my 3rd week 12/12 and i have trimmed mine 3 times and took some major popcorn and leaves out and they are growing more. I ain't got the balls to thin anymore out now i'm in week 3

Good luck mate
3 strains from seed.

2 lemon skunk (ghs)
5 power skunk (flying dutchmen)
5 blueberry skunk (flying dutchmen)
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Day 17



And here's next round
Here's this weeks update

Day 21

I took a couple close ups to show the progression along with the full screen shots. The BS and PS seem pretty uniform. The BS smells fucking awesome. It's a prominent blueberry smell with a skunky undertone. The PS is developing quickly and doesn't have much of a smell but they do smell sorta spicy. The stretch was crazy on the LS plants and I had to tuck them under and tie a few branches down an extra time or two. One is coming along faster than the other but I expect these to take longer than the 8-9 weeks that they claim. What else is new. :rolleyes: They still smell awesome and very citrusy.



Blueberry skunk:

Power Skunk:




That last LS looks very Sativa'ish. Might be 70 days plus.

Cool Scrog, too much work for me though, I'm lazy. Good luck man.

I sure hope so. :D


I was thinking the same or more. They're all getting chopped by 63 days one way or another this round so hopefully it's not too premature. If it is it'll make good hash.

Here we are at day 31:

I'm gonna try to take pics of the same colas from the different strains to document the development.

screen shot:




I think the stretch is just about done. It seems to me like the PS (middle) was timed just right and is right around 12" above the screen. Most of the BS didn't stretch as much as I'd thought and is on average around 7-8" above the screen. The LS would have been 24+ had I not tucked em and tied a couple down an extra time or two. At this point the one is still 15-18" above the screen the other around 12-14".

If you hadn't noticed I threw another 1k up there. I sorta debated doing it. I wanted to see what my gpw was but in the end decided I didn't really give a fuck about gpw ultimately I just want the herb for myself and my patients and I couldn't see not pulling at least a little more with it up there for the last 4 weeks.


Just Say Grow
are you running sealed w/ co2? a/c?
hear you on the more light = more meds. who cares about the numbers, we try to improve every run anyways right? and knowing that you got say .7gpw doesn't make it any bigger of harvest at the end of the day, right? I'd throw another 1k over my screen too if it wouldn't throw the breaker.

Also, how do you like the hygrozyme? is it all it's cracked up to be?
Not sealed other than being wrapped with panda film. No CO2 and no AC yet. I'm in a cold region in a basement so at this point I'm lucky enough to be able to not run an AC. I have a 12" canfan pulling air through a 125# filter to scrub the air and a couple oscillating fans to keep the air moving. When the 12" fan is on the piece of panda film that separates my two sections of the basement is sucked towards it so I'm not too worried about air exchange. My temps swing from 68/76 night/day and my RH 30-40% with a 45 pint dehumidifier. I figure I've got one more round before the panda wall will have to go and I replace it with a real wall so an AC unit can be added.

I haven't really been using the Hygrozyme to be honest. I think I decided to start cutting back on things and that's the first one I cut.


Just Say Grow
nice, sounds like a pretty decent place for winter grows, I also don't have the need for an a/c at the moment but my nights get down to about 65-62 day temps are usually right at 75.
I have to run a space heater in there otherwise my RH gets too high at night. I guess the dehumidifier only works well down to 65 or so.