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Coc 6.5 lt pot


1 month would work ..so would 2.... but take into consideration stretch and width growth. More roots = more fruits.
Longer you veg the bigger the harvest.
Some peeps go straight to flower from clones so all up 2 u. Careful not to overwater them....yes when their young and roots arent established it can happen.


New member
1 month would work ..so would 2.... but take into consideration stretch and width growth. More roots = more fruits.
Longer you veg the bigger the harvest.
Some peeps go straight to flower from clones so all up 2 u. Careful not to overwater them....yes when their young and roots arent established it can happen.

Thanks Weeded ...

Snow Crash

Active member
4-6 weeks. Somewhere around 24" to 28" in height.

Whenever you see alternating nodes the plant is pretty much good to go. Build your roots as much you can early on and that will be the real factor. You could shave off time by using a rooting supplement like Rhizotonic, Rapid Start, Roots Excelurator, kelp, etc.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
If you have the roots going good and can multi water or it at least dries daily its ready to rock. System and genetic dependent,
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Active member
pretty much depends how big you want the plant and how much water you can give it and how often. a really big plant in a pot like that will need a drip system or something similar.


New member
Hi Miraculous Meds,

6 to 8 would be ideal, can you recommend a good strain that's capable of producing that and what sort of veg of time would I be looking at ?



New member
Hey lung.Butter,

Going to set up an automated dripper system and give multiple waterings per day,would you recommend standard or airpots ?



New member
Yes I realize having the environment etc dialed in is a big factor, I am planning on growing 5 plants on a big Wilma 8 using the Wilma to catch the run off and have the nutrients in a separate rez..


True, it comes with dialage... But good strains are certainly important. My fave is Deathstar, 25% thc, easy to grow, huge yields, grail type in my mind in that it covers all the important criteria. Can definitely get 6 to 8 with it in those #2 pots, and 1.4gpw and upward im sure.

Picz or it didnt happen haha


I dig what ur saying but I just signed up and I aint got the teste's yet to post pics. When I get to 50 posts I will try and ask some people about security issues and such. Also need to get a camera, any suggestions on a good one?

Dont be shy...we all started somewhere

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Superdry1, what size Wilma tray is that. 5 plants need so much space so you need to determine how big they need to be to fill the canopy completely without overcrowding, after stretch. So u can only know that until u run said strain. then u learn how much veg is needed. All the advice you've been given is pretty much correct. Basicly need to know a couple more of the peramiters, and your goal to best make a plan to get u there. Like canopy space, room space, lights being used...


New member
Thanks guys appreciate all the advice given so far ... It's a loft room 2x2x2m but the roof tapers towards the top as it follows the pitch of the roof, I have 2 600w adjusta wing lights and 8 inch extraction fan and filter with passive intake.

The Wilma is 750x750 mm ( 30"x30" ) and 200mm ( 8" ) tall, Also I am in the Uk amd we are heading into Autumn so overheating won't be a problem in the grow room,

Cheers Guys


Thanks guys appreciate all the advice given so far ... It's a loft room 2x2x2m but the roof tapers towards the top as it follows the pitch of the roof, I have 2 600w adjusta wing lights and 8 inch extraction fan and filter with passive intake.

The Wilma is 750x750 mm ( 30"x30" ) and 200mm ( 8" ) tall, Also I am in the Uk amd we are heading into Autumn so overheating won't be a problem in the grow room,

Cheers Guys

I run 2 600w in a 8x4ft tent with a 750 cfm fan and fresh filter 8"...tent is air cooled. Fall or not , youre gonna have to cool that room somehow...my 600s with adjust-a-wing heat that tent up like you wouldn't believe.

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