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COBD Journal - coco tent grow

Prof. COBD

New member
Welp, just got back from a 3 week trip and I'm pumped to see the progress of my ladies. It was hard trying to manage them from afar, but I think my roommates did a pretty good job, especially considering they have no experience or knowledge prior.

Vertical room was definitely a problem during stretching, so we put in a late trellis net to set up a makeshift scrog. I'm hoping there's enough room between the light and the net for the buds to grow out. We are at day 29 flower, and I'll need to harvest in about 6 weeks at the latest.


closeup of the net.. its a bit messy, but seems to be doing the job

bathing in that beautiful redness


below the canopy

As always, comments/advice welcome


Weed Cannasaur
Looks good, but I'll remove the lower growth at this stage to allow better air circulation. The bottom buds with this dense canopy will not even develop to a bud form.


Id also remove a bunch of that lower stuff.
Whats going on with the coco mold?
Have you looked at the rootzone? Is this stuff just on the surface?


Active member
Looks great for 3 weeks in. I'm loving that LED.

And it looks like you have cleared out all budding sites from below canopy, so disregard that posters comment. I see a couple tiny little sites that can be pinched off, no stressing it. I will ask about the RH tho.. It will be spiking very high at night, cus ur flowers are stacking.

Any kushy / minty smells on them yet?

Prof. COBD

New member
Thanks for looking in dudes.. @Fonz and Tribal I'll take a good look and make sure there's nothing else down there I can clear out. RH is okay right now, reaching daily highs of about 50 but hovering around 30 usually. I've been keeping the fans pumping 24/7 and that seems to keep RH down. Love that dry Colorado climate. Unless I'm missing something you're seeing, from what I can tell, the mold is pretty much cleared out. The white stuff at the base of the stems looks and feels like salt buildup to me. I'm going to give them a good flush in about a week, and I've upped the daily H2O they are getting (I think they were a bit dry for the past couple weeks).

The filter so far is a beast, my room doesnt smell like nug at all. When I open the tent I'm definitely getting a wave of kush, I'll be on the lookout (smellout?) for mint as well.


Active member
Nice nice. Ya that is salt build up. Ya those scrubbers really work well :)

Give the stem a lil rub or a lil squeeze to a flower, or kinda shake the plant a tad, good ways to get smells.

Prof. COBD

New member
Day 54 flower

Day 54 flower

All's lookin pretty good.. its been hot as balls here for a few weeks, and I don't have AC, so ambient in the room can reach as high as 85+, with temps in the tent 80-85. I've just been keeping them well watered and as far as I can tell they aren't showing any real signs of heat stress. Flowers and leaves look healthy to me, no other signs of trouble. About 2.5 weeks from harvest. I'm guessing that not having enough space between the canopy and light is limiting how much the bud can grow vertically, so production might be hurt there, but I don't think theres a lot I can do about that at this point.







Active member
looks awesome man! can you get any pics with the lights off? i wonder if a pk booster ontop of the maxi woulda given you a boost in yield. they certainly dont look deficient tho, really nice job my friend.

what kind of smells are you getting off them? give the buds a lil squeeeze to get a nice terp rush. they look verrrry frosty thru the led colors, i bet they are real nice man! more pics kekeke


Active member
and how many days do you plan on taking them to? their momma goes to around 70-75 days & does alot of chunking up between days 50-65

Prof. COBD

New member
pics with lights off below. let me know if you think they look like they could have used a booster and I'll incorporate that next time around, but yea as far as I can tell no deficiencies. I'm stuffy as hell right now so am struggling with smells, but the kush is obvious, and I think I get a little of the mint, but I also have a monster mint plant in my room so that isn't helping. My official smell diagnosis is that it smells like kittens and rainbows and sex, in that order. I think I'll be able to get them to right about Day 75 before i need to cut to get ready to move. It's day 60 right now, and I've definitely noticed them beefing up in the last week or so, putting on some nice girth.







Active member
bro... those look very very nice ;-) ha, im stoked! i got soooooooooooo many of those seeds in the fridge, frickin hundreds man. clearly a couple different phenos going on there, that sativa leaning one is looking interesting... the 2nd to last pic. the other ones look like they are leaning towards the bubba, nice rounded dense nugs with dark green foliage.

ur def fine taking the bubba leaner to 67-70 days, the other i'd let go 70-75.

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