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CO2+ timers,etc.


Have a friend with his med card and he is going to grow 15 plants.He wants all the CO2 equipment necessary and cost is not a big problem.He will be running a CO2 gen (any suggestions for size in 10x16 room) he also wants it all automated and I suggested CAP gear.So can someone sugest the items he,d need for proper saturation ,timed exhaust off etc.so he basically doesn,t need to do a lot of worrying,extra checking the room etc.All suggestions appreciated.


Active member
Get a couple 20 pd co2 tanks (because they are easy to transport) and a co2 regulator and a sentinel controller is easist and has no heat.


Get a couple 20 pd co2 tanks (because they are easy to transport) and a co2 regulator and a sentinel controller is easist and has no heat.

Ditto here ,
A Sentinel CPPM1 and 3 20 lb cylinders. Set it and forget it.
Last thing I needed was another heat source in my room as well .


I have a 10 x 12 x 6.5 ft room kept at 1500ppm but only used in bloom and go through 2.5 tanks a bloom cycle / 50 lbs. 3 - 20 lb refills = 45.00 at our local welding supply store .
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Thanx for all the replies...much appreciated.We were going to put a hundred pound propane tank outside (only $75) which should last a long time or at least 1 grow.
Not concerned too much about the heat in this part of the country as winter is coming soon.
When you get the small tanks filled around here the supplier always has a idea that CO2= growing..(small population).
As far as a co2 gen is concerned it won,t be inside the room.This guy has one arm and thus doesn,t want to have to be lugging tanks etc around..I,ll check out the Sentinel gear and see how autommated it can be set up.I used to have the small tanks myself but have given up on CO2 as I am trying to keep my own grow as simple as possible.
The info is much appreciated.



you mentioned timed exhaust. I think you want the CHHC-4. That is a complete environmental controller that will keep shut off your CO2 while exhaust fans are running


you mentioned timed exhaust. I think you want the CHHC-4. That is a complete environmental controller that will keep shut off your CO2 while exhaust fans are running

I guess we,d have the co2 set at around 1500ppm.so when it drops to perhaps 1200,then all exhaust fans would shut off and the CO2 would begin saturating the room to fill it with approx 1500 ppm of
co2 and whn it reaches 1500 it would shut off.and several miutes later the ehaust and intake fans would be timed to come on.How many times a day this would happen I,m not sure of....but the aim is to basically have the room saturated between 1200 to 1500 ppm of CO2,except of course when the lights are off.I want it to be as automated as much as possible.
My friend says price is not really important so basically he wants top quality gear and ease of use.
thanx for any input


How will you be cooling this room? Unless you need the intake/exhaust to keep the room cool then there is no reason you would ever need to exhaust the room.
I have a sealed room about the same size as yours and I use the Green Air CD6 w/ Green Air CDDS-2 / CDMC-6 (monitor & controller). It keeps the room at a constant 1500 to 1600PPM while lights are on and automatically shuts off when lights go off. It usually only kicks on for about 10 minutes ever hour. It does put out out a little heat but I hardy ever have to get propane tanks filled and when I do they don't look at me like some criminal pot grower...they think I'm some dude that's having a cookout.
I've been using this CO2 monitor/controller for years and years...it's never given me a problem. I would NEVER go back to a regulator/bottle!!!
Oh yeah btw...
these CO2 monitor/controllers have fuzzy logic. The unit may overshoot or undershoot your set ppm range when you first fire it up but then it "learns" your room and knows when to shut on and off to reach your desired ppm range without overshooting. (hope that made sense)


Thanx for reply Stoneyman:
We planned on air cooled shades with a fan pushing out to save co2.
There will be 4x1000 watt Lumateks,which get pretty hot,but since you can run temps a bit higher with CO2 then perhaps the room won,t get too hot.Spose we could try it and if it does over-heat then we can always add an exhaust.I have heard of enclosed rooms but really never checked em out...I,ll do a search and see what I can come up with.Cold weather hitting here now and winter is not far away,so perhaps we won,t need to intake and exhaust.I thought that by bringing in outside air on a timer would get rid of stale air in the room....but if it doesn,t matter then good enuff...Thanx for info..I,ve used Green air stuff in the past and was always happy with it so I may check them out.Think I still have some Green air timers etc.kicking around in my garage.


Thanx for reply Stoneyman:
We planned on air cooled shades with a fan pushing out to save co2.
There will be 4x1000 watt Lumateks,which get pretty hot,but since you can run temps a bit higher with CO2 then perhaps the room won,t get too hot.Spose we could try it and if it does over-heat then we can always add an exhaust.I have heard of enclosed rooms but really never checked em out...I,ll do a search and see what I can come up with.Cold weather hitting here now and winter is not far away,so perhaps we won,t need to intake and exhaust.I thought that by bringing in outside air on a timer would get rid of stale air in the room....but if it doesn,t matter then good enuff...Thanx for info..I,ve used Green air stuff in the past and was always happy with it so I may check them out.Think I still have some Green air timers etc.kicking around in my garage.

If you are using CO2 then there is absolutely no need to exhaust (unless your exhausting to remove heat or humidity).
There's no such thing as "stale air" in a room with CO2 enrichment.

Here's what I do...

8KW totally sealed room w/ 24K BTU window AC. Room enriched w/ CO2 gen-monitor-controller (1500 to 1600ppm). Closed system air cooled hoods (air is drawn from outside source, through hoods then back outside. The air that cools the hoods never comes into contact with the room) and a 70 pint dehumidifier to keep humidity in check. Although the room is sealed, some funk tries to escape so I use an 8" can fan w/ a large carbon filter to constantly scrub and circulate the air within the room.


Stoney man thanx for the layout...I like it a lot.
I,m just getting things laid out ...so I got a clean start.,altho this isn,t my first time.It is my first legal set up,so I want to get the max outta it with the numbers I got to work with.
Will get back when I get it up and running.



If you are using CO2 then there is absolutely no need to exhaust (unless your exhausting to remove heat or humidity).
There's no such thing as "stale air" in a room with CO2 enrichment.

Here's what I do...

8KW totally sealed room w/ 24K BTU window AC. Room enriched w/ CO2 gen-monitor-controller (1500 to 1600ppm). Closed system air cooled hoods (air is drawn from outside source, through hoods then back outside. The air that cools the hoods never comes into contact with the room) and a 70 pint dehumidifier to keep humidity in check. Although the room is sealed, some funk tries to escape so I use an 8" can fan w/ a large carbon filter to constantly scrub and circulate the air within the room.

Hey Stoneyman I'm planning a sealed room and equipment pretty similar to yours. I've picked up a Blu-ox co2 gen. and will use an Ecotechnics controller. My only concern with this setup is safety. Since the room is sealed, will a propane co2 gen. burn correctly ? The Blu-ox manual says I need some outside air for it to burn correctly, which obviously defeats the sealed room ! Are oxygen levels sufficient for this ? What about carbon monoxide levels ? Is this a problem in a sealed room ?


Active member
Hey I currently run a sealed room with ac and co2. I run the XGC1 and thats it it controls 100% of the room from a fuzzy logic co2 controller to my lights, fans, dehumidifier, and my pumps on a recycling timer. I have been running strong for a while now with no issues.


Been growing in sealed rooms for over a decade and I've never had a problem.

"Are oxygen levels sufficient for this ?"

The plants produce plenty of oxygen...no need for "outside air". :shooty:


Junior and Stoneyman, thanks for your replies. OK if you guys say a co2 gen. burns without a problem in a sealed room and CO is not an issue then cool. I didn't think the plants would produce enough oxygen, but great that they do. Saves me bringing in a small air pipe from outside.


Active member
The plants consume the co2 and produce o2 and the only way you get CO is with incomplete combustion, a properly tuned co2 gen will produce very little if any CO. All CO2 burners need to be set to run at the correct altitude you ar at, if the supplier can't tell you how to do this look else where.