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Co2 ppm in veg

OK.. It is apparent that there is much disagreement with this thread. I was told that harmful levels of C02 start right around 3000 to 4000 and anywhere above that and you will be in deep ****!!! I personally say that 1500-2000 max For me, 1500 is absolute max. Dont know about others, but since C02 is heavier than air, it pools on the floor and so once installing C02, the 1st thing to do is strategically place tubing near circulating fans(hopefully blowing up over the garden), and most importantly, see where it will pool and then place fans in lower areas, (POOLING AREAS) , where excess C02 tends to gather, and redistribute the C02 back up and over the garden again. Too much C02 will burn your plants too. Keep an eye on them and if they start to become "droopy" and get "crisp" leaves, this is you indicator to reduce C02 levels. IMO, plants newly introduced into 1500 ppm that have never seen these levels will take a bit to adjust to this. After a few days or even a week, they can handle it easier.

As far as the Veg conversation goes, there is no doubt that C02 in Veg is beneficial to the plant growth, however some people dont find it worth the money and others dont like their veg growth and stretching to be an issue. Aggressive LST techniques and supercropping can remedy these issues with lots of attention and time. (Assuming your garden isnt too big to keep up with this).

The bottom line is that when you talk $$$$$$ and time, Everyone has different situations.
In addition the release of C02 and the tools involved can be costly, but for me, the reinvestment of $$$ made can only make your garden and yield into the best, for even a better return. I do highly recommend that if you are battling heat issues, to go with a 50lb large tank and a moniter to "talk" to your release valve and keep the room in a constant balance. Propane generators and others are more of a fire hazard and create lots of heat too. Some prefer this though , cause going down to the store for propane is far less unusual than filling your C02 tank down at the local filling depot. People like to ask questions. People are just nosy!!! ONLY GIVE C02 during light cycles!!!!


Weed Robot
co2 in veg will give you a bigger plant bigger stems more food can go up so when you start 12/12 you will already have a thick plant at the end producing bigger buds..
i start @ 1000 ppm after 2 week of seeding or rooted clone and work my way up to 1650ppm by flowering time and keep it there till harvest

@ 7 weeks on a 10-11 week strain
it works for me





"I was told that harmful levels of C02 start right around 3000 to 4000 and anywhere above that and you will be in deep ****!!!"

I have to agree... I get light headed at 1500ppm.

But in a sealed room there's no worries. Right?

...or waste!
No worries if you are at 1500 ppm at all. There is still enough oxygen at this level for you to breathe normally without any issues


Well-known member
I have to agree... I get light headed at 1500ppm

yes co2 can make you dizzy at 1500 ppm, but only by way of smoking the great bud you have grown in that environment. :)


Active member
if co2 is anything like carbon monoxide, then it won't matter if there is oxygen in the room because the co2 will suffocate you. having said that, i've been in rooms with co2 for hours at a time and no problems.


man you people are kinda dense....

feeling dizzy at 1500ppm, are you kidding? You guys even realize how much co2 is in your lungs before you exhale? Its a hell of a lot higher than 1500ppm.

The only way co2 is going to hurt anyone is if there is a metric fuckton of it in the air.

Seriously does anyone remember anything from 7th grade science class? CO2 at current atmospheric levels arent even 1/10th of 1 percent of the air make up. Oxygen is over 20%. You would need about 10,000ppm of CO2 for it even to make up just 1% of the air we breathe. Hardly enough to displace any sizeable amount of oxygen.

and no, co2 doesnt act anything like carbon monoxide....carbon monoxide is CO, 1 oxygen atom. CO2 has 2 oxygen atoms....CO wants to become CO2, so the pull is very strong to attract other oxygen atoms....this basically extracts oxygen out of the air and turns the CO into CO@. The CO2 isnt hurting you though, whats hurting you is the lack of oxygen thats being stolen by all the CO...you will eventually get light headed tired and just slip off to sleep as if someone has a sleeper hold on you....same exact thing . Oxygen is not being displaced its being converted into CO2.


"yes co2 can make you dizzy at 1500 ppm, but only by way of smoking the great bud"

That may have been part of it!
And the more that I think of it, it may have been higher. The room was 3x6x7 and using a 20lb tank/week...

But if the room is hoing to be sealed you don't have to worry about CO2 levels. Run it as high as you like. Experiment with it until the diminishing returns don't pay off.

And let us know you're results!


Well-known member
fwiw just to correct but unrelated to the original question sort of

carbon monoxide specifically causes toxcicity by binding to hemoglobin more strongly than oxygen. very small amounts are toxic like 1000ppm. and co2 is toxic way before it displaces enough oxygen to be of consequence. co2 levels are naturally detected in the body and high levels start a cascade of reflexes because the body thinks you arent breathing fast enough to exhaust your own co2. its like 20,000 ppms where most people have some effects and 70,000 ppms where it is often dangerous.
I have had explosive growth with 1800ppm co2 in veg compared to 380-420ppm. I use natural gas and I have all the fuel I need. Its not like nutes. More wont hurt them but to litte might hinder them. I can't say for sure that 1800 is better than 1500 but in "seemed" like it helped after a freind told me to bump it up. I can say for sure (in my experience) that co2 kicks ass in vegnthough. Saves me time. Builds a better base for flowering.


Active member
How do people with 20+ lights handle filling up tanks constantly is it just another task you gotta do along with refueling your 1000 gallon diesel tank lol...
Out in the country dude comes over and fills up your large tank. Sometimes subterrainian.
If you don't have one, propane would be next best. Large tanks like the ones on fork lifts.


Active member
the bigger the palnts are, the more co2 they can use, so , add accordingly to your plants needs. start at 500-750 for lil guys, 1000 for rapid grwoth veg(to save a week or two) then increase as buds grow in the bud room, d