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CO2 Delivery System Made for Aquariums???

Hey everybody . . . I need some input here. We are trying to figure out the most economical and effective way to deliver some extra CO2 to our ladies. We came across this CO2 system for aquariums and we were wondering if anyone had used it or anything like it:


I think BOG said he sprays his twice a day during flowering with a bike pump, but the refill CO2 for the bike pump is expensive. Hey BOG, you out there listening? (I bet you are :) )

We'd greatly appreciate it if anyone could answer the following questions about the use of a bike pump for CO2:

How often do you have to replace that CO2 cartridge on your bike pump?

How long do you spray, and how do you spray?
(I'm assuming you spray above the plants and let the CO2 float down, but that's just a guess).

Where is a good cheap place to buy the pump/cartridges?

Anyway we just thought thie aquarium CO2 system looked interesting. If anyone has any helpful info on CO2 systems in general, please feel free to drop some knowledge on us newbs!

Freeda Green


plants asborb CO2 in their leaves...CO2 does NOT get to the plant through the roots...as far as BOG's method, not sure...but save your money on that unit....


If that generator supplies CO2 under water it will be useless to ole' Mary Jane. CO2 is assimilated thru the underside of the leaves. The Stomata if I'm not mistaken. If its in the water then it just robs the nutrients of Oxygen which will slow overall growth. So all the aquarium CO2 stuff is useless. You could give these a try tho. Not as expensive and very easy to use.



I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Low tech CO2 Dispenser...

Low tech CO2 Dispenser...

A Punch Ball Balloon attached to the CO2 tank with an appropriately sized hole in the nipple end of the balloon works well for a low tech way to manually deliver co2 to a small garden :)

Click for Larger Image


I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Quote is from SohcDutch link...

Quote is from SohcDutch link...

Fill bottle with vinegar. Put 1 cup of baking soda into reservoir jug, and hang the bottle. For a 10x10 room in vegetative stage, 1 drip per minute is sufficient. At this rate you should have to re-fill system twice a week. Always empty reservoir jug when replenishing system.

I killed a little Sea of Green NFT rockwool closet garden doing that vinegar/ baking soda thing to produce CO2 . Apparently baking soda became airborn and came to settle on my rockwool and screwed the ph all up, literally way up and the plants keeled over dead. I don't recommend the method. Yeast in sugar water would be a safer more foolproof way to generate CO2, imho. A tube out the top of the fermenter going into a jar of water will bubble and demonstrate the amount of CO2 being produced. :)
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ok, I know the system is made for underwater, but . . .

ok, I know the system is made for underwater, but . . .

my idea was to set this thing up in the top of my closet, and the tube supplying CO2, instead of putting it into water, just let it hang down from the top of the closet, and let the CO2 just float down onto the plants . . . I guess I should have explained that before

I don't see why this system is really any different than the yeast/sugar fermentation system that I've read about over at OG, other than the tablets just seem cheaper than grocery store yeast, and they just seem easier to work with - less measurement

Ok, I just read all the stuff over at OG, and I guess it would be pointless to put the system up like I was talking about . . . our exhaust fan would suck all the CO2 up and out before it could do any good. I guess direct application with a bike pump makes more sense . . . no waste.

Without timers shutting off our exhaust fan, and some way to time the CO2 to be released while the fan is off, I don't think it would work at all. I have no idea how I'd do time release with any of the simple fermentation methods

Oh well, I guess for now I'll just keep talking to my plants a lot . . . lol! I'm the freakin CO2 delivery system right now - fiancee laughs at me sometimes when I have my face up in the plant and I sing to her . . . "you are so beautiful to me, can't you see, you're every girl I've hoped for, every girl I've dreamed"

Any other ideas for direct application of CO2, or specifics on the bike pump method?

Freeda Green


thats my plan for giving them some CO2. is to use the direct application with a bike pump . . . no waste. i think BOG even uses this method for apply CO2.
hey if you get you bike pump before me let me know how it works out.



New member
Plant aquarium hobbiest's have a pretty cool DIY system for CO2.
Just ignore the stuff about the reactor, although the reactor can be used with air for DWC.

Here's the link: http://www.qsl.net/w2wdx/aquaria/diyco2.html

and a pic.


I suppose a person could run several bottles in a series using "T" connectors.

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