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CO2 Controller prices in germany and shops that sells them?


I need a CO2 sensor\ controller - something to open the electronic valve (I already have) once the CO2 levels drop below a certain level.

I'll be visiting in Frankfurt and Freiburg next week and wanted to see if it would be cheaper to get the piece from there.

So, how much such a thing costs in Germany and where can I find it around Freiburg or Frankfurt?

Thanks :)


Well-known member
Hello Bud+,

i don´t think that this equipment is cheaper in germany (where are you from?).
But i had a search on google for you and i would try it at
they sold these equipment.
But the homepage of the shop is under construction at the moment...

Hope this shop is still open... does anyone else know???
...but you can give them a call, just give it a try!

high regards