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Co2 boost buckets???


Links,pics I have to laugh at times but its no wonder so many folks dont even come here to share experience anymore.What I suggest to all of you is very simple.Getcha some RAE systems co2 tubes for 5 bucks apiece and check your levels about 4 times throughout the day.If you don't believe you have to stay in that 1500PPM range without fluctuation of more than 200PPM for actual results,I dont know what to say.Its a shame though when you're just trying to tell people look I've already done all of this dont waste your time too,people just want to se pics haha.And for those that are saying 3-400 dollars is a lot to put into your grow and you are actually expecting results well..we live on different planets.A controller for 400 bucks meant the difference to me in lbs in my 8 by 8 room.After a few years of flowering blockhead on a cyclestat what a waste when all I needed to do was spend 400 bucks on a true controller.Then I really saw what blockhead could do

I would still like to see some pics of your setup. I don't see what the big deal is about that. I am curious as to how you have your room set up and that is it.
With my current setup I have thought about adding CO2 but will have to change my whole ventilation system around since it is all in one with carbon filter and the air cooled lights. I just wanted to see some results to see if it was going to be worth it. Otherwise I am just going to do the boost buckets for some supplemental CO2.


Hey sparkjumper,

I agree with you that to get maxium results you need to invest in a good controller, and it is easily worth that investment. Some one once said grow cheap get cheap. Alot to be said for that.

I understand that it is your opinion that 1500ppm, kept within 200ppm is the way to go. That's fine, but at what temperture? At what relative humidity? Those two items make a difference in the rusults of CO2 use.
I cannot agree with your ascertion that CO2 is an all or nothing situation. All things being equal, any addition to CO2 level will help increase production, that's what is being talked about here.

Why knock scientific papers? They are a great scource of info, just check the link above. This one was a result of some of your tax dollars in action, this research was supported by National Institue of Drug Abuse (NIDA),USA.

Not only that, read this quote from the paper; "...indoor cultivation of a selected high yielding genotype/clone under controlled enviromental conditions is the most suitable way to maintain potency and efficacy while circumventing the regulatory problems."
If this paper ain't written for the clandestine pot grower, nothing is.:woohoo:
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I've used a similar CO2 bucket product and without a meter, I really couldn't tell you how well it worked. However, I didn't notice any visibly amazing results although this was not a fully sealed setup.

In general, the price seems to compare unfavorably to a real CO2 system after just one grow cycle.


Oldmac I guess I sounded a little like a weenie looking back on the posts I just get frustrated and for the life of me I dont know why lol.Maybe because I finally really got it and I hate seeing others doing what I was doing for so long.I could sound a little lees like an assbite though when I make my comments.My experience with large fluctuations throughout the 12 hour period left me with nice plants that grew exactly as if they were grown normally without any enrichment.Another words you get the benefits of co2 to the extent that your plants have a sufficient amount to grow,and the final outcome will be as if the plants were grown nicely but without co2 enrichment.Having your co2 fluctuating from 1500 to 800 ppm rather quickly or fluctuating from 800 to 4 or 500PPM,your results will be the same.Nice plants but not co2 enriched plants.It takes awhile for the plants to adjust to the higher co2 level when the lights come on,and if they arent staying in range it'll provide growth for the plant,but not enriched growth.I'm having a hard time saying what I want to say.During the first 3-4 weeks of 12/12 I use a lot more propane during the stretch than after the 30 day mark.But all those plants had 1500PPM plus or minus 200PPM for 12 hours straight.Watching stretching plants grow with co2 enrichment is really a treat.Be ready to use more fertilizer and have to water more often.Its unbelivable how they grow the first month or so of 12/12 with 1500 PPM.And like I said they use the gas up a lot quicker than their slightly older counterparts.A read a lot about co2 enrichment really not being effective after 50 days or so on a 60 day strain,but the extra can't hurt.I just hope someone if they can afford it just drop all the formula's and cyclestat timers and tries controlled co2 with an actual controller with digital monitor readout.I'll never not flower without the massive benefits of 1500PPM,thats for sure.And of course you need 50 watts a sq ft max and good temperature and humidity control,but thats all it takes.I use 3 1K vertizontals in an 8 by 8 room cubed,a 12,000 BTU windoww AC and a 45 pint dehumidifier that is always running during lights out and sometimes during lights on.But always during lights out thats very important in a sealed flower room.I use a lazer thermometer and like my canopy temps at 85 F with oscillating fan circulation.I set my dehumid for 60%RH during the stretch of 12/12 since the plants are still vegging, bringing it down to 50%RH after 3-4 weeks.You want a higher humidity during the stretch of 12/12 because the plant is transpiring faster than normal along with every other growth process.Long live co2 lol.After 30-40 days I'll drop RH to 40% and often will harvest at 40% RH.A lot of people do 30% but I think thats kinda dry.


As for pics man I guess I could have been cooler about that also lol.Ever since the early days of OG I always had a bad feeling about posting pics of my felonius activities lol,I just couldnt see how this could benefit me.Someone with a sick plant yes I can see where its useful for sure.I'm not paranoid,I just know from life experience that nothing is constant but change,When OG closed ther were so many people tearing down it was quite the shame.All because of their galleries among other things.I know its safe now to post picvs on this site,I truly believe that.I just dont thnik getting up in the morning and finding the rules of the game changed to be really surprising.I love to see evryone elses beautiful pics though for the most part lol


Hey sparkjumper, I didn't take you to be a assbite just someone hung up on the notion that co2 supplemation is an all or nothing deal. And I could see why since you did not have success or see success with partial co2.

I have always maintained to see results of extra co2 it is best to dial in the grow and have it produce consistently then try some co2. In my personal grow I do SOG size plants in a 144 site GI-Grow and have very consistent finished wgts. The addition of the small (abt 1/2 or less of 1500ppm) amount of co2 I give adds abt 1.1-1.2grams/plant site w/my WR. Dosen't sound like alot but is abt 6oz more per run.

It's all good and I appreciate your responce. Good growing to ya.


As for pics man I guess I could have been cooler about that also lol.Ever since the early days of OG I always had a bad feeling about posting pics...When OG closed ther were so many people tearing down it was quite the shame.All because of their galleries among other things.I know its safe now to post picvs on this site,I truly believe that.I just dont thnik getting up in the morning and finding the rules of the game changed to be really surprising.I love to see evryone elses beautiful pics though for the most part lol


As for pics man I guess I could have been cooler about that also lol.Ever since the early days of OG I always had a bad feeling about posting pics of my felonius activities lol,I just couldnt see how this could benefit me.Someone with a sick plant yes I can see where its useful for sure.I'm not paranoid,I just know from life experience that nothing is constant but change,When OG closed ther were so many people tearing down it was quite the shame.All because of their galleries among other things.I know its safe now to post picvs on this site,I truly believe that.I just dont thnik getting up in the morning and finding the rules of the game changed to be really surprising.I love to see evryone elses beautiful pics though for the most part lol

I remember the OG panic. I got up one morning and went to log on and there was no site. I e-mailed a friend who was also on the forums and he told me what happened. I was mad because I lost all my gallery pictures and I don't keep any pics on my computer so they were gone, gone, gone.
But I didn't freak out and tear down my grow. They didn't find anything on the OG forums or in the galleries that they didn't already know about. And there was no IP log for them to trace people that way either.
There are DEA and other LEO groups on these forums all the time posing as growers or just lurking about waiting for someone to post something stupid that they can use to find you.
You just have to be smart and not give them any edge.