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Co2 and/or exhaust?

If I put in a regulator and tank is there an inexpensive way to measure the ppm?

these might help its all math as long as you know the flow of your regulator (if your using a bottle. You can use air conditioner and exhaust fans ect... What do you think climate controllers and all those expensive probes are for (grin)... Anyway I would listen to the guy that said get the rest of your garden dialed in before co2. I am almost there my self gettin ready to put down about 2k on co2 burner controller probe ect. but for the last 3 years just been using a lot of fresh air.

I ripped these from the green air site


Active member
LB I found a way to burn propane and make zero heat .tankless propane water heater with a heat exchanger on the exhaust ,Search water cooler co2
Marick, I think its great you wanna use co2 I would get room up and running and grow a few crops first make sure you have nutrients and enviroment figured out .
CO2 will make things happen faster ,if things are good good things will happen quickly ,if things are bad bad things can happen fast also .Just something to keep in mind
And as far as the CHHC-1 goes its worth it if you want co2 ,and a dehumidifier


I agree about working without CO2 (to learn) before you add it--and if you get going quickly, that's an option. Once summer hits in your area, it's sealed room and CO2 all the way.


Double Post!

Double Post!

:fsu: But I don't know how to delete a post once I have submitted it to the wrong forum :noway:

Anyway here is the post where it belongs :) If anyone can tell me if it's possible to delete posts after the fact?

You know you guys are right about the Co2 thing. I probably should wait. I am having a really hard time letting go of the co2 though. I don't know why. Stubborn I spose I keep saying tomyself with all the experienced growers I should be able to dial in a system in a few days. Then I remember I have no idea what I am in store for. I can read all the jorge cervates books, forum after forum after forum, picking as many brains as will put up with me, etc etc etc.

I will tell you as of now I am going to forgo the Co2. I do however plan on running my system dry for as long as it takes. If I get everything relatively dialed, in a short amount of time I will prolly attempt to implement the Co2.

I am a bit stoned so I hope I am not coming off as arogant or worse ignorant. I truly do appeciate all of your advice. Please keep it coming.


The important thing about using co2 is it has to be controlled,and a cyclestat isnt a controller.I run 3 1K vertizontals in an 8 by 8 room with an oversize window AC.I dont exchange air period just use oscillating fans.Dont give up so easily,controlled co2 during flowering is an amazing thing


Active member
Your gonna wanna seal the room then .Bottled co2 is spendy if you cant keep it in the room ,and burner will create too much heat if it is on all the time .So either way sealing the room to use co2 is almost a must ,as is an A/C unit that will keep up with room heat .Your gonna need a dehumidifier ,because sealed rooms get rather humid.
Map all this out on paper first run through it over and over heat,humidity, cooling,ventilation for lights ,ventilation for room,ventilation for odor control.Put the best plan you can come up with together and test it ,if it doesnt work just righ tweak it till it is what you want .Use the A/C calculator in the sticky section after you have the plan all mapped out .I used it and if you are truely honest about the heat in your room it will work to tell you what size A/C you need .
Then you have to control it all 24/7 to get consistent results


Kepp it mind optimal temps at the canopy at 1500PPM co2 is around 85F during flower.A dehumidifier in a sealed room is a must like mentioned before,especially during lights out the RH will rise dramatically

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