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Active member
You should've called the police when you saw the Feds taking medical records, since that is a crime in Colorado.


Active member
thats why i didnt register in ca. you really think the feds wouldnt utilize a list of potential revenue for them. cant get easier than an already prepared list. good luck all of you in co


You will not be forgotten
i have my doctors recommendation, thats all i need for a defense in court, being on a state list isent going to help you any more in court and is a personal liability ... now i know in CO you are required to register with the state to be "legal" correct?

stay safe friends! :joint:
I did a little searching into this and believe that there is no evidence to support this claim. It is true that i don't trust the state's employees to get things done right in the registry office (taking 109 days to get my renewal proves incompetence), but wonder if this a try at stirring things up with no grounds to base the effort on.

This is why i have little faith in things i read on internet forums...too many sub par individuals trying to start fights and stuff with no clear indication as to why they do it. It is impossible to tell when you are getting the complete and true story or information that you are searching for. I hope that individuals on this forum will be adult enough not to post miss-information but am constantly asking myself how in the world can i trust what is being put on here??? In the end i tend toward dis-trust untill it is tested and proven...yes i may ask the same questions several times but it is only because i am hoping the real answers can be found by sifting through all the responses.

Untill there is some hard evidence that the Colorado MMJ Registry is handing over documents it is bad to be guessing that they are, or even that they are not. I think we all need to be vigilant in watching what they do in this regard and be aware of what the possible impacts could be either way to our individual freedoms and rights, but going off with-out that evidence will be almost as harmful as ignoring it if it is going on. So for me i think it is wiser to wait untill there is real evidence one way or the other. Stay cool and stay observant.


I never did hear back from Kathleen. She is normally responsive to my inquiries.

You DO NOT need a red card in Colorado. FYI. You only need the doctor's rec. The only reason you need a card is to shop in a MMC.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Webslave Savior

Webslave Savior

You should've called the police when you saw the Feds taking medical records, since that is a crime in Colorado.

Too bad your not one of our 'Medical Advocates', we got stuck with the Village People.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I never did hear back from Kathleen. She is normally responsive to my inquiries.

You DO NOT need a red card in Colorado. FYI. You only need the doctor's rec. The only reason you need a card is to shop in a MMC.

And to avoid court in some places. Some DAs would make you PROVE in court that you are needy, so do to cardholders.


Active member
go talk to Kathleen at her shop OBM.
she'll tell you to your face.

it happened,
so she said in June 2012

she claimed she was there with about 10 other people confronting them.
records have been breached.

believe what you want.
Co MMJ is all fucked up.


Well-known member
thats why i didnt register in ca. you really think the feds wouldnt utilize a list of potential revenue for them. cant get easier than an already prepared list. good luck all of you in co

Yep. I feel bad for the dudes out here who got duped into believing that the county registered cards would warrant them more protection.. All it does is publicize your status as a medical marijuana patient and add about $150-$200 bucks to your yearly renewal, also makes the renewal compulsory and not just a gimmick by the doctors to make more money... If you don't renew there's your addy in a public document hosted by your own county with a little tag that says you aren't currently a medical marijuana patient, perfect easy pickup for the feds.

Don't register with anyone else other than your Dr. ladies and gents... Completely unnecessary and downright unsafe in most cases.

EDIT; I'm unsure how this differs in CO, maybe registering is compulsory there.... Stay safe peeps.


No disrespect to any one....

No disrespect to any one....

Do not believe it.

There are so many numerous complexities to the laws and policies at hand, no way do I think the Feds sent in agents. It is not a dispensary or "clinic" it is a State Government facility. Could it happen.... absolutely! With NDAA and the Executive orders without a doubt it could be done.

Happen in an election year.... absolutely no way! PERIOD! Suicide!

All the State employees would still be liable under State Law. They would have to leave the state. The State Constitution, State Law, and policies in place would still be applicable anywhere in the State UNLESS .... over ridden by Feds--Huge unless.. no way to keep that genie' in the bottle. Self preservation would kick in and people would try to save themselves. Word would be out and sure as hell no one would just walk into it unannounced........ not one fucking chance. If you did... you sure as hell would not be walking out alone.

We are talking about a move that would require every conspiracy theory to be dead on.. and the implementation to be in the final phases. It would have to be on par with earlier post that patients and the system were declared terrorists.

Cannabis will not be the focal point of that kind of scenario. Guns maybe... militias maybe but damn sure not Cannabis. That is taking for granite all that stuff is true...

On the down low.... yep. Lists of names...yep. Known by Feds...yep. Going to be widely used and implemented on any but huge fish to start the process........ absolutely no fucking way! Don't care what any FB says or other than horses mouths.

Caregivers are already public knowledge but not patients. Big difference on who the doctors are in Colorado compared to who has been treated for genital warts by those doctors.. then put it on a list......... again just no way!

Again, no disrespect to anyone....



Active member
You should've called the police when you saw the Feds taking medical records, since that is a crime in Colorado.

no disrespect but the feds dont care. and once they got the info returning it would be pointless. as they copied it all. they took all records from the place i belonged too in cali. including medical records . everything. you cant stop the feds and local leo will bow down and blow them . feds take everything and let you fight it out in court. good luck with that


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I stopped listening to the Village People a while ago, it was just the same old song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO43p2Wqc08
And the reason Skip said 'Call the Police', is because then there would be a record of it, not just someones word.
Can't do shit, if you can't prove it happened. Camera phone? ...


Active member
I too have asked all over the boards where the PROOF is that the Fed breached the Registry.

No one answers. They just started the RUMOR and let it take it's course. Now many are repeating the unproven info as FACT.

It's a given though, IMO, that IF the Fed were to "come" (in your mouth) they would not startwith the patient registry, they would start by dismantling the commercial aspect of all of this that is bringing on the HEAT in the first place. No loss there. We don't need the commercial nonsense here in the first place.

Anyone else seen any PROOF of these claims? If so, let's see it.


Active member
And the reason Skip said 'Call the Police', is because then there would be a record of it, not just someones word.
Can't do shit, if you can't prove it happened. Camera phone? ...
The record of the Feds accessing medical records without your permission is important as it can provide a legal basis for dismissal of charges. If there wasn't a warrant specifically naming you as a person of interest, they really shouldn't need access to your records, right?

But of course the Feds always notify local LEOs if they haven't already come in at the behest of the local constables, specifically to avoid surprises like that. And yes the Feds would win out.

However you also then have a legal basis to sue, the local police (if they refuse to respond to the report), if not the Feds. If your medical records were violated, you might also have legal recourse against the dispensary. You won't win against the Feds in federal court, unless it becomes a big class action suit, and if this is true, then it should result in a big case to settle the matter of medical privacy on the Federal level. But the Feds still refuse to see marijuana as being medical, despite their own hypocrisy.

I'm not a lawyer, so this is my opinion here. Laws vary, but there are legal arguments available that can help if your privacy has been violated. Although they keep passing new laws limiting our privacy, some of them seem to contradict previous legal guarantees of privacy. This is one reason why they keep expanding the definition of terrorism, so that they can violate more people's privacy with unlimited spying on Americans.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
@monsoon, contact kathleen chippi

never trusted the feds anyhow, and if they did it in co, they can do it anywhere, trust that


Active member
She started the story/rumor/etc. I need a credible source, A newspaper, WasteWord, TV report, something that says it happened and shows proof it happened.

Dunno what magical powers these folks have, but if the DEA/Fed was inside the CDPHE performing such an investigation it seems highly unlikely that Chippi and friends would be allowed to just waltz in during the event.

proof? Anyone?
As i posted on here before i am 99.9% sure this is a made up story. Glad to see others understand that the Feds would have made the area secure before doing something like this.

But there is something that keeps nagging at me... Back in May the Feds announced that they were researching legislation to put any-one who is on any states' MMJ lists on the data-base to stop gun sales to them. This means they want to take any defenses away from any-one who is even on the lists. But they never said how in the world they would/did get those lists. Will this be class-actionable? If so, by whom?


Active member
The Constitution says the "Registry" is protected by law from such intrusions. I've been a patient for longer than many...and I remember in the old days "Debra" joked that she had a hammer in her desk and would smash the hard drive before she would let anyone access it.
Dunno what the scenario is today, but the law has not changed and I seriously doubt that there is any merit to the story Chippi tells about the Registry being breeched by the Fed.

And if there is merit, it should be easy to show PROOF the incident actually happened.

Let's see the proof.

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