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CO Asks US To Halt Medical Marijuana Raids

Well I know it's not directly Barack Himself, but I would expect the Attorney General of the United States to have some sort of reign on the DEA.

But then again, I also never thought a hockey mom from Alaska with double-digit IQ could ever hold a higher position than president of the PTA. America has surprised me before :shrug:


So we have a lobbyist. Ow wait I mean; so now the dispensaries have a lobbyist. Dispensaries like to to make as much money as they can selling products to patients and spend as little money as possible buying from growers. I'm sure this lobbyist will represent those interests. The patients with cards have no representation at all. No one that has their hand in this cookie jar represents the interests of the people. Only Government taxing the people and corporations making money off of the people are being represented.