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CO...2008-a new season of activism is upon you--Won't You Join Us?


Active member
There are several opportunities to become active and work for positive change (you personally--or your dollars) in the MJ&MMJ events of this season.

Without the support of people like you and, your friends, no progress at all would have been made up to this point in the evolution of thought and process in this matter.

Your participation is very important to the movement over all!!!...even if if is only to express to another your sentiment or opinion on the matter within your own circle of friends :tup:

Note--these links work.

Note--site, saferchoice.org/, is under development *claims it wont' be long*--donation link provided.

Note--to self--remember to edit this ^ ^ ^ information out when appropriate :D

Please support SAFER and those who support SAFER and reforming marijuana laws at the following upcoming events.​

We realize many of you might not live in Colorado or might have received word of these events already. We apologize for any repeat e-mails but hope you will bear with us as we work out the kinks in our new e-mail system. We'd rather you receive two e-mails and hear about these events than not hear about them at all!

(UPDATE)...IMPORTANT -- The BIG benefit event that was initially announced for April 19th at the home of Robert and Jessica Corry was rescheduled for May 30th (see invitation with full details below) to make it bigger and better. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and hope anyone who was planning on attending this Saturday will be able to join us for this momentous event on May 30. PLEASE forward this message to anyone you know who might be unaware of the date change. THANKS!

Again, thank you for your continued support!

420 Eve
Metal Massacre w/ Ransom, Crusher Bound Cadillac, and more
Saturday, April 19, 6p-2a
Gothic Theater
3263 S. Broadway, Englewood (map)

Green Party of Colorado Earth Day Music Fest
w/ Dan Walker, Irie Still and many more
Saturday, April 19, 3p-2a
Quixote's True Blue
2637 Welton St., Denver (map)

Denver 420 Festival
Sunday, April 20, 12p-5p
Civic Center Park, Denver (map)

Please Join us for a Kick-Off Party to Benefit a New Statewide Movement for
Marijuana Policy Reform

Friday • May 30 • 6p-9p
Remarks from SAFER's Mason Tvert & Sensible CO's Brian Vicente at 7:15p

Former State Rep. Gary Lindstrom
will be on hand to receive our first Public Face of Reform Award

At the Lovely Home of Jessica & Robert Corry
1045 Lafayette Street, Denver

Open Wine/Beer Service & Hors d' Oeuvres • Silent Auction
Suggested $50 Min. Donation • All Donations Tax-Deductible

Cocktail Party Attire Encouraged

Due to irrational state and federal laws that allow the use of alcohol and not marijuana, NO marijuana use will be allowed at this event. :(

PLEASE RSVP at 303-861-0033 or [email protected]

CLICK HERE to make your donation in advance using a credit or debit card, in which case PLEASE send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know.
You can also send a check or money order to:


P.O. Box 40332
Denver, CO 80204

** All donations are being split between SAFER and Sensible Colorado **

Regardless of whether you can make it to this event, we hope you will support this exciting campaign to unite citizens, organizations, and elected officials in a new coalition working toward an alternative to marijuana prohibition in Colorado!

We hope to see you there!

SAFER 2.0 is coming soon...*site under construction*​

**(UPDATE)*--*sad smilie, :( *--*site under construction* mine* --- ;)

And, a great BIG THANK YOU!!! to SAFER (Mason Tvert), Sensible Colorado (Brian Vincente), Robert Corry, AND YOU for your continued efforts in the evolution of effect this MJ, MMJ and, Hemp activism season!!! :tup:

Take very good care everyone,


Active member
Two of these happen today...warm up for the big event tomorrow!!!

Two of these happen today...warm up for the big event tomorrow!!!

Get primed for tomorrow :joint:

You have today to build your lung capacity for tomorrows big event :rasta:

These two happen today.

420 Eve
Metal Massacre w/ Ransom, Crusher Bound Cadillac, and more
Saturday, April 19, 6p-2a
Gothic Theater
3263 S. Broadway, Englewood (map)

Green Party of Colorado Earth Day Music Fest
w/ Dan Walker, Irie Still and many more
Saturday, April 19, 3p-2a
Quixote's True Blue
2637 Welton St., Denver (map)​

Make it a great day :wave:

Take very good care everyone, :wave:,


Active member
Wake up sleepy heads!!!

Now it's wake and bake and shake time :) One third of this thread is happening today.

See you all down there, or else it's a :spank: for ya!!! :)

Take care everyone,


Active member
The pictures I took of the Denver 420 Rally are on a few websites. It is just too much work to put them everywhere. So, I'll tell you where they are and let you determine if you want to go there and see them or not :)

stonerforums.com *fullsize*

marijuanaradio.com/forum *thumbnails*

planetganja.com *fullsize*

Planet Ganja and Stoner Forums have my narrative (such as it is) describing 'most' of the images.

Take care all,

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