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closet growers unite...


hello everyone!!!!:tiphat:

Im kinda new at this.I too grow in a 5x3x7 with a 400 hps.I would like to have a good thread going on this topic.Pic`s and info wanted and appreciated to help me and others setup our grow bigger and better quality bud!!!I know there are alot of us out there that has killer closets and has good advise and setup.

can some1 tell me how to add pics to here?


Im going to add a another 400 in a cool tube.My system is a diy areo at the time for my roots grow thou the net pot.Then to be put in my bad ass diy nft system holding four ghs kalsh.i will have pics as I figure out how to put pic on here from my cam.:headbange


Active member
Sounds like fun, can I join ? I just finish my blue prints to my first diy cab, it will be 60" H x 48 " W x24" D. I want A all in one cab, 3' x 2' will be flower chamber the rest of cab will be devoted mom, clone, and veg and a utility room,I just gotta figure how to do it intake and exhaust and it will burn 400 watter hps, and cfl's. Pics coming real soon. Cheers and happy growing.



hows it growin?sorry so long to get back.
lost my thread but got it down. lol but sure hope on board lets see them pic ill try to get some pic of my closet im building.

peace Tolker


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Entrance to the closet:yikes:



This is my exhaust a 6 inch tallboy and inline fan which is not hooked up til I get my cooltube --use fan for heat exhaust


GHS kalashnikova- 2 weeks into veg :watchplant:

Would be great to see what everyone else is doing in their closet set up.


Active member
Howdy Tolker,

I'll be popping in from time to time as I just started a basic 2x4x8 typical closet w/ shelf & pole. The plan is to veg up top and flower below by sealing for light leaks. Already I found that the top shelf gets really warm just with a 125w cfl. 82f didn't really bother my Critical Mass x Jack Herer and G13 x Neville's Haze but it took a toll on the Kalishnakova. She doesn't like the heat with lowish 45-50% humidity.
I moved them to the bottom and it stays a better 75f temp for the Kal.
Like a dummy, I popped seeds before I was completely set up, so fan venting both sections will help with heat when the goods get here. A noob running 3 different strains at a time is probably a dumb thing but I plan on cloning and running each at a staggered 3 week or so perpetual flower and by the time i see what they like I'll know if I want to keep em.

The Kalishnakova gets real compact and bushy so i'll be taking clones by thinning out the middle as there is a lot of growth there that's not getting much light.
I envy your 3x5 space. You can get some work done in there. Wifey ain't ready to give up the spare bedroom just yet. We'll have to work on that with the produce from the little closet for now. :)
Good luck on your grow and I'll be back.



Glade that you stopped in. Thought everyone quiet growing in there closet these days no 1 posting.lol My temps usely stay between 82f and 89f depends how the weather is out side.On that Kalishnakova how far along is she.Does she have a unique smell? mine is starting to have 1 if you rub the leaf. im hoping to have a good pheno.Thay are short and bushy also.Do you have any pics of the beauty and grow room.