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Close coffeshop 4 tourist?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
no it is not true :)

some people are trying to pass this law in maastricht and other border towns, but in all the big cities you can still buy your herb without trouble :)


New member
In february a am going in maastricht... JamieShoes is maastricht big city for you? :)

So is there any restriction for tourist or not?

Thank you!


Active member
no you can buy there no problem , but you are not allowed to enter without your ID card.
Most shops scan your ID card.

This is to make sure you can only buy 5 grams a day in maastricht.

So you can't go from coffeeshop to coffeeshop to buy different stuff.

This is a measure taken to annoy tourists and to hopefully repell them from going to a shop. But you can still buy there yes!


Id cards............. can we still smoke pot when we come to adam..


New member
Thank you JamiShoes, for explanation!
I'm traveling with five friends, and only 2 of us, are smokers :) i think we will have plenty of ID cards to buy some stuff, haha.

Have a nice day!

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