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Cloning Technique Form

God I hate these threads. ..

Anyone who wants to can clone, just find the way where you screw up and kill your clone the fewest percentage of times relative to the number of cuts you take (my current method gives me 100% success - so far...). No one can use the same method to achieve the SAME results. How much pressure you use when you make your cut and stem scrape, how far from the internode you cut, what the relative pH compared to temp and O2% of the water you use, etc, etc, etc - ALL influence the success or failure of any SINGLE clone, let alone the success of a batch of different cuts.

Freezerboy is correct - as usual - cloning is VOODOO!!!

To say anything else is the height of hubris.


Active member
I agree with the OP on this but would like to add one thing:

The variable we can't control from person to person is the genetics and the overall care of the plant.

That is the variable I think changes everyone's results from method to method.

Like 80% RH in a dome w/ rockwool would work for joes GDP, but wont for jane's NYCD.. So she tries a bubbler with no dome and it works..

Considering all other aspects of the technique were executed, the unknown variable is the genetics and the care of the plant.

Now I'm sure some people have had success with most if not all of the plants in your garden. I'm sure you are excellent gardeners and thats where the care part comes in. The cuttings has to be in good health to have good results.


Devil's Advocate
God I hate these threads. ..
Then get out. You are incapable of helping here if you dismiss scientific inquiry into a subject. Thanks, anyway. I hope we can collaborate with one another in a different way at another time.

Freezerboy is correct - as usual - cloning is VOODOO!!!

To say anything else is the height of hubris.
I disagree. I believe that saying it's all just randomness is the height of ignorance. Everything that happens in the world happens as a result of conditions in the environment. To say anything else is uneducated. I'm not saying I know, or we know, or we can ever know, everything there is to know about a subject. I am saying that without inquiry into a subject, we can never hope to move on past a primitive knowledge of it. Luckily we are out of the primitive stage in this particular subject, but we are far from having a concise and comprehensive collection of our knowledge of it. This is the intention here.

Just remember: some humans used to believe in witch doctors, and through studying the human body, modern medicine has emerged. And lucky for us that that is true. You can keep going to your witch doctors that only get success a small percentage of the time, but I'll stick with modern medicine. (surely you don't go to witch doctors, so why adopt that mentality here?)

You guys are stuck in the past. I tried to be nice, but I'm now switching into full on reason mode. If no one wants to contribute to this method of inquiry and hopeful advancement, it is just ahead of its time. The naysayers can GTFO and stop wasting space in the thread.

But I'll be filling in the form as I clone and get results. Hopefully this will lead to a better understanding that we can all benefit from.

BTW toker, congrats on your great survival rate. I wish you would fill in the form (and hopefully add to it to make it better) so that everyone can take a look and learn something from your technique. You're apparently doing something right, and I'll give you more credit that you yourself do in calling it voodoo. Your skills in creating ideal cloning conditiions are just that good!



Devil's Advocate
I agree with the OP on this except for one thing:

The variable we can't control from person to person is the genetics and the overall care of the plant.

That is the variable I think changes everyone's results from method to method.

Like 80% RH in a dome w/ rockwool would work for joes GDP, but wont for jane's NYCD.. So she tries a bubbler with no dome and it works..

Considering all other aspects of the technique were executed, the unknown variable is the genetics.

Yea that's funny. I was just about to edit my form to take that into account. Surely that exemplifies the difficulty in matching people's methods, but it doesn't negate the whole exercise.
I'm going to take a lesson from the E&F table thread that I noted earlier and add genetics into the equation.

Thanks though for the thought and the backup here... Will you participate? I'd be happy to hear from you!

EDIT: BTW I think that the voodoo that keeps getting mentioned may be easily chalked up to genetics... I just want to make clear that I understand the claims of FB and Q, and that I know that genetics makes things tough. It doesn't make it impossible (or impertinent) to do a study like this.
I disagree. I believe that saying it's all just randomness is the height of ignorance. Everything that happens in the world happens as a result of conditions in the environment. To say anything else is uneducated.

Listen amigo, I'm not trying to start a pissing contest here, what we are trying to get through to you is that there is no way to standardize any aspect of the cloning process due to the innumerable factors that myself and others have mentioned already that can not be standardized. The very fact that others have mentioned that they have set up clones for others using the system that succeeded for them, yet failed for another dictates that there are far too many variables. Just looking at your form you can see how many variables there are. You honestly think that ALL of those variables can be "standardized" to "guarantee" success for everyone who tries to clone? Com'on, you seem smarter than that...

By "voodoo" we mean that there are too many variable involved with the process, not that the variables can not be noted and observed, just that it IS impossible to try and account for all of them to guarantee success.

I tried to be nice, but I'm now switching into full on reason mode. If no one wants to contribute to this method of inquiry and hopeful advancement, it is just ahead of its time. The naysayers can GTFO and stop wasting space in the thread.

No need to be a dick if those of us that have been down this road before try to educate you....

BTW toker, congrats on your great survival rate. I wish you would fill in the form (and hopefully add to it to make it better) so that everyone can take a look and learn something from your technique. You're apparently doing something right, and I'll give you more credit that you yourself do in calling it voodoo. Your skills in creating ideal cloning conditiions are just that good!

Thanks for the kind words, my success has only to due with the fact that I use an extremely forgiving method - passive hydro, wick method - that I can screw up many of the variables on yet still not kill off my clones. I slaughtered many a cutting using other methods, including the evil bubble cloner (where I had a 0% success rate...) that others swear by. My rooted clones at 12-14 days:

Sorry if I offended you with the "hate these threads" comment, what I meant by that is that every time one of these gets started it leads noobs to think that if they follow everything their told to do and they will succeed, then when they fail, they give up when all they need to do is keep trying (like I did) and find the method that works for them. Not that there was anything wrong with the thread per se. AND as an aside... my degree is in Chemistry, I have been a research assistant for MANY years and have a much more thorough comprehension and understanding of the observational scientific method than many others here. Please be carefull when making blanket statements regarding subjects like this, as good a scientist as I am in the Chemistry field, there are MANY here that put me to shame in the botanical and horticultural fields.

By all means, conduct your research if you wish. We are truly just trying to save you time on a fruitless search, and the noobs that could be drawn down this path any future heartache.

As always, peace and ja bless amigo...


ICMag Donor
With over 30 variables you would unfortunately need many thousands of accurately filled forms to have any statistical significance.

Keep to the main ones , could show the right direction.

Air temperature
Air humidity
Root zone temperature
Light intensity
Light hours

In my experience with a lot of DIY cloners and methods the root zone temperature is the over rideing factor , a narrow band between too slow and yellowing , and turning to mush with moulds , found to be around 75 F.
Discovered a humidity dome was killing many plants and not helping by slowing down rooting and allowing mould to invade.

Current setup has been near 100% for two years and roots the same cuts like clockwork regardless of wide variations in air temp and humidity over the seasons.

A thermostatic controlled bubble cloner seems the easiest , most reliable and cost efective solution and the least chance of drying out and ready for soil or hydro , also enables fast out of season cuts of non Canna species and display plants.

Almost fool proof with only the water to top up once set and no consumables , my mother did the same with garden plants 40 years ago in a corner of a tropical fish tank long before the word cloneing entered the language.

Bubble propagators were offered at that time but stood no commercial chance against the DIY skills of keen gardeners.


I'm not gonna get into the discussion of it being voodoo. Instead I'll just fill out this form the best I can and hope that it helps someone. :joint:

I'm lazy on my style, I used to be very exact..using a new razorblade every time..sterilizing EVERYTHING...but I eventually got lazy and haven't seen any negative effects..and I'll probly get lazier until it begins to affect my survival rates.


Genetic Info: ubs, superskunk,gdp/ogkush,
Cloning Style: bubblecloner
Perceived Health of Mother Plant(s) (subjective): average w/ minor deficiencies
Were Mother(s) Fed Recently? If so, what was fed?: watered occasionally with a light molasses and fish emulsion mix.
Were Mother(s) watered within 24 hrs?: sometimes,sometimes not. I don't really pay attention when I take the cuts.
Medium: mothers are in soil.
Ambient Temperature: 75-80
Medium Temperature: 70-75
Humidity in Cloning Area: (If domes used, humidity within dome): no dome, but it's an enclosed area with about 50%rh
Amount (watts) and type (HPS, MH, CFL) of light used:18w "daylight" cfl over about a 1/4 sq ft
Hours per day light used:18/6
Distance of lights from cuttings: 1ft
Air movement around cuttings? Fan used?: small 12v pc fan running @6v..mostly to reduce humidity and a little heat, definitely no breeze.
H2O pH: ? i just use straight tap water...straight from the tap to the cloner...occasionaly topping it off with whatever is around(old waterbottles etc..)
H2O PPM: ? see above, I've never tested..set and forget kinda deal.
Was Root Hormone Used? Which one?: no
Were Nutrients Used? Which nutrients and at what concentrations?: no
Chlorine/Chloramine Present in H2O?: chlorine, dunno bout chloramine
Amount/Size of Bubbles (if applicable): small. (cheap grey airstone kinda shaped like stretched out pyramid )
Sterility of Bubbles (eg bubbler filter life): i dunno, but it was new when i started.
# of Nodes Above Cut: 2-3
% of Foliage Removed: ~25% I trim the leaf tips except on the new growth tips.
Total Length of Cutting: 3-5 inches
Length of Cutting Submerged/Placed into Medium: I try to hover the cut tips about 1/2-1 inch above the water surface.
Is the Cutting Old or New Growth?: usually new
At what angle were cuts made?: usually 45deg
Were cuttings re-cut under water? (air bubble prevention): no, usually recut in air @ 45degrees.
Scarification Used? What technique?: I just use the blade of the scissors or w/e and do a few scrapes along the tip, removing about 50% of the top "skin" layer about 1/2 inch from the tip.
Stem Splitting Used? How long of a split? Was this done under water?: usually I split the last 1/2 inch of stem, in the air.
Were humidity domes used?: no
Are clones being moistened on areas other than the stem? (eg misting or splashes from bubble cloner on foliage): no
What Cutting Implement was used?: scissors or razorblade
How often was cutting implement cleaned during cutting process? (eg Every 10 cuttings): basically never, i wipe it off on my pants before i cut.
What cleaning agent was used on cutting implement? (eg 91% Iso Alcohol): no.
Did you wash your hands before cutting began? Throughout the process?: no.
Have you handled the cuttings since placement in medium? If so, describe and give frequency of handling.: occasionaly (every 3-4 days) I lift the lid of the cloner to check on root development, and I sometimes remove the cuts from it (on new strains) and have a very close look. but I'm always very careful not to let the tips come into contact with anything while I look at them, I don't touch them or set them on the floor or anything :p
# Days (subjective) before transplant is possible: 7-14
Total Number Clones Taken: 100+
Total Number Clones Survived: 100
% Survival Rate: 100%
Yellowing of leaves at transplant time? How much?: occasionaly depending on the health of the mother plant, if the mother is in good health, the clones will not yellow untill new roots reach about 6+inches, if the mother is in poor health and about to show a deficency the clones will usually show it first resulting in yellowing leaves as soon as root "nubs" form.
Necrosis (dead plant material) at transplant time? How much?: ~10% at most if the mother was in poor heath.

Other Relevant Info: Like I said at the top I'm pretty lazy about the whole thing. I used to have alot of problems in the past using what I would call "passive" cloning techniques sitting them in soil perlite, or a glass of water, using rooting hormone, and just hoping they pop roots in a few weeks, I had about 10% success. I have modified my bubble cloner about 5 times now, completely new containers..spacing between plants..different airstones..etc...and I've always had basically the same results..I tried using a tiny bit of rooting hormone in the rez (clonex) and say it helps, but by such a small degree that I stopped using it, at most it would take 1-2 days off cloning..and for me personally I throw out as many clones as I use, and I'm never in such a rush for finished clones that 1-2 days is going to make any difference anyways. plus clonex cost $!

my process goes like this-
I take a few cuts off my moms, with the little scissors on my swissarmy knife, which has scissor hash all over it, and hasn't been cleaned for months ( snip snip snip) I throw the cuts in a pile...sometimes on the floor or in my hat...then as I put them into foam type collars to go into the bubbler, I hold them up in the air and trim them up, first trimming off the leaftips to reduce transpiration, then making a 45degree angle cut on the tip(in case it got cut straight).. then I use the blade of the scissors to scrape a lil tissue off here and there, I dip them in water(straight tap), then set them in the cloner. Depending on the strain, I usually see root "nubs" within 6-10 days..usually a few days afters these "nubs" form the roots will grow a few inches, and are transplanted to soil, where they take a few days more to get used to the soil...once in the soil I "sort of" dome them..i cut the top off of a water bottle and cover them with it fer a day or 2, I them unscrew the lid on my lil ghetto dome, leave it fer another day or 2 then remove it, i keep the soil barely moist during this process..mostly I keep the surface of the soil wet under the lil dome.

I want to point out that I think "overcloning" is a great way to tell the health of your mother plants (soil)...I occasionally leave a clone in for an extra week and see what deficiencies it develops, this tells me which deficiencies will develop on the mother plant before they're visible ;)

I know it's all pretty vague..but at least I filled one out.

@ ItsAllOver.... I think if this was a few hundred years ago you'd be burned at the stake by now! lol :wink: keep it up the good work.
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Devil's Advocate
Thanks for your input! You're number 1 in what will hopefully be a long list!
I think one thing we can garner from your success is that absolute sterility of tools is not necessary, lol. Hell, my regular rinsing of the scissors in Iso may have harmful effects, who knows. I took a bunch of cuts on Wednesday that are in a bubble cloner. Stems submerged in the water, but I'm thinking about raising them as you and others do. That will fuck up the experimental conditions, but honestly this time I am just going for success of my operation not experimental integrity.
I hope to set up a bunch of experimental cloning systems to add to this. It's just going to take a lot of money and time. A bunch of equipment I don't have. Hopefully I'll be able to do this down the road a bit.

I will not allow myself to be burned at the stake! Hey, that's what arguing on the internet is for! haha


I just switched methods

I just switched methods

my cloning skills are little to be desired. I was cloning with rockwool, now have switchd to a diy aero cloner. seems to work wonders. I think it was king ralphs thread that shows how to build one. However , everyone tried to make the same cloner but the only thing that was consistent was the variable that everyone had a different cloner in the end and different results. some got great results , some just couldn;t get clones with this technique no matter how many questions were asked and answered. point being, this was sorta already done with that thread and it prooved a great thread, but not everyone achieved the goal due to "variables".

2 cents
I think I get the point you're tryin' to make IAO....

100% true story...swear on my Daughters beauty.

I had been cloning in this one specific room for over 10yrs...prolly 20,000cuts...only about 20 different strains tho. The highest number I can say I might have lost....maybe 50 out of those 20K.
So for the sake of this story, as you'll see...MY exact setup and all the variables don't really matter. The ONLY variable to success was the PERSON.

I brought my own flesh&blood Brother into this room one time to show him how to take cuts.
I supervised him 100% and gave the thumbs up on replicating what I showed him.
All I let him do was take the cut from the Mom, shave off a node underwater, dip it, stick it, squeeze excess water from the jiffy cube. From there...these cuts stayed in this same room and I tended to them as I would my own...as I had for 10yrs.

30% failure.

The variables on this specific cutting regime that has worked for me so well in this room from my moms? The person and the person only.

The ONLY factors that could change my success of 99.9 to his 70% are these.

-Speed and angle of the moms stem slice.
-Time to get it from the mom to the water.
-Angle, speed and number of cuts to clean a node.
-Time to get from the water to the rooting powder.
-How much rooting powder was gathered, how much was shaken off.
-Accuracy sticking the stem into the cube hole.
-Pressure and length of time that pressure was applied to drain excess water from the cube

That's it.
Those variables can only be the difference between his hand and mine.


Devil's Advocate
Hey Uncle Dave (everybody's got one... is that what your name is a reference to? George Carlin? Anyway!...)
I'm glad to hear your input!
I think I'm with you except that you are almost making contradictory statements in saying it is the person and then saying it is the variables. But yea, I guess it's just calling one thing by a different name because we're talking about variables in particular that are almost impossible to replicate/explain to someone. They aren't very measurable, that's for sure, and I would agree that they obviously matter. So how do we refine the technique as far as these things go? That's a tough question, because I think the only occupation in which this great of emphasis is put on similar actions is surgery. So we need a 10 year long program teaching people how to cut clones!
Just kidding. This is a toughie. Gotsta go


Devil's Advocate
Genetic Info: Pot of Gold
Cloning Style: Bubble cloner (submerged stem)
Perceived Health of Mother Plant(s) (subjective): Mom's were looking whack, had pH swing evidence, maybe a cal def, not sure. But yea not incredibly happy.
Were Mother(s) Fed Recently? If so, what was fed?: Fed one week before cutting. They got PBP Grow at just below recommended amount, CalMag, Liquid Karma, and Molasses to feed the beneficials.
Were Mother(s) watered within 24 hrs?: Yep. They were watered about 24 hrs before, but were dry down to 3/4" of the top of the soil
Medium: Water
Ambient Temperature: 79 F
Medium Temperature: No clue, but I used a heating mat set to just within the "Germination Zone" I couldn't find my thermometer, doh!
Humidity in Cloning Area: (If domes used, humidity within dome): 53% RH in room. No dome
Amount (watts) and type (HPS, MH, CFL) of light used: 23w CFL off to the side
Hours per day light used: 20
Distance of lights from cuttings: It was on the side, so some were within 4", some were 12" away
Air movement around cuttings? Fan used?: No fan near the cuttings, air movement in the room is good because my exhaust fan pulls through it
H2O pH: Tried to keep it at 6.0 but it swung up to 6.5-7 every couple days, so I adjusted.
H2O PPM: Not sure about PPM with tap water, but I only used that for 2 days, then switched to RO at 0 I assume. I began using nutrients at day 6-7 when I saw root bumps on some cuttings
Was Root Hormone Used? Which one?: None, but at day 6-7, I began using ~2mL Bio Bizz Root Juice per gal water. I love this stuff, you'd think I sold it, the way I talk about it.
Were Nutrients Used? Which nutrients and at what concentrations?: Just explained the Root Juice, but at day 10, I started adding 1mL PBP Grow/gal because roots were visible on maybe 30% of them, root bumps on 50%, and the rest had nothing yet.
Chlorine/Chloramine Present in H2O?: None
Amount/Size of Bubbles (if applicable): I had 3 blue 1 inch airstones from WM and one 6" long bubble wand. Two pumps used with Tees to make 4.
Sterility of Bubbles (eg bubbler filter life): Bubblers were used a good bit before. Filter never changed. This probably doesn't matter too much.
# of Nodes Above Cut: ~2-4
% of Foliage Removed: no more than 20%, if the clone was big...
Total Length of Cutting: I took some that were no taller than 1", the largest were 3.5" or so, and the average was 3" high. They were very small clones.
Length of Cutting Submerged/Placed into Medium: Between 1/4-1/2"
Is the Cutting Old or New Growth?: Mostly new growth cuttings, maybe 10% were old growth, and they took longer to root for sure.
At what angle were cuts made?: Cut from moms at perpendicular to stem
Were cuttings re-cut under water? (air bubble prevention): Recut under water at 45 degrees with small scissors
Scarification Used? What technique?: None
Stem Splitting Used? How long of a split? Was this done under water?: Split maybe 4 or 5, the results showed no real effect, if anything these took longer. None of the "keepers" that looked the best and I ended up planting were the split ones.
Were humidity domes used?: Nope
Are clones being moistened on areas other than the stem? (eg misting or splashes from bubble cloner on foliage): Nope. I used a hole saw to cut out 1.5" pucks from mini pool noodles from WM, then split them down one side to easily insert the cuts. I used enough on the surface of the water that bubbles didn't splash up onto plants. This is key, because I tried this before with a small # cuts and didn't fill the pool, and I think it contributed to some rot.
What Cutting Implement was used?: Pointed scissors
How often was cutting implement cleaned during cutting process? (eg Every 10 cuttings): I dunked it in 91% iso alcohol about every 8-10 clones, then wiped it off with a paper towel
What cleaning agent was used on cutting implement?: 91% isopropyl alcohol
Did you wash your hands before cutting began? Throughout the process?: Washed them before. Did not stop cutting till I was done.
Have you handled the cuttings since placement in medium? If so, describe and give frequency of handling.: Yea, I picked out maybe 5-6 random ones from the pool every day to look at the stems. I never kept them out more than 10 seconds each and didn't touch anything other than a leaf to snatch it up.
# Days (subjective) before transplant is possible: 13-14 days. Just dropped them into 4" rw cubes, twisting the 4-6" long roots into a coil on the bottom and lightly setting the noodle pucks onto them. They are getting adjusted now, and looking good
Total Number Clones Taken: 48
Total Number Clones Survived: 45
% Survival Rate: 93.75% lol decimal points make things look so significant
Yellowing of leaves at transplant time? How much?: Nope, they were all as beautiful and lush green as when I cut them. They have not yellowed since transplanting, either, and are beginning to grow now after 12-24 hrs in RW
Necrosis (dead plant material) at transplant time? How much?: Nope, they're nice

Other Relevant Info: I like bubble cloning a lot. It seems to work pretty well in my grow room given its enviro, so I'll be doing this from now on. I like being able to see the condition of the cuts at any time by pulling them out of the water, it allowed me to know how long I had before I could get my next crop going, which matters now, not so much later I suppose. No medium to buy, except RO actually, and I am surprised at how well they have seemed to take to the RW cubes. Yesterday about 6-8hrs since planting them, I looked and 3 were shriveling, looking really bad. I put them back into the bubbler, and two recovered FULLY and the other conked out. I planted 3 new ones from the bubbler, and they are on track. I assume those that didn't work were like that because the RW cubes weren't as wet. My top layer didn't get fully submerged in the rubbermaid for the soak.
Only thing I decided to change is that I'm not doing soil moms anymore. I'm switching to DWC.


awesome! thx fer the update...

I've always heard that taking cones closer to the bottom of the plant will have better results due to the fact that closer to the roots = more of the natural rooting hormone stuff that's in plants (sry don't feel like looking up the actual name of it) I have the same results you do in the fact that new growth, which is usually top growth, actually roots faster than older bottom growth.

...wish we could see a few other ppl's results :(


Devil's Advocate
Yep, you're right grow1620, I'm pretty sure I have heard the same thing. However on that note, I'm thinking about taking a "clone" of some of the entire branches of my mother plants because I want to switch from soil to dwc. I'm thinking about using the air layering technique where you basically wrap a section of branch in something moist, with some rooting hormone, and eventually it will throw out some roots and can be snipped off and planted... I think I'll wrap it in rockwool. We'll see how that goes.

Nice clone there sito, get it some N ASAP! What medium is that? I am having a hard time telling...




I'm thinking about using the air layering technique...
wow dude..I'm doing this right now...all i can say is tiny lil mother plants are hard to work with...i scraped,wrapped cellophane, used a toothpick for support and filled with a lil soil..maybe a tablespoon..been bout 2 weeks and no visible signs of roots...and just now in the last day or 2 the top is starting to lose a lil color on the leaves..hopefully this is a sign of success rather then failure (the way leaves on clones will start to yellow when the roots start growing) gimme a few more days and I'll try to get a pic up, as I don't have a camera.

It's kinda ghetto...I was just experimenting a lil bit, but that's how we learn right? :joint:

...and I think RW would work better btw..
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Active member
Cloning is not voodoo, but they are right about one thing. What works for some, may not work for you. For me, bubble cloner works alomost 100 percent. Here is what is done. Get a shallow container with lid. Block all light from coming in, and cut holes for cloner pucks. Use a small air pump and airstone. Cut clones on a 45 about an inch from an alternating node. Pull down on node gently to strip the stalk a bit. Then take a thin layer off with your razor on what ever part will be under the lid. Fill cloner with RO water, and keep temps 70-80. Put the stem tip just touching the water and wait about a week.

FYI, Splitting stems does not help in this case. They have always taken longer for me Once they get roots add a little Thrive Alive red, roots love it. This works for ME, and a few people I have taught everytime. Personally I think temps are the most important. Are the stable all the time? Does the rootzone temp change or stay about the same the whole time? If you fail, start looking there first! Lots of variables, so if you eliminate as many as possible you are less likely to fail. Trial and Error is a good way to learn anything, just sucks if you lose all your clones.


Devil's Advocate
Yea, I agree (for bubble cloners) about temps being crucial. I also tend to think RO water helps, in addition to 45 degree cuts. In the past with rapid rooters I noticed that ones cut at 45 rooted more often and faster than cut perpendicular. (I have used close to 1000 RRs for cuttings. I think I got about 700 out of that number to root, but the 45s and under water cuts helped)


when starting out i found out that the worst thing youcan do no matter what cloning method is to mess with the clones. just take the cuts put them in whatever system you are using, THEN LEAVE THEM ALONE.. everytime i would pick up a clone to check if it has rooted yet, it would take DAYS to recover.. keep picking them up & looking @ them & your clones will never root.

i was having difficulty years ago, then i just gave up & went on vacation, when i got home the clones that didnt dry up all had roots!


Every time you handled a cut it would take days to recover lol?Were you playing ping pong with it or something?Of course humidity is probably the single most important ingredient in getting cuts to root.That and rootech whyich kicks ass even better than Olivia's I recently found out