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Cloning straight in soil?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Anyone do it or is it all rapid rooters and jiffy plugs for you guys?

I'm assembling a sticky on cloning methods and want to include as many basic methods as possible.
Thanks FB


interesting idea, i think my only concern would be to pack the soil/coco/whatever nice and tight so the clone has decent support.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If you or anyone has reason to warn people off the idea, I'd like to hear that too. I want to include as many methods as possible but, I haven't tried them all and have taken many on faith. I don't want to steer anyone wrong.


Active member
Wasn't there a rezdog writeup on soil cloning?
It's just cut, dip in rooting powder, place in soil, tamp down and water with 2-2-2 ml/gal of GH flora series.

I've tried this in promix and it worked very well..


It's just cut, dip in rooting powder, place in soil, tamp down and water


...no dome....no fancy cuts up the stem....no spray bottles....
dip in rooting hormone and into moist (not wet) soil with a source of warmth underneath.

usually see roots by days 14-18. slower than foggers and machines of the sort.....but a fraction of the cost and none of the added equipment.


For my soiless plants, I take my clones and put them straight on soil + perlite... with dome (seems dome works better for my enviroment)... and 10-12 days they are ready to transplant. Sometimes use coco only... cut my clones and they go straight to coco... dome... 10-12 days they are ready too.



Active member
I just put 9 cuts straight into my main veg/flower soil.. no rooting gel, it took about 10 days and they are taking off fine.


Garden Nymph
I tried cloning in soil for the first time with some PK cuts. I didn't have any Rapid Rooters or Jiffy pellets on hand. After almost 2 weeks, 6 of the cuts made it. The couple of them that didn't were just too small anyway.

Then I bought some Jiffy Pellets to see how they'd work out. Needless to say, I thought that cloning in soil was better. However, I'd still choose Rapid Rooters anytime. Now I don't know what to do with the rest of the Jiffy Pellets! lol


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah i took 3 clones and put them in damp soil and left them alone for like a week as an experiment... it definitely works :joint:



This last round I tried this just to see... I used some old FF soil (so it's mild) took cuttings, dipped in rooting powder and straight to moist soil. They've struggled a bit but seem like they'll make it. As we were discussing in the old farts thread, it might be that some sort of humidity dome is what might make my clones struggle less. But the straight to soil method seems to work for me.
Anyone do it or is it all rapid rooters and jiffy plugs for you guys?

I clone straight into soil everytime.

My success rate is about 90% depending on the pheno (some are more fussy to clone than others).

I use regular seed trays and my normal vegatative soil mix with a bit of extra perlite. Keep moist and normally they root in about 2 weeks.


Active member
If you or anyone has reason to warn people off the idea, I'd like to hear that too. I want to include as many methods as possible but, I haven't tried them all and have taken many on faith. I don't want to steer anyone wrong.

I've been cloning straight to soil for over a year with good success 90%+ as long as I don't fuck up and use my LC#2 mix with dry nutes as my clone soil (I did that last time and burned up 32 good plants). I clone right to a square 1 qt pot that fits 8 to a tray and the humid dome fits perfectly over the 8 pots. Problem is that I need 4 trays for 32 starts. I use roots organic soil with some lime and water with EWC tea.

I'm probably going to start using rapid rooters or something though as space is at a premium and I can get more plants started in a rapid rooter tray. I can get 32 plants started in one tray then transplant the best 25 or so.

I wouldn't change a thing if I wasn't pressed for space.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Ever seen the movie, KOG - A GROWERS LOT. I don't know whether you can see the whole movie in one hit anymore but parts if not the whole thing are available on Youtube.

He cloned in dirt, took cuttings in the field, rooting powder and put them in semi shade. No precise cuts under water, heat mats, domes or anything like that. Just basic gardening skills.


I do it. I take the cutting, soak it in a b vitimen for 30 minutes, dip in rooting powder, into soil. Well 60% soil 40% perlite. I get real good success rates. only lost 3 so far. I dont use a dome, the soil holds much more moisture than a grow block so it seems a dome almost isnt needed? I'll try with a dome to see if they root faster. But I get roots about the same time as plugs, 7-10 days usually. And once the plant establishes itself they REALLY take off.


Active member
i used to root in soil

U bought soil for seedlings and clones and did everything the same as i would for rapid rooters

but i prefer cubes cuz they take little space anc it is easy to see when the roots are poking out

If they dont sell soil for seedlings you can buy universal potting soil and mix it 50% with sand


People have been 'cloning' straight into soil for thousands of years.

It seems that the Cannabis crowd has made this simple task very complicated over the last 50 years, or at least the companies that sell products to us have, in order to push more products..

I take cutting, dip into organic honey or organic blue agave nectar, or rootstock, or just straight with nothing. No dome used, or anything else, just go under the T5 in straight Sun Gro "Sunshine growers Natural and Organic" soil

All seem to work just fine.

I do sprinkle on some mycorrhizal fungi.

Guest 88950

the only way ive done it was straight to soil.

Made the mistake of using my hot organic soil and almost lost them so i started using 100% Worm Castings.

i just put one in a bubble cloner to get roots faster. we will see.

ive also used 4" grodan cubes but didnt like it. and for those who dont use soil b/c they like to see when roots are formed then use the Clear Green plastic Solo cups, works for me.

Grass Lands

depends on the soil...some soils are hotter then a two dollar pistol even though they show no nutes listed...I used to do this all the time...now I spend a few bucks and use Ferry Morse's Seed Starting mix...works well, 7-10 days and roots galore...