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cloning question

there goes edro

Well-known member
This is my first real attempt at cloning. I've tried water cloning here and there with little success so I purchased a cloning tray, dome, heat mat, clonex, and rapid rooters. I just took clones from several plants. I noticed that all my Mental Floss clones that I took are slumped over and limp looking! WTF?! Is this normal? Does it mean they died already? Just need a little advice PLEASE!!! The other strains are fine just all my MFS. What now?


Active member
some strains just don't root well. I never had good 90 percent success rates. luck with root riot. a ok rockwoll


I have a simple technique, always get 100% rates..give it a try. Only need a solo cup, with some decent drainage holes cut in bottom.. fill it with promix hp.. water it with 6.2 ph h20 till slight runoff occurs.. chop ur clone,,dip in rooting agent,, I use clonex.. poke a hole in Promix, stick the clone in the hole.. gently pack the Promix so the clone stands up strong.. put a clear solo cup on top..or I even use quart size ziplocks to act as a dome.Keep 70-78 degrees. Works every Damn time.. oh, don't even mist your clone when u put clear cup or Ziploc dome on..once u see condensation building up, that's when u know it's starting to root.. 5 days after u see that,, take domes off.. bamm! Rooted clones..
I still have a 50 site cloner I never use anymore.. it's honestly the best method I've ever tried..
Works every time..





This is exp. and creativity all in one love it acridlab especially for cloning into a medium instead of a cube or whatever. :D def going to give this a shot

Although I love this method acridlab I think there goes edro wants to try his new equipment out aha

So heres my method just got 100%.... goes hand in hand with genetics some take longer all mines rooted all one strain monocropped.

I clone using ez cloners and rapidrooters and have great success now with both. I use to struggle with rapidrooters but got it down now.

1)Set your heatpad to 75 degrees works good for me
2)Soak rapidrooters in plain ph water and use clonex/root gel like you are
3)cut using clean utensils and stick it presoaked cubes you want it moist not super damp or super dry in the middle **cut leaves in half**
4)Your biggest problem is there slumping over because you dont have high humidity. Get a spray bottle and spray the inside of the clear dome top then put it back on keep top vents closed for the first 48hrs then you can open them. Humidity will bring them back watch youd be surprised Ive seen then look like shit and when the humidity built up from the condensation on the clear lid all perked up instantly.I use florescent lights keep em 5 inches away from the top of my dome dont need much light.

Humidity !!!! :D thats what you need Mist the dome once or twice a day after the first 48hrs when you take the lid off to let the babes breathe for a couple of minutes .....give the inside of the dome a spray bottle shot.

hope this helps.

PS: when roots develop you can add a rooting supplement if youd like



there goes edro

Well-known member
Thanks for the great posts! Humidity 85%. Temp 75.8f. I think the other strains will root just fine. I'm just disappointed because I really wanted a Mental Floss mom. I still got 5 more seeds for the future so when I get better at cloning I'll give it another go.

there goes edro

Well-known member
I haven't completely given up on them. It's a possibility I could check on them in the morning and the MFs might be standing front and center. I'll update my progress as I very well know practice makes perfect and low experience might equal low rooting numbers.


Active member
just a quick question. if the humidity of the area the clones are in is high say plus 70s do you need a dome ?

Nope. Only need it if they go limp. If you do need it you want to think in terms of weaning them off it as soon as you can. When it's summer and humid here, I don't need a dome at all. Winter, up to a week. Rest of the time, 1-3 days.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
i have been doming them but with a poor success rate, ill try no dome next time and as you said ill check for them going limp thanks


Active member
As long as they are standing u tall, you're good. You want to keep them them healthy while they develop roots, not so comfortable that they don't need to bother :)


you guys are making it more difficult then it is ! When I did too much is when they didnt root as well

Simple as this.

1)cheap florescent light thats all thats needed they dont need alot of light. 4-5 inches from top of dome. 24/7

2) get your cubes soaked in plain ph water. shouldnt be above 200ppms.

3) make sure controller and heat mat are programmed at 75 degress F

4) cut using clean utensils and using rooting gel. cut leaves in half to force rooting

5) spray/ mist the inside of the dome with water and the clones lightly if you want.

6) keep dome closed for 48hours condensation should build. this is key high humidity is necessary.

7) After 48hours open once or twice a day and let them breathe for a couple mins. give that inside of the dome a shot too and keep the vents cracked for a little air for the next week.

8) roots should pop out then root supplement can be used rapidstart etc. Some types just take longer to root to keep that in mind if the clone looks good it might just be a finicky strain. After week dome can be removed as roots should be formed.

PS: I dunk the whole cube in ph water with rapid start once roots pop out. this allows for the whole cube to get saturated and roots just go nuts from there.

At the beg. the cubes should stay moist and may need one watering at most until roots show. Too damp and too dry is bad....midpoint is key (moist not damp)


GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
to be honest im clutching at straws here trying different things to have some success. i think i have been to damp.

frustrating when you cant fill your room, its not very cost effective. but i wont stop trying :) ill nail this at some point

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
i use a 200 watt cfl, i have kept it away from it, i have tried using normal 50 watt bulbs.

some say its due to the levels of chlorine in your tap water. more chlorine the better they root.