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Cloning problem.


I had a 120 Ez-clone cloneing machine and i put it in the garage making clones in those couple months. Every clone i keep making and dying at the same time. First i had powder mildew problem with the mom plants... and never get rid of em. 2nd is the temp at teh garage. day time 70~80 and night time it hit around 55~60 degree i know which is not good for cloning at all... What should i do now i need to keep the strain alive and i running out of time and mom plants. I been made like 100+ clones and die like most of them. Plus i using a MH 400w to lighting on them is that a bit too much? The dead clones alway have soft stern and slimy. i been cleaning the machine everyweek now with anti-bacteria soap... i really need help on this.


Active member
ICMag Donor
That 400 wt is definately too much bro! Just a few cfl's are appropriate! I use 3 in a 1.5X2 ft storage tub. If you have some rockwool, you might wanna change techniques. Is your water fresh you are using?

the gnome

Active member
I had a 120 Ez-clone cloneing machine and i put it in the garage making clones in those couple months. Every clone i keep making and dying at the same time. First i had powder mildew problem with the mom plants... and never get rid of em.
2nd is the temp at teh garage. day time 70~80 and night time it hit around 55~60 degree i know which is not good for cloning at all...

What should i do now i need to keep the strain alive and i running out of time and mom plants. I been made like 100+ clones and die like most of them.

3-Plus i using a MH 400w to lighting on them is that a bit too much?

The dead clones alway have soft stern and slimy. i been cleaning the machine everyweek now with anti-bacteria soap... i really need help on this.

sounds like you already know what the answer for 2 of 3 of your probs are,
fix those and see how it goes from there

i had powder mildew problem with the mom plants... and never get rid of em
by all means do something about your PM prob if thats what you meant to say that the mom still has it, right?
taking clones from a plant with PM only spreads the problem.
trying to get already sick and infected cuttings to clone is a losing bet from the get go.

temp at the garage. day time 70~80 and night time it hit around 55~60 degree i know which is not good for cloning at all

why haven't you done anything? if you know your temps are off
get the temps where they need to be

Plus i using a MH 400w to lighting on them is that a bit too much?

clones don't need intense HID lighting and can be bad for them depending on distance.
just a 20w flouro will work, indirect from a flouro will even work.
mine are get indirect for the 1st week and they do fine

you really need to read more on cloning.
there are stickys on it, check the one out by JJscorpio
its at the top of the pagein indoor soil growing
theres tons of threads on cloning,
try the search option, I put cloning in and got 86 pages worth
but take care of the immediate probs your aware of with powdery mildew and the temps


I think it is the slime you need to worry about. Its a common problem experienced while using those type of cloners.

Do a search utilizing EZ CLONER you will find a thread authored by 40ampstream at least I think it is. It should have all the information you are seeking.



New member
build a frame with foamcore walls that covers your cloner then hang some cfl's from the top of the box. place your cloner on a piece of carpet so it is off the concrete floor. the heat from the cfl's should help with the temp. control. ph should be around 6.3-6.8.

Indian Culture

Way to much light, you barely need any light to keep clones healthy while rooting. In order to have healthy clones that root fast you need to first have healthy mothers.


KISS, is the best method. Heat mat, PH'd water, root hormone, rapid rooters, and humidity dome.
cheap, easy and 100%.


Active member
Keep it simple...dont need an Ez Cloner. i get about 90% success using only mini rockwool cubes, a 6.5 solution with a few tiny drops of FF grow big and 1 drop of superthrive.

I use a shitload of clonex, damn near soak the rootzone, and use something to stuff the clonex into the hole. they usually go limp and look ready to die but they always surprise me and hold on.
I use a timer, and set it for 15-on 15-off 24-7. This keeps the heat down. The pump heats the water up a bunch when run continuously.

Also, between runs, clean the cloner with bleach, and clean the pucks carefully. I pry them open and remove the roots that grow into the foam pucks.

I found that well water works better than my city water too. Now I fill the machine with water, no addatives, just water, no PH, roots in 4-5 days, plants out of the machine in 7 or 8 days every time.

I get awesome results consistently now, it's all in the details.

The other posters are correct about the light too, all I use is a regular cheap 4 foot flourescent fixture with regular bulbs about 4 feet above the cloner. You do Not want a lot of light. Plants will root in total darkness. Just a little light is all you want.

Baba Ku

Active member
Hydroguard will help to keep the water slime free.
Change it out every 7 days even with the amendment.
You should have healthy roots during the second fill of water if not sooner.

The cool temps at night will stunt the growth of roots on clones, get temps to be consistent. Perhaps a heating pad during night to keep temps consistent? (water and root temp is more important than the ambient air temps surrounding the clones)

If all else fails, stick your clones in cups of moist coco in 70-75degF temps and wait 1-2 weeks.

Although I agree that a single CFL can root clones, your MH should not be too intense of light of them, IF they are not too close to the lamp. Keep them at max distance and they should be fine in the MH.

65DegF is too cool, and 85degF is too warm. Make sure you know the temps and keep them where they need to be, and you will probably have success no matter the method.


havne't check the forum lately thx for the reply. I jsut changed water and using a sun system small florsecnt tube 4x small one like 2 feet. it slow down the dying for those couple days now. Still working on gettin rid of the pm.


Active member
DC105 and Prop are on it, 2 months ago I gave up the 120 ez cloner due to some temp fluxuations, if the plants arent leafy the black box absorbes heat and the temps rise from this also as i had to layer the top with white reflective, instead of taking anymore chances i went back to rockwool and the stress is gone. A water chiller will be needed if you got temps around 80 during the day, and a couple of cfls would definitely work. best endeavors


Active member
havne't check the forum lately thx for the reply. I jsut changed water and using a sun system small florsecnt tube 4x small one like 2 feet. it slow down the dying for those couple days now. Still working on gettin rid of the pm.

I would only run 1 or two of the bulbs in that sun system. Keep it about 20 inches above. You want low light. Light isnt really helping at this point.

The Baphomet

Well-known member
I use a 120 ez- cloner and get close to 100% rooting . TOO much light is a bad thing and your cuts will yellow out and dye before they gat any roots .
Here is a few tips .
When we take cuts we submerge them in a bucket of cold tap water with a rooting solution for one hour before the go into the machine .
Change the water every two days
Use a rooting solution in the machine
Keep water temps in the mid 70'S
Use florescent bulbs one warm and one cool and keep the light 3 feet above the clones
We added a water chiller to the machine it helps us during the warm months , and I would suggest doing the same .
Once you learn how to use the ez cloner properly it is the BOMB and you'll know that your cuts will always root !