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cloning not going so well



You can just shave off some of the skin of a branch that is still attached to the plant, put some clonex on it and tie a wet rockwool cube arount it. (cut it in half)
then some aluminum foil around it to keep it wet. wait till the roots show and cut underneath.
im using a micro bubble cloner right now and at first i was failing then i stopped misting and i was set i just kept them in a gallon ziploc bag with part of it open(cloner is a 1qt sammich meat container) and i still put some root powder on the stems and im getting 90% success rate...


I used O;ivia's with pretty good results until trying clonex gel and I'll tell you its the best out there


Active member
Stick the cutting in the dome and mist the dome once a day and leave them alone. Tough love
I'm with this guy. There are many techniques out there you just have to find what works for you. I listed my method in detail in the wal-mart thread so no need to duplicate here.
As for the wilting I never noticed in a dome setup but without it they looked near death for the first day or two.

The best tips I could give you from my experience:
-Don't over water (I usually drench my cup when I clone and don't water for 1-2 weeks)
-Don't mist more than 1-2 times a day (When lights come on and about 12 hours into the cycle) -remember its a misting not a rainfall
-Vermiculite and Pearlite are your friends (Unless its a hydro thing make that soil light and quick draining)
-Rooting compounds work but are not needed.
-Take cuttings about 6" tall and at least a 1/4" diameter and only leave a few small fan leaves. I leave 3-4 leaves that are about 3" x 3" (Usually the ones just below the new shooting growth and the next node down also if the plant is struggling take off 1 fan it may help.)
-I also use the scuff & nic trick. Take your razor and gently make a few small nics in the bottom 2" of your stem. Also lightly "scuff" one side from base up about 2". (I believe its called scarification but basicly your doing the same thing as if you ran your fingernail across your arm leaving a white/reddish line but not drawing blood. Kinda like sandpapering your 'first layer' of skin)

I hope something in here helps you. Once you do find your method nothing will stop you from populating your room with that sweet smell of your favorite budda blessings.:dance013:
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I had some problems at first. I tried a few different ways and what works best for me is pre-watering a cup with my normal soil mix in it. Cut the clone and put it in the soil..leave for 10 days and now I have a rooted clone growing in its first container.

I have had 95% or better every round now.


ive been using rapid rooters with clonex gel and some power root booster water is 6.5 ph and i got three of trainwreck strand there in a perlite mix taken from when they were flowering not vegging how long am i lookin at to see roots anybody got an estimate with this strand from flowering i use a 60 watt cfl daylight bulb and have a humidity dome with humid. of 83

the gnome

Active member
I just started cloning last week, 35 cuts and so far 2 fatalities.
just using 50-50 perl/verm.
i cut an inch below where i want and pput in a cup of water.
where i plan to cut I scrape the stem with a razor blade and stick the point in very lightly in a few places, all this is done on a sucer with a bit of water with the work being done under water.
make the final cut right below a node, roll it in rootone from lowes and stick it in the perl-verm thats been thorougly wetted with RO water and drech it again.
3 times a day i water the perl-verm, morning mid afternoon and before i turn in.
looks good so far.... "fingers crossed"


Active member
are wilting cuttings something to be concerned about?
yeah man, if your cuts are wilted, something is wrong.

personally i tried cloning using several different methods
even going so far as building myself a bubble cloner that
worked like a charm, near 100%.

then i discovered an extremely simple, cheap and reliable
way to get roots every time.

here are a couple of pics of the results i get EVERY
time i do a run and with minimal effort on my part.

also, if you take a look at the link in my sig you will
find a cab i built to house 4 of these cloners and i
linked the original cloning thread in the first post
where you will find all the info you need to begin
to up your success rate to above 80% almost from
your first try if you follow a few simple steps.

peace, SOG


Active member
i had a friend recently tell me "if you stress the mother the clones will be too that might result in low THC yield for the entire crop she produces"
I have no knowledge on MOM's, the MOM is a clone of Blue cheese, i haven't found anything on here yet explaining simply on how to clone and when to clone. if you know a good threw link it please..
I am using a humidity dome to clone (i feel the HD is truly ancient technology) and the mother is about 2 1/2ft tall.. to soon? idk i have taken 2 cuttings, 45 angle, shave, dousing the hole on the rockwool cubs with clone-x and the stem, 15w cool white light.
i know it might be to soon but the cuttings are wilted


New member
Okay, I've tried several cloning methods with little or no succes. Until I read about the disposable beer cup (girl size 30-40 cl) method.

What you do, is fill one cup one quater up with soil, apply clonex (or something similar - maybe not nessary) to your clone, put it in the soil and apply a little water. Then place another cup (bottoms up) on top of the first one. Tape together. Place in low light and cool temp. (approx 20 degrees Celsius). Wait 12-14 days and hey presto! 95% success rate.

Remember the new clones are condtioned to a humid climate, so either spray them or use low light/heat for the first week after freeing them from their dome.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I've used most every method at one time, all with the same near 100% success. It's not so much a 'recipe' for cloning as much as it is understanding certain things, some of which were mentioned by Zen Master earlier in this thread. The angle of the cut is not so important as how much leaf area is left on because leaf area dictates transpiration rate, which is hugely important. FreezerBoy uses a method without a dome and can get away with it because he cuts quite a bit of leaf area off in preparation. Domes can hold so much moisture that they (vapor pressure) slow transpiration. That's fine early on, but as soon as a cut starts to root, it needs to be removed from the dome so it can breathe.

Another critically important thing is light level. Cuts don't need nearly as much light to root as growing plants. In fact, they root fastest with a very low level of light. Bright light can also force transpiration which makes cut's wilt. The distance from my T5's to the tops of the cuts in the dome is well over two feet, probably closer to three.

All other parameters, like the angle of the cut, the brand of rooting hormone (or none), PH and nutrient level of the water are considerably LESS important than the things I just mentioned.


Active member
I use a "Hempy Cup" filled with vermiculite...works like a champ! Just a 16oz cup with a few holes 1" up from the bottom filled with vermiculite...so far 100%.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I use a "Hempy Cup" filled with vermiculite...works like a champ! Just a 16oz cup with a few holes 1" up from the bottom filled with vermiculite...so far 100%.

ibjammin ...can you please give a little more detal as to what your doing exactly ??? like how often you giving water what kind of water RO or tap ..phed or not etc..... please ...very interested .

thans dude . :)