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Cloning Methods


Just though id see if anyone else has expieranced the ease at witch roots come if left in water.
Ive never had a clone die sitting in water,it seems they root all the time.Ok it takes a bit I hear you say but all the methods around these days are some what confuseing to some.
Is their a down side to this method anyone knows off? :joint:
I put 4 cuts in rockwool it rooted before the one left in water but there was only a day in it.PEACE LOVE AND HAPPYNESS :wave:
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Ive recently just tried both. Leaving a few cuttings in water didnt have any effect after about 5 days, so i left one in the water. Nothing happened after 10 days, the cutting just slowly started to yellow with no roots showing so i chucked it. I never bothered changing the water at all.

Ive had mixed results with cubes, most of em rooting but taking their bloody time. Theyre in a low humidity enviroment so i wasnt expecting much, more of an experiment really. All the cuttings were takin during the first 2 or 3 weeks of flowering too, and were had quite hard tissue on their stems. I did scrape some of this off and drop them in some clonex too though. A hindu Kush clone i took in veg that had a soft stem rooted quite nicely though.

I have a small peat pellet prop kit with a dome that im gonna give a shot with soon and see how that goes. Unless i can get the vigour i can get out of seeds from my clones i'll be forgetting about them until i can set up a better enviroment for them. A small shelf with a 20w flouro or something and a bigger dome than i have.

I havent been growing long anyway so my hunger to try new strains is high and i dont have many mates that grow to get different clones off anyway.

Just got 20 fem'd seeds so i might take a clone off each in veg and see if there's a keeper, but im not worried if not.


When I started a friend kindly gave me some clones,they were so tiny and beautiful I just had to master it myself.I can clone now with ease it takes a bit of practice.
The smoke from clones can be stronger than the mother.
Another one took in water and 2 more in cubes.
Gonna change the water every day,its a good way to get clones when you start to grow.Put them in water in by a window or something. :joint:
Just noticed roots coming from the cube,the cutting is 10inches plenty of branches and healthy leaves.She rooted in the window,you cant see in off course.
The clone was taken the same time as te ones in water but from a differant plant,interesting.Rooting gel was used,happydays.Im gonna stick her in a bubbler as ill be leaving soon and want to see her flower.
Youll get a kee :bongsmi: per for sho Hell.:joint: :pimp3: :bandit:
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Quickist roots yet 3days!
I stuck a clone in another plants pot in the window,pulled it and it has a small but vigorous roots.JahRastafari :pimp3:


Aint got any pics handy.
1.Take cut atleast 4inches long.
2.Place in water.
3.Split stem giving more surface area for roots.
4.Dip in clonex
5.Place in premade hole and carefully fill in.

You can buy peat pellets which in my opinion are great.A heated prop is better but not nesassary.Make sure medium is moist but not wet.
Ill try and upload some pics.Tomorrow.

Make the cut beneath a set off nodes make sure atleast one set is under the medium.When starting I reconmend you take more than you need.It isnt hard just touchy.

Weed Widow

New member
I have some cloning pics on my blog.

Not sure if I can post the link but you can find it through my site in my profile.

Weed Widow
i use a rainforest aeroponics propogator, no need for clonex or even a medium. i just stick the clones in supported by a few clay pebbles and can have even rooting of all clones within 6 days. last session managed 160 uniformly rooted clones. only problem i think with this would be if your entire system is not aeroponics. dont like the idea of placing well developed delicate roots into a new harsher medium. once the clones initially root, root development itself is explosive.