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Cloning Failing? Tried Everything? Found the missing link?


Active member
Hundreds of clones. 99% success (the failures would probably have rooted, but I pitched em due to no roots/less roots and limited number of cups to transplant in to).

Perlite. Tupperware ~3" deep, filled with perlite, hole knicked in the bottom. Soak perlite under faucet until water is coming out the drain hole. Turn off water, keep tilted to drain remaining water. Insert clones with a pencil/chop stick/skewer/whatever, using cheapo Home Depot rooting hormone (and other powders, never been brand specific). Pack perlite tightly around clones, cover the whole thing with a large plastic bag. Wait ~10 days and start giving the shitty looking ones a tug. If they resist, take a fork and carefully dig em out.

I always start with the crappy looking clones (after waiting period) because I've noticed the yellowing ones have almost always rooted very well. I reuse the perlite infinitely, until I move houses and dump the tupperware. So, 15 cents of cloning materials for as many clones as you can manage. Glad I always use city tap though if that helps my chances.


New member
I've tried just about every method known to man in cloning and had little to no luck in cloning even had some of those successful cloners show me how but they couldn't get clones as well. My only clones I could get would be using an ezcloner and let them be in their for up to 3 months before roots would show. How you like to baby sit something for 3 months??

Tried using the pool shock for the first time 2 weeks ago and bam roots in 5 days. Think I'm going to break out my humidity domes and trays and see if the pool shock will help that method as well.
I had this problem with moving into new environments and having cloning failures. I fixed my issue by creating an environment inside my humidity domes that are incredibly stable. No temp changes, no rH changes, and if the plants do not cause fogging immediately on the dome then I know I'm not locked in. I also now only clone under a single T8. I went from 100% to 0% and now back to 100%. No one ever talks about stability. Its all about stability.

I cut a bunch, use plain old tap water (no pHing), rapid rooters, Dip n Grow at 20x for 3-5 seconds, put into breakable inserts that go into a tray with no holes on the bottom, I then use perfectly fitting humidity domes (good seal around the corners) then to finalize I take binder clips and clip the dome to the trays near the center of the longest edge to ensure that its all tight and won't get knocked off if bumped.

I have so much air movement in my room (which is horrible for clones) that it was actually the binder clips that truly sealed the deal. Now I can see the water seal around the dome and tray. It matters guys. Trust me, I do hundreds of these things a week with over 50 different strains and since I get bonuses for good results I really make sure that everything is on lock down and will never fail.

Most importantly, good clone stock. Weak plants won't give rooting clones.

So again: good stock, 100% stable environment at all moments, low lighting (T8's are perfect!). Done. In crazy environments its all about ensuring stability of air and temps.

the gnome

Active member
i use 40/60% verm-perlite mix, lowes rooting powder and get near 100% roots in 7-12 days shooting out the bottoms of a hiko tray system, depending on temps.
the hiko trays, depending what i plan to start have 35-50 sites per seed flat.

verm and perlite are the best rooting system Ive used, ymmv


Active member
Low light is key. I use 1 24" T-5 over a std. tray, raised high, with the done covered with a layer of paper towel. Also, stable 80ish temps, soil and air. Good luck. -granger

the gnome

Active member
Low light is key. I use 1 24" T-5 over a std. tray, raised high, with the done covered with a layer of paper towel. Also, stable 80ish temps, soil and air. Good luck. -granger

yup, excellent point and over looked sometimes.
you don't want the plants trying to grow and root but root.
Low lighting isn't everything. Hardly the most important imo. I have several hundred under T8's that do well in rapid rooters and I also have several hundred in aero's that sit out in the open in my mom room which has 12kW going. They are fearless sitting in this room. I've been fixing up this old mom/veg room that I inherited and its actually loaded with hps (I'm working on switching it all out). Weird eh? They all root. Stability is most important when using systems outside of aero. Aero can deal with pretty unstable atmospheres as long as the water temps are kept in check.

We have over 50 varieties too so I'm dealing with crap loads of clones all the time. Also, this is just my opinion so please don't take offense. :)


Active member
Thread is for guys with infected water...
everyone knows how to clone.

PLZ read the thread and stay on topic


New member
I get where you are coming from. No offense taken. Actually, people who have success is helpful. See Easytoke's post above.

I guess my intention was to avoid the people who jump into cloning threads who think it's too easy and ridicule the extensive troubleshooting some have to take.
"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I guess my intention was to avoid the people who jump into cloning threads who think it's too easy and ridicule"

I knew instantly that this was exactly what you meant. Maybe I have better intuition than most folks?

Cheers for the advice. Thought I might try your advice first before commenting. Cut 31 clones 8 days ago and of the 31 30 have mega roots and are beyond ready for soil. Thanks for your help.


New member
"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I guess my intention was to avoid the people who jump into cloning threads who think it's too easy and ridicule"

I knew instantly that this was exactly what you meant. Maybe I have better intuition than most folks?

Cheers for the advice. Thought I might try your advice first before commenting. Cut 31 clones 8 days ago and of the 31 30 have mega roots and are beyond ready for soil. Thanks for your help.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I knew instantly that this was exactly what you meant. Maybe I have better intuition than most folks?

Cheers for the advice. Thought I might try your advice first before commenting. Cut 31 clones 8 days ago and of the 31 30 have mega roots and are beyond ready


New member
"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I guess my intention was to avoid the people who jump into cloning threads who think it's too easy and ridicule"

I knew instantly that this was exactly what you meant. Maybe I have better intuition than most folks?

Cheers for the advice. Thought I might try your advice first before commenting. Cut 31 clones 8 days ago and of the 31 30 have mega roots and are beyond ready for soil. Thanks for your help.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I knew instantly that this was exactly what you meant. Maybe I have better intuition than most folks?

Cheers for the advice. Thought I might try your advice first before commenting. Cut 31 clones 8 days ago and of the 31 30 have mega roots and are beyond ready

who dat is

Cave Dweller
With people using the pool shock treatment in their water, have you noticed a chlorine smell? I clone in my closet where I also germinate and veg and don't want that smell coming out into my room and also getting on my clothes.

Also, I am currently using a home made bubble cloner, should I just ditch this fucker and go with something simpler like a cup or jug? Or even go back to a humidity dome and rapid rooters? I'm pretty fed up with this bubbling rubbermaid bin that's a pain in the ass to change out the water and move around.

Thanks in advance.


At the recommended amounts I only smell chlorine if I'm right next to it or checking inside it etc.

I us an EZ Cloner and the only annoying part is lifting the clones out while changing/adding water and cleaning after it's all done. Overall better than having to worry about humidity levels and domes etc.

Also you probably won't really have to change your water but once if they root in a timely manner, as long as you keep the chlorine levels good then you won't have any problem just topping off the water as needed for a couple weeks.
It's also good to replace your collars from time-to-time. Or buy heat sterilizable cloning collars.

Canna Coco & Aqua
EZ-Clone w/ Permaclone collars
T5 veg, HPS Bloom
Northern Lights (Sensi)
Chocolope (DNA)
Dutch Cheese (DP)
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I use a small homemade bubbler that holds about 2 gallons of water. I put 2 or even 3 cuts for each foam puck. Sometimes I'll just stick a bunch of cuts in each hole. With the pool shock there's no issue. So mucheasier than constantly buying and preparing rockwool cubes, mixing solution, hormones, and fiddling with/ cleaning a dome tray. With the tiny amount of chlorine I don't smell it at all unless I stick my nose right by the water and even then it's almost not noticeable. Pretty much no smell at all. And faster roots than anything else I've tried.

The only time I ever had issues and the pool shock didn't work was when I had several already infected cuts that kept getting slime regardless of the treated water. When I scrapped them and started fresh with new cuts with this routine all my problems went away.


New member
This absolutely works. I failed batch after batch of clones and had given up on it. Then I saw this thread. We get our water from a well so no chlorine. Read this thread, made up a gallon of chlorine water, based on the info in this thread, and I haven't lost a clone since. Thanks a lot OP, you got it goin on!!!


Alpha Phase

Is this the stuff I should use, I noticed my label is a different color, can anyone verify this for me, thanks tmp_31950-Screenshot_2014-09-13-12-26-59-1212401112.jpg


stone fool
I use a styrofoam cup and a tylenol bottle with about 95% success rate for 3 years now, I only do 30 at a time, but could do hundreds with the same method. I have 3 generations of clone machines in the closet, this is easier and better.

Fill 100 count tylenol bottle with regular tap water. Cut an X in the bottom of the cup and invert it over the full bottle. Insert your clone into the X, put under floors 24/7 in a warm room. Takes 2-3 weeks, increasing light after 10 days speeds it up but also increases stress/failure. I know this seems too easy and simple, but that is why I use it, cut them, set it up, monitor for 3 weeks - transplant.


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