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Cloning 101: How to Air Layer



invision said:
well i have about 5 weeks left on my 3 flowering ladies so i figured when im down to 3 weeks left ill start to clone this way giving me just enough time to harvest and continue on with the new clones.....i hope anyways it sounds good on paper.

did you try this yet. I would love to see pics if you did and get some feedback on how it works. peace_highst


While I think this is interesting...

I have some doubts...

Mostly they revolve around a big fat stem rooting vigorously enough to promote rapid growth....

Time will tell....


OOglebird said:
While I think this is interesting...

I have some doubts...

Mostly they revolve around a big fat stem rooting vigorously enough to promote rapid growth....

Time will tell....

it works for sure and the kit will only work for stems 5/8" and smaller. I wouldnt want to go any bigger anyways. As long as the stem is still green and hasn't become "woody" then there is no issue with rooting.


Active member
DJ_highst_ said:
it works for sure and the kit will only work for stems 5/8" and smaller. I wouldnt want to go any bigger anyways. As long as the stem is still green and hasn't become "woody" then there is no issue with rooting.

Would this work using hardwood rooting hormone instead of softwood, if the stem was too big?


acidfire said:
Would this work using hardwood rooting hormone instead of softwood, if the stem was too big?

I think it could still work, but never tried. Remember you are cutting the whole outer layer of bark off, to reveal the cambrian (sp?) layer, where all the rooting takes place. So, I think that as long as you expose this and give it some horomone you could in theory make it work anywhere on the plant.

try it, take some pics and tell us how it worked for you.


Get two birds stoned at once
I've seen this done in many texts about plant propagation and bonsai. I've only seen it done with plastic bags and string/rubber bands but thats the super cheep method.


Take Five...
Hey DJ, nice little thread you got going here. Looks like everything is going well. I am interested in seeing those Jap Maples. I will be getting into some this spring, I think.

Great work!


couple questions...

could I do this with a rw cube?
does it need to be sealed in airtight?
... or just black plastic to block light?
can I do this on the main stem?
... of a young plant?
does this impede growth of the plant?
...or the growth of the root system?


Active member
Yer this is a good old thread though most people who use this technique use jiffy peat pellets. I once had an idea for those who's plant numbers are restricted by law. Take this technique and when the roots come plant them without actually cutting the clone from the plant. Having one large plant with multipal root zones like a spider lol. Imagen pumping the nutes into 1 plant with say 5 buckets as pots. It would be a monster :jerkit:


lol next time i have a flowering clone like this one i might try it. Shoulnt be to hard to get those braches to root. Say one bucket in the middle with 4 arround the outside. Like the number 5 on a dice :rasta:

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GREAT FIND a k now alotta people on here have wanted to take bigger clones includint myself. this is a great it for outdoor season so you can have a decent start on clones when you put em out thanks for shareind k+

Mr Stinkweed

Over the years Ive seen several of these airlayering threads....

but much less roots in the results....

Unfortunately air layering seems to be difficult for cannabis....

Show me the roots.... however you do it....


ICMag Donor
Show me the roots....

Split rootriot with clingfilm/saran wrap and a splash of clonex.

Average 10 days to show roots and cut off at 14 , over fifty done with few losses.

Grafting a female top onto a male rootstock is the difficult one and no luck so far .....


Listen to me jerky
This seems like a good way to root some clones while keeping your numbers down. Any other practitioners of this technique gonna chime in?


id love to see that jwp, you might be able to get some epic yields from "one" plant. im wondering how watering in the main bucket would effect the plant growth above the perimeter buckets. it would be like the buds are drawing from two root systems, you might get some serious monster colas


Active member
Yeah thats what im thinking. 5 root systems lol.
5 times as much nutes = 5 x the cola size?
One day when i have the space i will try it for sure. Its been in my mind for a few years now

Edit: Anyone else have the time, space & resources? I feel a 1 plant world record yeild attempt comming on :crazy:
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well since the thread i started pretty much lead me hear then ill ask my questions here. i read the thread on air cloning and , as i usually do, i was noticing some things that could be done.

in regards to the cloning gel, since ive never used it/them b4, i was wondering:

**could a thin piece of gauze be soaked in the gel and then wrapped around the exposed area? **would that hinder roots being able to grow at all?

**would i be able to use a powder? is there a specific reason why gel is used/suggested?

i am gonna give this a go in a couple days and wanted to make sure that the gel makes as much contact with the exposed area for as long as possible. i really dont want it to get rubbed or rinsed off after one watering.

any ideas, opinions?


ICMag Donor

Have used gells and dry powder rooting products and see no difference in results , they both stop moulds and rots and reduce the time taken over plain water.
Have used bandage/guaze material on outdoor shrubs covering the hormoned wound and it works fine , if a cocktail stick passes easily through it a root will.

Hardest bit is removeing outer plant material completely to an accurate depth , sugest a new scalpel and practice on some scrap material.

Some stems are very weak from this point on and some kind of splint could save trouble later.

After a lot of trials the rootriots are the easiest and most consistant method i have found for Canna and garden shrubs.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I know this is old, but there is a lot fo good info!

A BUMP* is in order.,.....
good vibes