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hey there, i just took a clone off one of my plants about a week ago and i was just wondering, should the leavesbe totally wilted and yellow? I'm pretty sure the wilting is normal but the yellow im not sure of. thanx guys,



more info needed

more info needed

without the whole details on your setup or method,
make sure you have a dome and spray the clone
and the inside of the dome, that will get rid of the wilting.
Usually the yellow tips will indicate the clone is rooting.
I believe by misting the clones and dome helps my % of sucess.
Whole yellow leaf ?


Coreolis Effect

New member
I have to agree with the guys - theres a gazilion ways to clone, more data on the method needed
I use the aero so they stay green all the way, but it sounds like your short on humidity as gh said
more info.

more info.

hey guys, thanx for the response, here's my method:

took the clone and poked a bunch of small holes in it with a pin (for more root sites, read about this on OG)

dipped the clone in water, then in "root start #1" - rooting powder with 0.1% I.B.A

put the clone in a moderately wet 3cm x 3cm Grodan Cube

Sprayed the clone with "no wilt cloning wax" its supposed to stop the clone from wilting, however i think i used it wrong (didnt spray enuf on, or sprayed it on at the wrong time)

and then placed the cube and clone in a plastic cup with water in the bottom and another plastic cup on top (the cube never touched the bottom, so i added water to the bottom for extra humidity)

I can't see much rooting right now, a couple things that might be roots, but i'm not really sure..i think the part where i really went wrong was adding water to the bottom of the plastic cup for humidity because the cube absorbed alot of it somehow. Thanks guys,


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