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Clones when you first get them


New member

I'm starting my first grow soon with a 600w hortilux and a homebox L (3'x3'x7' tent) and when I went to the hydroponics store, he told me to treat all clones as if they had something (problems i.e. pest/mold). He recommended a solution to dip the clones in, but I was fearful that it would stress the plants, or damage them in some way.

Is there a procedure you guys use to properly cleanse the clone before adding them into your garden?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!

I'm starting my first grow soon with a 600w hortilux and a homebox L (3'x3'x7' tent) and when I went to the hydroponics store, he told me to treat all clones as if they had something (problems i.e. pest/mold). He recommended a solution to dip the clones in, but I was fearful that it would stress the plants, or damage them in some way.

Is there a procedure you guys use to properly cleanse the clone before adding them into your garden?

yes it's called isolate them for wk or 2 sounds like he is just tryn to possibly sell you a product you may not need.

best thing you can do is inspect them if you can before purchasing them. if some1 is gifting them apon recieveing them inspect them close

you say your just startn out ya have no other plants to worry about correct. if so i would place clones where you want them growing and keep a watchful eye on them inspect them daily.
after 2 wks if nothing up your fine

for spyder mites you'll want to pay close attention to the leaves undersides as this is where mites are seen. the mites eggs normally align with the main vain to the leafs stem.
mites poop is tiny black specs on leaves undersides in extream infestion over n under will be covered and web will build up on undersides of leaves in veg just have them. during flower espically late in flower your have buds covered in web. 2 times i've had mites 1st time i was infected but eradicated before mid flower. second time i eradicated them apon arrival

for mold and PM prevention air circulation is a key factor in keepn this at bay. you must bring in ample fresh air and remove old heated air, and air circulation with in the grow.

oops lol what product is duder tryn to sell ya just curious


weed fiend
I agree with MP. I might dip if I had lots of clones. Especially with existing plants and or past trouble with the clone source(s). But with low numbers and nothing else to infest you may not need to spend your money.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
yes it's called isolate them for wk or 2

Learned that lesson the hard way in my marine tank days. Take that new $100 fish and dump him in the tank with $2000 worth of fish, corals and anemones... you can have a dead tank by morning.


New member
I forgot what the product name was, it was something called like agromax or agramax (sp?). He basically said to dip the whole clone in to get rid of spider mites or any other problems. He said to stay away from Neem oil as it clogs the pores of the plant.

I'm only gonna have 7-9 plants


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
I forgot what the product name was, it was something called like agromax or agramax (sp?). He basically said to dip the whole clone in to get rid of spider mites or any other problems. He said to stay away from Neem oil as it clogs the pores of the plant.

I'm only gonna have 7-9 plants

9 5 gallonss fit nicely under a 1000. Not sure what the product is, but I have recieved multiple clones twice and both came with mites...

Get rid of the mites while they are still clones, even if that means dipping in a chemical based pesticide. Having to deal with mites will be way worse for you and the plants later than just using whatever neseccary to get rid of them now. Look up something called floramite (sp?) that I have seen on here as an effective miticide. For PM, I have considered using Eagle 20w which gets some great reviews on here (see Krunchbubble's thread), but is again definetely not organic. Some people even go so far as using a sulfur burner throughout veg, but this seems extreme. In fact our local growstore says that they can't (or won't) sell them anymore because it is dangerous.

For longterm prevention we use neem mixed with Pro-tekt once a week and try to keep everything spotless (floor, walls, soil, etc..).

Good luck!


ICMag Donor
With a first grow and starting clean i would make every effort to prevent mites being introduced into the room , consider every new plant to be infested and spray/dip and isolate.

Mite damage is easily seen but you cannot reliably spot eggs , dont risk the whole grow for a small expense and effort , vastly more difficult and expensive to treat once established and the whole room is contaminated.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
I forgot what the product name was, it was something called like agromax or agramax (sp?). He basically said to dip the whole clone in to get rid of spider mites or any other problems. He said to stay away from Neem oil as it clogs the pores of the plant.

I'm only gonna have 7-9 plants
duders so full of crap on neem oil i use it on established plants n/p wonderful preventitive product to keep pests away.

azamax bottle he tried to sell ya was prolly 100$ or more

foomar did you even read his first post his garden is empty no plants yet. no risk of infecting his whole garden


ICMag Donor
foomar did you even read his first post his garden is empty no plants yet. no risk of infecting his whole garden

Yes i did , simply trying to save him much grief later on by never allowing mites into a clean room from the start.

Houseplants from garden centres and nurseries should be treated the same way , prevention is far better with mites as evidenced by the numerous threads on the forum where growers are struggling.

A third of the cuts and plants i have acquired have had mites , some root aphids as well.


New member
Azamax is the exact product he was trying to tell me. So neem oil is the way to go? Just spray all the clones with them or how do I apply them?

Also, I don't have a 1000w but a 600w, would that still be enough for 9 plants? I'm thinking lst to get bushier plants, but afraid of it getting over crowded in there.

And my environment isn't exactly clean at the moment. :/ I purchased a used homebox l and haven't disinfected it yet.


ICMag Donor
Azamax contains AZADIRACHTIN 1.2% which is the same active ingredient as in all neem products , natural or synthetic in origin.

The key insecticidal ingredient found in the neem tree is azadirachtin, a naturally occurring substance that belongs to an organic molecule class called tetranortriterpenoids . It is structurally similar to insect hormones which control the process of metamorphosis as the insects pass from larva to pupa to adult.

Metamorphosis requires the careful synchrony of many hormones and other physiological changes to be successful, and azadirachtin seems to be an "ecdysone blocker."

It blocks the insect's production and release of these vital hormones. Insects then will not molt, thus breaking their life cycle.

Azadirachtin may also serve as a feeding deterrent for some insects. Depending on the stage of life-cycle, insect death may not occur for several days. However, upon ingestion of minute quantities, insects become quiescent and stop feeding.

Residual insecticidal activity is evident for 7 to 10 days orlonger, depending on insect and application rate


Active member
He said to stay away from Neem oil as it clogs the pores of the plant.

This is poor advice. My plants love neem. They tell me so.

It depends on the product but 2tsp per gallon with some organic plant based dish soap is what I use. Spray entire plant front and back of each leaf, stems, base, top layer of soil every 2 days for about 2 weeks. Your plants will thank you.

I have used it even on unrooted clones. (be careful if using soil on unrooted clones you don't want to rot the stem keeping it too wet)


New member
This is poor advice. My plants love neem. They tell me so.

It depends on the product but 2tsp per gallon with some organic plant based dish soap is what I use. Spray entire plant front and back of each leaf, stems, base, top layer of soil every 2 days for about 2 weeks. Your plants will thank you.

I have used it even on unrooted clones. (be careful if using soil on unrooted clones you don't want to rot the stem keeping it too wet)
Thank you so much for the advice :)


All my plants get a prophylactic treatment at a minimum right before going into flower. I would treat any plants brought from outside sources as if they were infected with mites and PM. It's cheap insurance and you should have a protocol in place that severely reduces the "opportunity" to treat for anything during flowering.

I've never had mites and I hope I never do.
Mites are the WORST. It's so easy to get them from new clones. Me too. It's much safer to use Neem Oil or pesticides early on in growth than during the flowering months. I've heard that mineral oil works to kill mite eggs. I'm thinking about using a Mineral (petroleum) Oil / Azamax bath that clones can be dipped into. What does everyone think???

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
In order to reduce the risk of spider mite infestation one must think like Strategic Air Command and there motto is ETERNAL VIGILANCE.

Inspect the clones daily. I spray even if there is no obvious signs of mites. I use a sulphur based spray but I'm sure many of the others work.

Remember....eternal vigilance or your plants could look like this horror show!







These were my mother plants.

The production of Colloidal Silver feminised seed saved the strain.

mad librettist

Active member
Yes i did , simply trying to save him much grief later on by never allowing mites into a clean room from the start.

I see lots of threads about people cleaning the room and starting over. I have never read a thread about someone successfully keeping mites out of the garden forever.

not sure why people even bother trying to sterilize an indoor garden.


Active member
Thats looks terrible... Spider mites are pain in my ass also.... HOW TO KILL THEM FOREVER AND EVER!!!????