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Clones still drooping - Overwatering or Root Problems?


New member
Trying to figure out if my clones drooping is a result of overwatering or root problems (or both).

I pre-soaked each of the blocks in 5.5 pH balanced water for a couple hours before transplanting. I would imagine this resulted in the overwatering since the block was probably too big.

The leaves themselves aren't flimsy and don't seem too unhealthy, but they have been consistently droopy since the initial watering.

Recently, I have noticed the leaves are starting to look twisted (as you can see in the pictures). I have seen diagnosis of this related to root problems.

Wondering if I should do something to try to get the root more error, or give an additional round of root nutrients. I am hesitant on any additional nutrients as I don't want to give it any more water right now.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



Active member
Are these already rooted? Go really easy on nutrients until you have an established root system.

Can't see your pictures, but I would suggest always using a product to help ensure root health. Personally I love Z7, which is an enzymatic cleanser. It's very inexpensive and works great. Another great product is Hydroguard. Another is SM-90. All three will keep pathogens to a minimum and prevent root issues.