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Clones need no doctor


Domesticator of Cannabis
My Old Flame has diagnosed a Potassium deficiency & over watering or Something issue with my neglected clones.

These were freshly watered just before the sick pictures were taken & posted. I neglected these babies but have no fear they bounced back like a charm, as always. I only use what's in my list below.

Here's my clones today & they're looking great since a day ago.

Here's the 3 Veggers today

Here's my HPS Bloomers 3

The eldest around 21 days to go.

My 2 MH Bloomers.

Things I've needed to use:
*Potting Soil/Perlite or
*Pro-Mix BX/HP
*Fish Emulsion
*PBP Bloom
*Epsom Salts
*Tap Water
*Molasses - Optional
*TLC - Sparingly

Thanks for viewing.
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Dr. Doolittle
What he also has NOT mentioned from another thread..... that he did not put in this one is the time frame from the pictures he took on the top were a lot longer than the recent pics, so those pics on the top were hungry and overwatered so he let them dry out for a long time and then took pics of the recent ones after watering.


Take Five...
There is no point to this thread being in the infirmary, other than bragging and ego strokin....

Keep it in your grow thread please. This place is for people who need help with their sick plants, not for ego maniacs to come get their jollies showin off.....


Domesticator of Cannabis
Yeah I knew you would have an excuse, again doolittle. These clones are as healthy as they look somebody doesn't know as much as they'd like to think. They're under the 400 MH deary they left the nest after the watering & first pictures. The 2 on the buckets were watered again yesterday, the rest get it today - Nothing but Tap water!

I was Flamed (again) peeps. Lets keep that off the board but I don't see any of the mouths stepping up to the plate I suppose they're not man enough - just some whiners. I've called her on her BS a few times, she doesn't get it yet. The Delusional one with the sirgrassalot fixation has been proved Wrong time & time again. She should mind her own business & BUG OFF. She must like making an ass out of herself.

Some beginners also asked what was wrong with my plants = I'm answering them so keep the mouth to yourself unless it's constructive. I do agree though I need no doctor. That's why I'm here to help. I'm just taking someone to task & showing my own fix. I have problems that arise in my garden the odd time don't we all, I like to share.

As I told everyone these plants needed water & some Epsom in a foliar spray that's what they got - Nothing else. They're now vegging happily. I also said I only need 3-4 the rest I'll will be culling. Their survival will show the doubters & get a laugh off the old flame.

I can take more pictures if anyone is still in doubt. LMAO
It's a good thing I take my own Medicine.

The Flamer is asking for this thread binned? Anyone care to answer why they'd want that? hehehe They would definitely be a greater asset if they kept their personal comments to themselves. I don't know why or care that they live pathetic lives & feel the need to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. Please get some help.

Thanks for viewing & stewin'

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." LoL
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Take Five...
Sorry but you are the noob here who is sorely mistaken. You are messing with people who are held in high regard. You are a nobody here with no track record and nobody wants or asked for your opinion. You are a sad troll, like dozens before you....

No one asked you to post your garbage here in the infirmary. I guess basic reading comprehension is hard for you.

Try finding the proper forum, it's not the infirmary and you have been going at people since the day you arrived here. Maybe MySpace is more your style.

What kind of a clown calls people on over the internet? A pathetic one, that's who :badday: No one is impressed with your shit.

You're a weed bad ass, yes, who cares....

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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
sirgrassalot said:
These were freshly watered just before the sick pictures were taken & posted. I neglected these babies but have no fear they bounced back like a charm, as always. I only use what's in my list below.

Things I've needed to use:
*Potting Soil/Perlite or
*Pro-Mix BX/HP
*Fish Emulsion
*PBP Bloom
*Epsom Salts
*Tap Water
*Molasses - Optional
*TLC - Sparingly

Thanks for viewing.

like you did something special...with what are you trying to stroke your ego here??


Domesticator of Cannabis
What nothing special I fixed a potassium deficiency & over watering issue with tap water & Epsom's salts. I have miracle plants & the cure to grow them. Growing Cannabis is very simple, I agree. Nothing about the flaming eh...


Dr. Doolittle
He is bi polar seriously, if anyone has fit the description it's him.
sirgrass, you not only come after me, but you also go after my friends and Idon't tolerate that, espeically when you try to bully yourself up against someone who knows stacks of knowledge compared to you.
I find that rude and VERY disrespectful, I find that you are trying to make a name for yourself and you ended up puting yourself in a place where you can't get out of now.

You dug your hole, now you will live in it as far as I am concerned.

What nothing special I fixed a potassium deficiency & over watering issue with tap water & Epsom's salts. I have miracle plants & the cure to grow them. Growing Cannabis is very simple, I agree. Nothing about the flaming eh...

Now you agree it's a potassium D and over watering. I would LOVE to know how you fixed a potassium problem with epsom salts and fixed it with overwatering.......

Another old wives tale you are telling?
Or did you get that from your other personality that told you this?
Yeah. I thought they were just canabalizing and there was no problems with them. Stitch told you they had deficiencies but you claimed other wise. Better go back and edit everything you said before so you can look right again.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
They're doing great thanks for asking btw. If you read the first line on the thread it should set you straight. You missed my sarcasm no doubt. LoL

Now I have too many plants & I must kill some. I only add to my postings I've never changed them. Remember I called someone on that before. Also the flame started this nonsense from my earliest postings believing I was some pal of hers. I had that stopped & now they don't do that anymore so they started to put down my advice. I called them on that too, again nothing. Now they can prove to us all that I started anything except to stand up for myself. So I have no problem staying here I'm above the flaming but I don't mind getting a laugh off them when they're wrong. I see it's right up your alley. I keep reading no one is above the rules here.
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