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Clones keep dying.


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Brand new containers. It's just a Jiffy tray that the plants grow through. Basically a peat pot full of medium, so to speak.

Oh well. I really don't have any time left to mess with it. June 14th is the last day for them to take root. They're either in flower by June 14th or I won't finish them. I guess I can try a few more cuttings tonight.

if you read through the thread i posted a link to you'll
see how easy it is to use, almost idiot proof, lol.

another thing to consider that won't help with a SOG
but will at least preserve the genetics is to reveg them
after you harvest, assuming none of your cuts root.


I wish dude. I have no place to keep them, I gotta tear down the grow after harvest otherwise I would have kept a mother. Only on a 6 month lease, and then I'm relocating to South Carolina. Got under 3 months left lol, gotta be gone end of August. That's where all my deadlines come from, June 14th in order to harvest these by mid August, giving me 2 weeks to chop 'em, dry 'em, and jar 'em. They'll be curing in South Carolina.

Basically, what I'm doing is, I have a semi-perpetual vert grow (started flowering 3 different times). My cab has 3 lights stacked vertically supporting 3 levels of plants. The very top level holds my speed queen that's 10 days in flower and some bagseed that I started flowering 2 months ago that's almost finished. The clones were supposed to take the place of that bagseed on the very top level. I need about 10-15 clones to do so, and so I'm trying to acquire some more of that NL5. I can put clones straight into flower and have them finish on time. I can't do that from seed.

As of right now, I have 3 clones rooted, 2 NL5 (which I traded for 2 rooted speed queens) and 1 Mandala#1 male. I wanted 2 clone (1 of each strain) to place with the male in a separate closet under CFL's.


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It's DEFINITELY not moisture. The soil dried out within 24 hours and I've been barely keeping it moist.

I'm back to the light. I think that was the problem, they were just too far gone by the time I removed it. Meh, I'm trying to get my hands on 20 of those NL5 clones to take their spot instead.

definately not? you used a dome.. yet they dried out?? HOW!?! you messed it up and i(and other people) told you what causes them to wilt and die, dont discount the views of people that have cloned more plants than you.


too much moisture will definitely cause wilting/root rotting, leading to death of the clones. after i take clones and put in dome i dont even mist cloens i mist the inside of the dome after i take it off the bottom part. other than that take a good cut, pput it in the clonex for like 30 seconds, put in medium. if you are still having trouble ide suggest getting a product called Wilt-Pruf. the stuff is great. after you take the cut and trim off any leaf ends spray it on leaves on top n bottom and rubb it in gently. this should give you a very good success rate.

Grass Lands

Dude...I'm telling ya....check the PPM's of your mix and see if its to hot bro...also be careful of the MG perlite it is loaded with nutes, not good for fresh cuts...light could be the issue...cuts root best under minimum light levels...

From what I see...its time to step back and take a deep breath and decide which direction to go in...with all the do this and do that, and if you've changed the env 20 times over the course of this thread then the cuts are wondering which direction to go in...slow down and think it thru and it will come to you bro...

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
If your going to have another go may I suggest trimming the fan leaves a bit more to reduce transpiration.


Active member
they are suffocating bigtime. fan them twice a day every 12 hours. i like the domes with adjustaholes for ventilation.

after taking cuts put dome on for 24 hours, then start the bi daily fanning. every other day make the ventialtion holes bigger, cuts love co2 too. so after every fanning, blow breathe into the dome. i get roots every 5-10 days, 99% success, d


Active member
ps, ive used clonex, rootech, atami gel, juicy roots, and roots with fungicide. all with the same success rates, remember, hormones mean nothing in stagnant air, d


Hm about the suffocating, I had a tiny fan blowing through a vent hole in my dome. I left a corner cracked and I had a fan blowing between the dome and the light and a lot of the air blew on that crack.

But doesn't matter, I got that Walmart ice cube tray

drilled some holes

50/50 mix of my medium/perlite

I re-cut my clones under water, scraped them all under water and split some of the stems. Re-dipped in some clonex and re-planted. I'm not expecting much out of them, really only see maybe 1 making it through. But who knows. The BASE of the stem was still stiff and not all wilty like the top.

I'll be taking a few more clones tonight just to test out this new cloner thingy. I just put it in my humidity dome base (without the dome) full of about 1"-2" of water.

Trimmed the lowest set of leaves off (ALL of my leaves but the very top were 'squared away' to prevent excess transpiration)


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definately not? you used a dome.. yet they dried out?? HOW!?! you messed it up and i(and other people) told you what causes them to wilt and die, dont discount the views of people that have cloned more plants than you.


Fucks sake. You act like I've never rooted a clone before when I've had over 100 root with abgout a 80% success rate doing EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING NOW.

That's why I made this thread. Get off your high horse. I'm actually taking the advice here and USING IT. It's NOT WORKING. It's OBVIOUSLY not over watered when the soil was bone dry and it wasn't getting misted. I've been growing for 9 years. I've taken clones off EVERY harvest except for my very first one. My FIRST time cloning was about 50% return, other than that 80%-90%. Doing EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING NOW. So really, I don't wanna hear it. I'm reading this. I'm taking the advice that seems sound to me, and I'm putting it to use.

The ONLY thing I can think of it being is too much light or possibly too much nutes. The light bulbs were unscrewed as soon as somebody said it could have been too much light.

And in case you haven't noticed there's quite a bit of conflicting information here "OMG THEY'RE OVERWATERED!" "omfg not enough humidity!" "OMFG TOO MUCH LIGHT!"

Bro, I can only do so much for 'em. So once again, off my ass will ya? Maybe you'll feel better when I tell you that I took your advice and put it into use and that it didn't work for me either.

I'm not going off on you telling your your advice sucks tho am I?


Active member
i root with 1250 ppm, just like my moms get. as far as scraping pr splitting, id do 1 or the other, imvho it just sounds like you are doing too much. another thing ime is that the more you try to root, the more things change. i remember rooting 20 or so at a time, then takingh an order for some friends and doing 78(thats a packed full tray with the 40/40"s) and my success rate went from 99% to 40% becuase i never considered that more plants mean more breathing needing more fresh air. babies always disappointed me the most when i was trying to dial em in.

i would ditch the fan and let hotter air escape from the roof of the dome. li guys dont like fresh air from fans. its easy to blow co2 on them from the top hioles too i find, just more 2 cents bro, good luck, d


Active member
i root with 1250 ppm, just like my moms get. as far as scraping pr splitting, id do 1 or the other, imvho it just sounds like you are doing too much. another thing ime is that the more you try to root, the more things change. i remember rooting 20 or so at a time, then takingh an order for some friends and doing 78(thats a packed full tray with the 40/40"s) and my success rate went from 99% to 40% becuase i never considered that more plants mean more breathing needing more fresh air. babies always disappointed me the most when i was trying to dial em in.

i would ditch the fan and let hotter air escape from the roof of the dome. li guys dont like fresh air from fans. its easy to blow co2 on them from the top hioles too i find, just more 2 cents bro, good luck, d

ps its wierd, the less i tried with babies, the better i got ei+ i just cut, dip and stick. i dont romve anything or tamoer with anything. i notice root zone temps co2 and fresh air mean the most ime


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Some strains are a bit more finicky than others, but I don't really do anything special and get 95+ percent rooting out of hundreds of cuts.
What I do:
-Take longer cuts, branches, whatever and stick em in a jar of tap water so I don't have to cut from the mother and clone em right away, I can have a jar full of cuts in the fridge for a few days with no problems as long as I mist them once and a while. I try to take the cuts and stick them in peat pellets right away, but it's no big deal if they sit for a day or two.

-Soak however many peat pellets you'll need in tap water, then poke a little hole in the top with a shiska-bob stick. Don't worry if the peat pellets are a little over saturated, we'll get to that later.

-Pull em out of the water, trim the fan leaves a little if theres alot of vegetation on there then cut the bottom off at an angle. Lots of people say to use a sterile razor blade, I just use whatever sharp blade I have sitting around and give it a wipe with ISO alcohol.

-dip them in rooting hormone (I like rootmax, any gel should work though). I just dip straight into the jar, I've never bothered with pouring it into a shot glass. I usually just buy a new jar of rooting hormones if it's been sitting around for more than a few weeks. Cheap insurance.

-Plug the cuts into the peat pellets, and squeeze the peat pellet around the cut to get rid of any excess moisture.

-place em under domes under t12's, mist and fan a couple times a day, morning and night. In 7-10 days they have nearly all rooted, some are slower so I just leave em until those ones show roots or die, usually there's 5 or 6 out of every hundred that don't make it or are so slow I toss em.

-Once roots appear, I transplant into HEKO seedling plug trays full of a mix of 30% "sea-soil" and 70% pro-mix. The sea-soil isn't necessary, I just find it really makes them take off quickly. cover with a dome with a few 1 inch holes cut in the top, I stick em under a 400w HPS which works okay for veg, once they're in the tray's they really take off. I still mist them a few times a day for the first few days after the transplant, then they start toughening up and I remove the dome full-time and might give them the odd mist here and there.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Some strains are a bit more finicky than others, but I don't really do anything special and get 95+ percent rooting out of hundreds of cuts.
What I do:
-Take longer cuts, branches, whatever and stick em in a jar of tap water so I don't have to cut from the mother and clone em right away, I can have a jar full of cuts in the fridge for a few days with no problems as long as I mist them once and a while. I try to take the cuts and stick them in peat pellets right away, but it's no big deal if they sit for a day or two.

-Soak however many peat pellets you'll need in tap water, then poke a little hole in the top with a shiska-bob stick. Don't worry if the peat pellets are a little over saturated, we'll get to that later.

-Pull em out of the water, trim the fan leaves a little if theres alot of vegetation on there then cut the bottom off at an angle. Lots of people say to use a sterile razor blade, I just use whatever sharp blade I have sitting around and give it a wipe with ISO alcohol.

-dip them in rooting hormone (I like rootmax, any gel should work though). I just dip straight into the jar, I've never bothered with pouring it into a shot glass. I usually just buy a new jar of rooting hormones if it's been sitting around for more than a few weeks. Cheap insurance.

-Plug the cuts into the peat pellets, and squeeze the peat pellet around the cut to get rid of any excess moisture.

-place em under domes under t12's, mist and fan a couple times a day, morning and night. In 7-10 days they have nearly all rooted, some are slower so I just leave em until those ones show roots or die, usually there's 5 or 6 out of every hundred that don't make it or are so slow I toss em.

-Once roots appear, I transplant into HEKO seedling plug trays full of a mix of 30% "sea-soil" and 70% pro-mix. The sea-soil isn't necessary, I just find it really makes them take off quickly. cover with a dome with a few 1 inch holes cut in the top, I stick em under a 400w HPS which works okay for veg, once they're in the tray's they really take off. I still mist them a few times a day for the first few days after the transplant, then they start toughening up and I remove the dome full-time and might give them the odd mist here and there.

Was that a Hiko tray like this you were talking about.



Smokin......Honestly mate just keep it simple, I also forgot to say that you should try putting about a inch of water at the bottom of your clones to keep the medium moist and dont use any nutes, you can give them a diluted spray of seaweed fert about 5 days after cloning....it has a growth hormone in it....here is a pic of the same clones put in soil and thrown out in the sun.....anyway just thought I would throw in some more shit to confuse you......good luck mate....K


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Active member
Hm about the suffocating, I had a tiny fan blowing through a vent hole in my dome. I left a corner cracked and I had a fan blowing between the dome and the light and a lot of the air blew on that crack.

But doesn't matter, I got that Walmart ice cube tray

drilled some holes

50/50 mix of my medium/perlite

I re-cut my clones under water, scraped them all under water and split some of the stems. Re-dipped in some clonex and re-planted. I'm not expecting much out of them, really only see maybe 1 making it through. But who knows. The BASE of the stem was still stiff and not all wilty like the top.

I'll be taking a few more clones tonight just to test out this new cloner thingy. I just put it in my humidity dome base (without the dome) full of about 1"-2" of water.

Trimmed the lowest set of leaves off (ALL of my leaves but the very top were 'squared away' to prevent excess transpiration)

high my brother stoner, i hope you won't take this the
wrong way but you need to read the thread, at least the
first 4 - 6 pages of dialogue.

i say this because it's been my experience that the best
medium is vermiculite, absolutely everything else i tried
failed, and dismally i might add.

anyway, like i said, i offer the link again because that
is a much more definitive discussion than i can give
here. much more entertaining too, lol.


i want to say again that if you read the thread and follow
the directions you are guaranteed success, with perlite,
sadly, i think they won't take, at least it didn't work
for me.


Hey guys, I think that cloner thing is working already. Took a few pictures of it all so here's what's going on:

1st pic is a picture of all the old ones that I re-cut and dipped. The red squares mark the ones that I think have a chance of coming back. A couple of them obviously are making an improvement.

2nd pic includes the new cuttings. On the very right in the red are the new speed queen, the ones in the middle in the blue box are the mandala#1, and all the yellow ones are the old stuff.

3rd pic is just showing it where it sits. In about an inch of water under 42w CFL.


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high my brother stoner, i hope you won't take this the
wrong way but you need to read the thread, at least the
first 4 - 6 pages of dialogue.

i say this because it's been my experience that the best
medium is vermiculite, absolutely everything else i tried
failed, and dismally i might add.

anyway, like i said, i offer the link again because that
is a much more definitive discussion than i can give
here. much more entertaining too, lol.


i want to say again that if you read the thread and follow
the directions you are guaranteed success, with perlite,
sadly, i think they won't take, at least it didn't work
for me.

It's all good man, I did read it, and I basically only bought it because I was at Walmart,and I thought I'd see if they had 'em. My medium is mostly vermiculite I believe - its a soilless medium pretty sure its vermiculite based, I just mixed it with some perlite because I wanted it to hold less water. Don't really have a place to go pick up a bag of vermiculite around here anyway. Don't really wanna drive an hour on the off chance they'll take root. I've had success cloning with my medium before and I think they're improving already to be honest.

I plan on going to Walmart tomorrow and buying the remaining 3 ice cube trays lol. I'll be sure to try 100% vermiculite next time - but forreal, thanks for that link! I actually like this already. No misting, nothing really. Just add a cup of water now and again. Big res to pour it in, no slow pouring, just... I love it!


Active member
It's all good man, I did read it, and I basically only bought it because I was at Walmart,and I thought I'd see if they had 'em. My medium is mostly vermiculite I believe its a soilless medium, I just mixed it with some perlite because I wanted it to hold less water. Don't really have a place to go pick up a bag of vermiculite around here anyway. Don't really wanna drive an hour on the off chance they'll take root. I've had success cloning with my medium before and I think they're improving already to be honest.

I plan on going to Walmart tomorrow and buying the remaining 3 ice cube trays lol. I'll be sure to try 100% vermiculite next time - but forreal, thanks for that link! I actually like this already. No misting, nothing really. Just add a cup of water now and again. Big res to pour it in, no slow pouring, just... I love it!
keep the res around 80 - 84 degrees, and walmart has
vermiculite in the garden section, don't get the stuff with
nutes in it as it's too hot for cuts.

btw, they use vermiculite, and a lot of it, when they build
in-ground pools and shit so you can find vermiculite at
many pool supply houses.



Thanks for the tip dude. I did look for it at Walmart, I didn't see any though. My medium basically has the consistency of a seed starting soil or fine vermiculite so I really do think they'll be okay.

Cant really deny that the near the bottom left is doing better tho. It really did look much like the others a mere 6-8 hours ago. The leaves fully opened and it looks healthy, IMO.

Some of the others are perking up. Whatever it was, the cloner or the re-cutting the clones, or the 50/50 medium... it's making an obvious improvement quick.

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