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Clones keep dying.


Here's a cheap and pretty much idiot proof method that I taught a few friends...

Get a 5gal bucket, some 1/2" thick styrofoam, a fish tank air pump or a little submersible to circulate the water, one of those cheap shop clamp lights and small (9w or 13w) wattage cfl and a terrarium heat mat to put under the bucket in the winter if needed. A regular aquarium heater would work too, I just happened to have a heat mat.

Fill the bucket 1/3 full with any old water, you can pH it if you want but it really doesn't matter.

Cut a piece of styrofoam so it just fits inside the bucket and punch some 1/4" (or so) holes in it. I'd recommend a heated screwdriver for punching the holes. You can number the holes with a marker so you know what is what.

You can use whatever to cut your clones, honestly, a rusty blade or scissors will work just as well as sterilized ones, they don't care. I usually remove all but the top set(s) of leaves.

Throw your pump or airstone in, stuff the cuts in the holes and clamp the light to the top of the bucket so the bulb is a few inches above the rim.

Even the most stubborn clones root this way, no hormones or anything fancy required. The most important factor is the water temp, it should be 70f-80f, the second most important is giving them just enough light to root. You don't want the plants trying to grow with no roots, it's bad for them.

Actually the MOST important thing might be to not make it harder than it is. It's a weed that will clone itself given the chance. I've done them in a quart mason jar without ever changing the water before and I've had the same frustrations as you're having before too.

Once I quit worrying about every little anal detail and just gave them the basics with about as much care as you'd give any other weed, things got a lot easier.

Specifically (I think someone already mentioned it) I think you're giving them way too much light. The plants are likely shriveling up because they're trying to grow w/o any roots.


Thanks for the tip on the lights again. I've definitely cut back the lights. One bulb now instead of 3. Let's hope they perk up.

Come to think of it, i've always cloned under a 62w cool white CFL. I gave that away to a grower in need. Meh, didn't really know more light could hurt them.


Oh wow. Maybe I'm really high, or maybe I'm just....

I THINK they look a little better? Lol, it could just be me but I couldn't resist. They seem to be standing up a little better? I'm gonna take a macro here shortly and then again in the morning from the same spot. I'll try to compare 'em that way.


Whenever my clones fall over like yours it is because my humidity levels are not high enough. I would advise you to stop spraying your clones and just spray the dome on the inside. If you put a heat mat underneath and set the temperature slightly above room temp it will make your dome fog up and your clones will perk right up without the need for spraying your clones or the inside of the dome.

As far as humidity levels are concerned, I keep mine at 100% for the first 24 hours, I will now take off the dome for a minute a few times a day to start hardening them off slowly over the next few days. I will then open the ports on the dome for the rest of the process and this gives me a humidity level of about 85%.

Get your humidity levels right and I guarantee your wilting problem will diminish. Just mess around with the temps on your heat mat until it makes your dome fog up, 85 degrees works for me.



I'll try that out too. They're not actually looking much better, but I'm almost positive there IS a difference that the light made. They were laying on the ground totally... now it's like their kinda poking their heads up a little.

I misted the sides of the humidity dome and stuck it in, didn't wet the plants. I have no heat mat, but I'm improvising at the time. I spray hot water on the dome as well as in the cervices of the bottom of the humidity dome thingy. It's been getting it steamy in there.

May have to rig an incandescent bulb up underneath my humidity dome.

Edit: Okay so I've got a light bulb under the humidity dome. I got it on an extension cord into the inside of a cardboard box with a square cut off the top in which the humidity dome sits on. It got a bit too hot with an incandescent bulb so I put in one of my 42w CFL's in there instead.

Double edit: Okay so even the CFL is too hot. I put a piece of cardboard over the hole and back to the incandescent bulb.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll



Check cloning thread below.


I've already decided I'll be making a cloner for my next grow.

I'm just trying to salvage what I have. So my soil is dry. I re-misted the inside of the humidity dome because I had it propped on one side so it was ventilating itself. It's totally sealed now and the light bulb under it is keeping it foggy in there, but not hot or anything.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Gee, I wish I'd seen this thread earlier, I would have guessed too strong on the light right away. New cuts wilting are almost always because of either too little moisture or too much light. Using a soilmix is not the greatest idea, but shouldn't prevent you from success. A water cloner or rockwool cubes would probably be better in the future. Reducing the light intensity definitely did produce an immediate improvement, your eyes did not deceive. Usually it only takes an hour or so for them to lift up a bit if/when the conditions improve.


Ah well fuck. If it was the light, then they're probably not coming back. ONE looks like it may live. I'm thinking about pulling them up, scraping an inch of the stem and re-dipping in clonex. Meh.


Ah well fuck. If it was the light, then they're probably not coming back. ONE looks like it may live. I'm thinking about pulling them up, scraping an inch of the stem and re-dipping in clonex. Meh.

Hi Smokin....I just use a fluro light, vermiculite/perlite mix cover the light and clones with clear plastic, spray twice a day for the first 3 days then once a day after that and I have a 100% strike rate every time, simple and easy....even the Green tree frogs like it in there, my bug catchers.....cheers K


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God dammit, I think I may try to take another cutting or two. More of because I'm more frustrated than anything. Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I do think I may suck it up and transplant. They should NOT look this way and nothng I'm doing is working. I think I'm gonna take the worst of them and try re-cutting/scraping/dipping, and put them in a 50/50 mix with perlite.


Active member
God dammit, I think I may try to take another cutting or two. More of because I'm more frustrated than anything. Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I do think I may suck it up and transplant. They should NOT look this way and nothng I'm doing is working. I think I'm gonna take the worst of them and try re-cutting/scraping/dipping, and put them in a 50/50 mix with perlite.
high man, sorry you're having problems but that's how
we learn, lol.

anyway, here's a link to a cloning thread that i think will help you.


here's a couple pic's so you can see it, oh, and btw,
i used a DIY bubble cloner for over a year when i
found this thread and only read it in the interests
of having a full understanding.

then, i decided to give it a try even though i was already
getting near 100% because it looked so freeken easy!

and man, is it ever easy, lol.



Well not to be a dick but if the starter of this thread actually followed up on some advice that contradicts his way of thinking im sure things would be better by now.



Active member
too much light and too much moisture in the medium will make them wilt and die and rot and mould up. try "peat pucks" they are a little easier to get the moisture level right. there is no need to mist them with a dome btw.


Well not to be a dick but if the starter of this thread actually followed up on some advice that contradicts his way of thinking im sure things would be better by now.


Try reading the whole thread.

I listened to damn near everyone's advice and tried several things. I'd remove the humidity dome based on advice... 12-24 hours later with no improvement? Next persons advice is MORE humidity, so I add it back. Dude, I tried about 20 different things here. Light, humidity, temps, medium... I've changed the conditions based on advice at least 10 times. now.


too much light and too much moisture in the medium will make them wilt and die and rot and mould up. try "peat pucks" they are a little easier to get the moisture level right. there is no need to mist them with a dome btw.

It's DEFINITELY not moisture. The soil dried out within 24 hours and I've been barely keeping it moist.

I'm back to the light. I think that was the problem, they were just too far gone by the time I removed it. Meh, I'm trying to get my hands on 20 of those NL5 clones to take their spot instead.


high man, sorry you're having problems but that's how
we learn, lol.

anyway, here's a link to a cloning thread that i think will help you.


here's a couple pic's so you can see it, oh, and btw,
i used a DIY bubble cloner for over a year when i
found this thread and only read it in the interests
of having a full understanding.

then, i decided to give it a try even though i was already
getting near 100% because it looked so freeken easy!

and man, is it ever easy, lol.

Dude that is a sweet cheap cloner. I've never needed one before, but I'll definitely be investing in one after this. I'm on day 10 of flower, so I may just give it another shot. Literally only have a few cuttings I'd be willing to take. I may have to give it another shot.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I haven't read through all the post so forgive me if this has already been said

I haven't read through all the post so forgive me if this has already been said

Some plants are just a bitch to clone and they need it all lol.. they need the best cloning gels ,heating mats, domes ,temp has to be right ect. Nothing to do with you just really the genetics of the plant itself . I find with the hybrid clone only strains they are one of the worst if not the worst to clone lol..peace out Headband707:)


Brand new containers. It's just a Jiffy tray that the plants grow through. Basically a peat pot full of medium, so to speak.

Oh well. I really don't have any time left to mess with it. June 14th is the last day for them to take root. They're either in flower by June 14th or I won't finish them. I guess I can try a few more cuttings tonight.